Doo dee doo.
I supposed I should take care of a couple of items that are waiting on me. Then maybe I'll get some lunch, take my antibiotic and do some more surfing.
Sinus Update
Oh, speaking of the weather, we've gone from frigid cold 2 days ago to this:
What the?
Now I can sleep at night.
Driving Miss Crazy
I looked for the rainbow sticker, to no avail. I looked into the driver's side as I passed the truck, and to my delight, the driver was a man. I don't know why, it just made me laugh out loud.
Baby It's Cold Outside.
And dry - my sinuses and the inside of my nose actually hurt with every breath I take.
Pedro rips Red Sox, Schilling, 'arrogant' Epstein
You want him, Mets, you got him. What an egotistical, arrogant son-of-a-nutcracker.
Man, Christmas can't come soon enough!
New show.
"Reopening files on old crimes and applying cutting-edge techniques always seems to unearth chilling new dangers for the crackerjack members of the Cold Case Unit, led by Chief Inspector Boyd. But if anyone can track down a murderer years after a crime, they can.
Boyd and his tight-knit team, psychologist Dr. Grace Foley, forensic specialist Dr. Frankie Wharton and Detectives Mel Silver and Spencer Jordan, take on the coldest of cases in a furious race against the clock to catch the killers before they can strike again."
It's really quite good, and the chemistry among the actors is so strong that they really seem to be a "tight-knit team".
Speaking of shows I like, the frist two episodes of LOST are airing tonight on ABC at 8:00. Here's your chance to see it all from the beginning. I'm tempted to re-watch - supposedly the show's writers are suggesting that we all go back and watch the beginning again to see if we can pick up on clues and/or hints about what's going on on the island. It would be interesting to see, but there are a few things that I absolutely need to do around the house - switch my summer and winter clothes, color my hair, among others - and I can't afford to sit in front of the TV for 2 hours. Maybe I'll peek in every once in a while.
Drive-by Reviews
Elf - "Did you HEAR that?" ... "SANTA! Oh My God!! I know him! I know him!!!" ... "Look at you!" ... "This is just like Santa's workshop, except it smells like mushrooms and everyone looks like they want to hurt me."
Sweet, funny, and with a rushed, hokey ending. But what would a Christmas movie be without a hokey ending? Will Farrell is pitch perfect. And the Gimbel's store manager gets an honorary mention.
Something's Gotta Give - Satisfying, if a bit predictable. Good script makes it stand out, and Diane Keaton, who didn't really impress me either way before this movie, was great. And beautiful.
Man on Fire - I love Denzel Washington, so it pains me to say this, but if you never saw this movie you wouldn't be missing anything. Dreary and excessively violent, the only bright spots are a supporting role by Chrisopher Walken and the cute but not cutesy Dakota Fanning. Oh, and the highly stylized cinematography is annoying.
I would have guessed closer to 50, too. Not that there's anything wrong with that. George can be however old he wants to be, that's just fine with me.
You know you're getting old when you've never heard of MTV Video Award nominees. You know you're getting ancient when you've never heard of a Grammy nominee.
GoldenPalace Grabs Grandpa Ghost
Online Casino Buys Ghost Cane for $65K: "An online casino offered $65,000 Monday for a metal walking cane that an Indiana woman put up for sale in hopes her son would believe his grandfather's ghost would leave their house with it. "
Alright, Hol, you asked for it.
Freeze frame.
Funniest thing you'll read all day.
Drive-By Reviews
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Best of the 3, I think. LOVE Gary Oldman and David Thewliss. Should have included origins of Marauder's Map. Need to watch again.
Win a Date with Tad Hamilton: Couldn't sleep so watched a late night showing. Glad I did - it was sweet and not the least bit annoying. Gopher Trace or Topher Grace, whatever his name is, is adorable.
The Day After Tomorrow: Eh. Reminded me of the great disaster films of the 70s, but without the high drama, camp and cheese that made them great.
Secret Window: One and only reason to watch this movie: Johnny Depp.
Christmas is coming...
I hope everyone had a lovely holiday. Thanksgiving has always been a low-key holiday for us, and this year it was pretty much the same. I cooked way too much food for 5 adults and 2 kids, the 4 dogs were surprisingly well-behaved and the weather was downright balmy. It would have been a perfect Thanksgiving in another time and place; for now, though, it was the first without Daddy and thus a relief to have it done with. I don't think I'll ever understand why God took him when he did, but I do give thanks for the time that he was here.
God, I can't get that new song out of my head! I bought the "Bomb" last night, and I'm looking forward to listening to it.
Oh, and I would have killed to have been able to see them at one of their surprise NYC shows this week!
Ask the pilot.
While nitpicking usually bugs the crap out of me, I kind of enjoyed this. Plus, he admits that the mysterious force(s) surrounding the island may be responsible for the inconsistencies:
"Word has it that upcoming episodes will attempt to justify the strange circumstances of the crash. Stuck on this eerie haunted island, the castaway cast has clued in to the fact that their jet's death plummet should not have been survivable. What's going on here?
For pilots, of course, that takes away all the fun."
(viewing of ad required for day pass)
Deathbed Confession.
C-SPAN at 2:00 in the morning.
I had a sinus pain/teeth flareup during the night that woke me at around 12:30. So, after taking a Claritin-D and some Advil, and while I sat on the couch waiting for the pain to subside enough for me to go back to sleep, I surfed through the TV channels and came across C-SPAN's coverage of the dedication of Clinton's presidential library. Actually, what I came across was the precise moment mentioned above: Bono singing an unplugged version of "Sunday Bloody Sunday" while the Edge accompanied him on acoustic guitar. Very bizarre to watch all the presidential types standing around in the rain looking in every direction but at the band - the Clintons seemed to be the only VIPs there who seemed to know there was a band on stage and who they were. However, it was pouring rain, so they all probably wished the whole thing would just be over with and they could get inside where it's dry.
I fell asleep while watching "Cold Case Files" on A&E, I think, and woke up about 45 minutes later, at 3:30, feeling well enough to go back to bed. I'm feeling much better this morning, except for the fact that I'm exhausted!
Spielberg coming to Connecticut
They'll be shooting at the Uniroyal Chemical plant, which is just a couple of exits south of where I live. Hmm.
More on Fallujah and the Media
(registration req)
The heartbreak of war
(viewing of ad for free day pass required)
Here we go again.
Sources also revealed that Iranian officials are hoping to acquire atomics legs by 2006.
Sorry, but if I don't joke about it, I think I'll cry.
Wednesday is JJ Abrams Day.
Taking FPS to a whole new level.
Yes, whenever I see a beautiful wild animal, I always wish I had my gun with me so I could kill it.
Sorry, make that grilled cheese on white, don't hold the V.M.
Grilled cheese on white, hold the Virgin Mary.
I can definitely see a woman's face, but it looks more like Marlene Dietrich than the Virgin Mary to me.
Like Steve McQueen.
If I could buy any car I wanted to, right now, it would be the 2005 Mustang GT. Damn, I want that car.
I'm not sure I'm diggin' the commercial for it, though. Have you seen it? They aired it during last week's "Lost". A voice whispers, "If you build it, he will come." The guy in the ad gets on his tractor and plows a race course through a cornfield. As he looks down the road he just made, a man walks out of the corn and starts toward him and the car. Close-up on the guy from the corn reveals him to be "Bullitt"-era Steve McQueen, in all his CGI-zombie glory. It's a cool ad, but creepy, you know?
Awesome, awesome car, though.
I miss the good old days of streakers and soy bombs.
Because we all know there aren't enough awards shows.
I'm just an EMT...
Dam expensive wallpaper.
I can't say I'm surprised.
Powell's performance and duties as Secretary of State under the Bush administration have left his reputation a bit tarnished, I think. I hope his new career proves more fruitful for him.
Those Crazy Christians
They're going to give the rest of us a bad name.
Law & Order: Total Freak
What are people so afraid of?
Did I mention "Lost" is on tonight?
Lemonade Out of Lemons.
Britney vs. Chucky
Pure Imagination.
Democrat = Heathen, Apparently
Check out how this nutjob charactarizes the Democratic party:
"There is no reconciliation between good and evil," wrote Mary Ann Kreitzer of Les Femmes, an organization of conservative Roman Catholic women. "Voters rejected the party of gay activists, radical feminists, the Hollywood elite, pornographers, death-peddlers, anti-Christian bigots and apostate Catholics."
Talk like this scares the crap out of me.
Holly, This is Right Up Your Alley.
7 secrets of 'Arrested Development'
(registration required)
100 Greatest TV Characters.
Who are some of your favorite TV characters (and by favorite I don't mean the ones you lusted after ;)? Among mine would be, let's see...probably Jim Rockford, Jamie Somers, Magnum, Mulder and Scully, Lucy, Frasier Crane, Buffy (including Scoobies and Giles and Spike)...I know there are many more, but those are the ones that come to mind quickly.
I liked Charlie's backstory, although there were really no big surprises, except, I think for the fact that he was very religious. I'd like to see that aspect of his personality emerge more as they start forming their society and community. He's felt as though he's been useless so far - maybe he could find a purpose in serving as a sort of spiritual leader for the group.
The theme of choices was a good one, although I found the whole moth bit to be a little heavy-handed. I wonder who hit Sayid? Who doesn't want them to be found? While Sawyer's been portrayed pretty much as a scumbag so far, I have a feeling he's going to end up being a tragic figure, for some reason.
What did you all think?
Speaking of Hope...
(thanks, Jill)
Sore Loser.
I will just have to look to the future and hope.
Nobody's Monkey - Yet
For your Election Day pleasure, something from my Indecision 2004 newsletter:
"Conspiracy theorists have been burning up the Internet with guesses about what the out-of-left-field October campaign surprise will be. We couldn't imagine a better use of the Election Decoder® than to fire it up to give us a few educated predictions.
Using a radical new mathematical formula where we took the inverse of an eigenvector, multiplied it by its own inertial frame and subtracted the median weight of the average obese American child, the Decoder was able to spit out the following predictions:
1. The Kerry campaign releases a statement that Alexandra Kerry, Vanessa Kerry, Catherine Edwards and Emma Claire Edwards are all lesbians.
2. George W. Bush announces that WMDs have been found hidden in an ancient tomb in Iraq and that Geraldo Rivera will reveal them to the world LIVE on November 3.
3. Ben Affleck threatens to make three to five more mediocre films unless John Kerry is elected president.
4. Donald Rumsfeld announces that chatter in the terrorist community reveals Johnny Damon of the Red Sox will be kidnapped unless all of Massachusetts votes Republican.
5. All Iraqi insurgents simultaneously drop their weapons, embrace and declare George W. Bush the "Granddaddy Peacemaker Forever and Always."
6. John Kerry is magically blessed with the power to make his health plan work for every man, woman and child in a swing state. He can also raise the dead.
7. Dick Cheney promises that if he and Bush are re-elected, he will support a constitutional amendment requiring Jude Law to bed every woman in America within the next four years.
8. It's revealed that flu shots mysteriously make the elderly in Florida write in Pat Buchanan on the ballot.
9. Osama bin Laden agrees to appear on Larry King, breaks down crying, asking, "Why can't we all just get along?"
10. John Kerry rips off his droopy mask, reveals himself to be Jeb Bush. "
Where's the horror?
I have to agree with this assessment. While movies like "Blade", "Resident Evil" and "Underworld" provide plenty of thrills, they really aren't scary at all. Scary is what I watched last night: George Romero's "Night of the Living Dead", in which those "malignant, irrational forces" actually prevail.
What are ya, blind?
Blind car thief crashed into tree: "He told police: 'I just wanted to prove to myself that I could do anything I wanted - despite my handicap. I only crashed because I was not sure of the way home.'"
How sad is it that in order to prove he could do anything, he stole a car?
Lavigne on Simpson
So are pop singers who think buying clothes at Hot Topic makes them punk.
Wockadoo, wockadoo, wockadoo!
The first time I saw a bagel was on Wonderama. I remember singing along to "Kids are People, Too", doing Jumping Jacks while singing the "Exercise Song" (exercise, exercise, come on everybody do your exercise!), and trying to whistle after cramming half a stack of saltines into my mouth. Ah, the memories.
By the Light of the Moon.
The moon that was rising as I was driving home last night was stunning - a golden color and absolutely huge, it looked like it was about to bump into the earth at any moment. I love the moon this time of year.
What now?
(registration req.)
Big, no make that HUGE congratulations to all of you faithful Red Sox fans. I'll bet you're glad that's over with! My father was a Boston fan, and I have to believe that one more angel in heaven routing for the Red Sox could only have helped matters. They finally did it, Daddy. :-)
I smell a Disney movie.
Actually, does Disney even make those "Soccer Dog"-type movies anymore? Cute story, nonetheless.
Getting 'Lost'
References to three of my most favorite shows, ever? (X-Files, Twin Peaks and Buffy) It's no wonder I like this show so much.
More Halloween-Cancelling Idiocy
And you know what, lady? Oh, forget it, I can't be bothered.
Well-Deserved Rest.
Fidel go boom.
By Gosh, By Golly.
"Lost" gets picked up for a full season.
While this is clearly a no-brainer, I would not have been surprised if things went the other way. Programming execs have been known to make a mistake or 2, from time to time.
"Lost" was good again last night. So Jack was seeing his dead father. Was he a stress-induced hallucination? The spirit manifestation of some sort of island magic, as Locke implied? I wonder what Jack "did" that his mother referred to? And speaking of mother, what did Veronica Hamel do to her top lip? Looks like another collagen implant disaster. I'm having trouble understanding what the scene with the coffin was all about - was that another part of the plane? Was that Jack's Dad's coffin? If so, why was it empty? And why did pulverizing the casket to a pile of splinters make Jack feel better and ready to take on a leadership role? Dad isn't any more dead at the end of the episode than he was at the beginning. Anyone?
Not This Year, My Pretty!
How many people think this is taking political correctness WAY too far? Raise your hands.
(thanks, fark)
Holy Cow.
I still can't understand why Rodriguez did what he did. What the hell was he thinking? Actually, I think I know - it's the 8th inning, the Red Sox are winning, this is not the way it's supposed to be, OhMyGodThisCan'tBeHappeningThisIsNotFair- I'mTellingMyMommy*SLAP* Take your ball and go home if you can't play like a grownup, A-Rod.
Curt Schilling could teach that boy a thing or two. I saw the blood on his sock right from the beginning of the game and I couldn't believe the announcers never mentioned it! I'm like, "He's bleeding, does anyone besides me notice he's bleeding?? Hello!" I read this morning that before the game they sewed his dislocated tendon into place by suturing his skin to something underneath it. It must have been the sutures that were bleeding. Damn.
Game 7 tonight. I'm not sure I'll be able to watch!
Now I know what they mean by "talking head."
: "In an era when the media is increasingly fragmented and viewers can surround themselves with programming that falls right in line with their own views, be they on the right or the left, Stewart's blast seemed especially on point. It seems fitting that the tirade came on a day when much of the media attention focused on the presidential race was directed at the mention of Vice President Dick Cheney's daughter during the last presidential debate, as opposed to the issues addressed at that debate."
Jon Stewart, I love you.
Aw, Frell!
Oh well. How about some Scapey goodness?
Tale of the Scape: "The Peacekeeper Wars is as good a place as any to jump in; a brief series recap at the beginning provides a Farscape for Dummies crash-course that's less of a brain-melter than reading through the show's four-season history at SciFi.com/Farscape (though also recommended). And, if the miniseries does as well as the Scapers expect, it could make that rarified comeback from cancellation."
Why the Frenzy Over Farscape?: "The show's greatest strength is that whatever crisis Moya and her motley crew confronts, the richly drawn characters always come first. In the mini-series, for example, Sun and Crichton don't let a military assault get in the way of a domestic spat."
The Farscape Factor: "The 'Farscape' campaign is an example of 'fan power at the grass-roots level,' Schaeffler says. 'It shows that a group of individuals can draw together a larger group of fans and create change. The whole theme is of more power to the creative people, more power for fans and for advertisers to influence future content.'"
(all links thank to tvtattle.com)
I Watched.
And who's the guy with the suit and the white shoes? Do you think the tail section of the plane is on the other side of the island with another bunch of survivors? Does Kate climb trees in her spare time? Oo, maybe she's a cat burgular!
On a completely unrelated note, I just checked the game and the score is 3-0, NYY over BOS, and it's the 8th inning. So why am I disappointed? I should be happy. What's happening to me?
Oo, wait - I just checked again and it's 3-1. Maybe if I don't watch...
X-Files 2?
Looks like this might actually happen. Frank's blog is new, but in his initial post he welcomes readers to post questions to him that he will try to answer as part of the blog "conversation". So, if there's anything you've always wanted to ask Frank Spotnitx, now's your chance.
I Wanna See a Cage Match!
I'm with ya, Roseanne, for the most part (I'm not sure you've done anything to fight the dumbing-down of America). Plus, I think he looks retarded, like he has Down's Syndrome.
Note to Self
U2 Planning Tour!
Pick a Century.
TV Watch
Then, on Sunday, it's the long-awaited Farscape miniseries, "Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars", which picks up where we left off when SciFi so uncermoniously dumped us. Part 1 will air on Sunday night at 9:00 and Part 2 will air on Monday at 9:00 (each part is 2 hours). All airings:
Part 1:
10/17 - 9:00 P.M. and 11:00 P.M.
10/18 - 1:00 A.M. and 7: P.M.
10/24 - 3:00 P.M.
Part 2:
10/18 - 9:00 P.M. and 11:00 P.M.
10/19 - 1:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M.
10/24 - 5:00 P.M.
Also, SciFi's been airing all 4 seasons of Farscape during the day, last week and this week. I meant to remind people right before they began, but I put it on the back burner and forgot about it and that little thought went right up in smoke like all the others in my brain. If you can, try to catch some of the miniseries - you don't need to have seen the entire series in order to enjoy it, I'm sure. If you like it, spread the word - there still might be a chance for a season 5.
Buffy Movie Still Possible?
I think it could be done very well, and I think with the passage of a little more time, the idea of a movie will be even more attractive to her.
Yankees and Red Sox:
I'm a Yankees fan, simply because that's what I've always been, as far back as I can remember. Probably because my mother is a Yankees fan. But I will be just as pleased (and maybe a little more) if the Red Sox win the ALCS and go on to the World Series. If any team deserves it, they do. Game starts at 8:00, on FOX, tonight.
My bags are packed, it must be the weekend.
Oh, and I meant to mention - can you believe I forgot to watch "Lost" on Wednesday night? After all of the praising, I forgot. Forgot! If anyone has it on tape, or knows if it's being re-broadcast, please let me know.
Anyway, have a great weekend, and see you in a few days!
Olly Olly Oxen Free

Not in Kansas Anymore
The Lord works in mysterious ways, huh? Now he just needs to smite the bastard.
Blah Blah Blah
Playstation is still taking up much of my free time, and right now I'm playing Splinter Cell. Definitely more challenging than the first 2 games I've played (X-Files and Alias); thankfully I had my brother Tommy around for a week to play along with (he's already played the PC version). I was able to pick up on the mindset behind the game by watching him, so now I know what to be on the alert for and how to think about the way to do things. I prefer the stealthy parts to the shooting parts - I'm too slow on the uptake with the gun. I'm about 31% of the way through the game right now. I'll let you know if I get any farther.
Jon Stewart Presents America (The Book)

Thar she blows.
Phew. Stay safe out there, my Seattle friends. Well, friend.
I need...toseethis!
Cameras captured on- and off-set hijinks of the faux production, with Shatner playing an over-the-top version of his usually hammy self. Locals were told that Invasion Iowa was an indie picture Shatner and Trek costar Leonard Nimoy (news) had been working on for more than 30 years.
Even local media were hosed, printing stories on Shatner finally getting the chance to make 'his baby.' One newspaper said that Shatner's pals at Priceline.com were even going to do a documentary on the making of Invasion Iowa for the DVD.
Aside from the unsuspecting townsfolk, Shatner was surrounded by an entourage that included stressed-out assistants, his spiritual advisor and a space cadet of a leading lady--all played by improvisational comedy actors."
The show will air next year.
It's a Right-Wing Conspiracy!
I usually stop at 7-Eleven for a large (20 oz) tea on the way in to work. I did so yesterday morning, and when I went to grab a 20 oz cup, I saw “BUSH” emblazoned across the outside of the cup, with “Your Vote Counts” and “7-Election 2004”. I couldn’t believe it! They expected me to carry around a cup with Bush’s name on it?! How dare they force their political views on the rest of us?! There was no freakin’ way I was going to be a walking advertisement for that guy. But then, just as I was figuring out how to place that heat-protecting cardboard band in such a way that it completely covered “BUSH”, I saw that right behind the Bush cups were Kerry cups (which would be accessible from the counter on that side). Apparently, you pick which cup (candidate) you want and the cashier scans the bar code on the cup. Some kind of mock election, I guess. Although it’s really only an accurate representation of the votes of people who drink 20 oz coffees.
Thank God I didn’t say anything I was thinking out loud!
It's a Man Pillow, Baby.
Anyhoo. The pace of "Lost" has slackened a bit, but it was still compelling. From bits that I've read, it looks like the "monster" will be revealed soon and the show will concentrate on character development more. And that particular onion started to peel last night, as we discovered new information on the background of some of the characters (I won't give anything away, since I know there are some of you who are planning on watching the show - but I will in future, so consider yourselves warned). I think it's a great idea - we start at the same point as all of the characters - we will learn who these people are right along with everyone on the show. And since it's JJ Abrahams (sp?), I'm sure there will be a few cool surprises along the way.
If you haven't seen the show and you want to catch up, ABC is airing the first 2 episodes this Saturday night.
Hey Hey Hey!!
Alias Cartoon
Oo, I wouldn't mind seeing this. The art work featured in the article is nice.
Step Away From the Phone.
A little rough, considering she's pregnant, but I wish sometimes I could make a citizen's arrest and take 'em down, too. Like I want to hear all about your day, or about the idiot at your job, or be privvy to the stupid things you and your significant other fight about. Just shut the f*** up, already.
"...the most promising new television show of the fall season."
I stumbled upon the show on Wednesday night (it airs Wednesdays at 8:00 P.M., a little early, I think) and it was compelling enough to keep me watching til the end. For those of you who don't know what it's about, the premise is as follows: 48 survivors of a plane crash on a deserted South Pacific island have to contend not only with each other and the forces of nature, but also with very scary (and so far unseen) creatures who are roaming the jungle, roaring and tearing down trees and mauling people. Among the cast are Matthew Fox (from Party of Five), great character actor Terry O'Quinn (much seen in X-Files and Millennium) and Dominic Monaghan (Merry from Lord of the Rings) and the interactions between the characters are fraught with the strangeness of it all; for example, when one of the female passengers has to remove a pair of hiking shoes from a dead body so she can have good shoes to walk around the island in, she is obviously distressed at the gruesome task. The camera cuts to a shot of O'Quinn walking by and looking at her sort of sweetly, with a half smile, like he understands. Then he lets his smile widen and he has the rind of an orange completely covering his teeth and what would have been funny at another time is clearly inappropriate here. The show is full of moments like that, that make you feel uncomfortable and are the sort of thing that keeps this show from sinking into cliche.
I think one of the best things "Lost" has going for it is also what may spell its doom - it is unlike anything else on television, and we all know how far originality and creativity go in network TV. Hopefully this one will make it.
*chirp* *chirp* *chirp*
I'll do my best to poke in as often as I can. In the meantime, thanks for being so patient!
First: Mmmm, Dennis Haysbert.
second: According to CNN: "The couple exchanged rings and danced to Journey's "Lights," the tabloid reported. Guests reportedly dined on chicken fingers, crab cakes, ribs and Waldorf salad."
Some things just write themselves.
I love dipping McDonald's fries into a chocolate milkshake. Just imagine what I'd be eating if I was pregnant.
Wow. I've been cracking up at the trailers, but I had no idea.
I think "shocker" may be a bit of an exaggeration. And I think the toxicology report reveals something much more important - Rick James is the reason for the success of those drug offer spam e-mails!
Authorities later realized that the screaming girls were, in fact, the Hamm brothers.
You are Rerun!
[The one Peanuts charcter I have never heard of!]
(thanks, popculturejunkmail.com)
True or not, I have to read this book.
I honestly can't say I blame her for not wanting this hanging over her head. An appeal could last far longer than the 5 months of prison time and be unsuccessful, with the result that she goes to prison anyway. Better to do your time and pay for what you did and get on with the rest of your life.
I was going to make a joke, but then I read that her husband and 3 kids were in the car when she lost control and rolled it, and the seven-year-old was injured. Wonder if the husband was even more drunk than she was.
Meanwhile, other protesters distracted the attention of armed police by climbing on the front gate.
The group said police had threatened to shoot Robin unless he got down from the fence, 'which we think is unacceptable because this is a peaceful, non-violent protest.' Police declined to comment on the incident. "
Just the idea scares me. I missed last night's ep - was too engrossed in my Alias game. I do want to catch it during the week, though.
Oh, MEE-OW. I love it when people say stuff like this about other people in the press. Especially when they deserve it.
I have finally caved and started on the Potter books. I had to skip the first one since it's out on loan to a friend of Sheila's. I started with The Chamber of Secrets last week and tore through that and The Prisoner of Azkhaban and by last night I was dipping into The Goblet of Fire. Good fun.
Time for a confession. I got home last night from the hairdresser to find that Sheila had The Surreal Life on. You know, the show that throws a handful of B-List celebrities into a house, makes them live together and waits for the hilarity to ensue. This season the housemates are: Brigitte Nielsen, Dave Coulier ("Full House"), Flava Flav, Jordan Knight (New Kids on the Block), Ryan Starr (American Idol, first season) and Charro. I swear to God, I never thought I'd laugh so hard at such a stupid show, but I did. Mostly at the expense of Brigitte Nielsen, clearly a raging alcoholic who Charro calls "a crrrrrrrazy beetch", and who likes to parade around the house clad only in a white apron and a black thong.
Observations: Knight is a complete d*ck, Starr is a little too nice and normal for this crowd and I'm not sure she will last, and Charro must have been cryogenically preserved - she hasn't changed at all.
The season premiere reruns tonight, with a new episode on Sunday night, on VH1. Beware: In Sunday's previews, Nielsen and Flav get pretty damn cuddly. God, my eyes.
(Translation: the extended edition of Lord of the Rings: Return of the King is being released on December 14th and includes 50 minutes of extra footage)
I can't believe no one has called it Ivan the Terrible yet. Grab onto something and hold tight, Florida.
Good for her.
I'm not sure who from our country suggested that the Russian government have talks with the Chechen separatists after last week's tragedy, but whoever it was has some nerve. Quite frankly, I don't blame Putin for being pissed off.
Toward the end of the call, he says, "No, it's okay, I've got a rag here in the car" to someone there. "What are you talking about," I asked. "Oh, nothing. I'm on a call and I've got fingerprint dust on my forehead."
Good little story. I loved Danny Kaye, too. And I never thought I'd say this, but that onion sandwich sounds good.
(requires viewing of ad and includes the recipe for the onion sandwich)
God, I knew it wouldn't end well. In fact, the ending is still ongoing, with military and rebel forces still fighting in and around the school. The images of the bloodied, bruised children fleeing the scene in just their underwear are ones I won't quickly forget.
I'm sick of crying over news stories. The bombings, the shootings, the plane crashes, the exploding buses, the murdered families. I heard my first Amber Alert this morning, for an 18-pound one-year-old after her mother was found stabbed to death and stuffed into a garbage bag. What drives us to such cruelty?
I need distraction. Maybe there is some good news out there.
What a colossal waste of everyone's time, money and energy. And okay, what the hell is this supposed to mean:
"Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did."
Wha? The only thing I can figure is he likes it rough and she doesn't?
Anyway, at least we'll have a break from the incessant coverage for a while, until the civil trial starts up. If it does, I should say - they may settle yet.
Family of decapitated rider pleads for driver: "'It's just a horrific accident, and we are all just in mourning right now,' said Margaret Hutcherson, the driver's mother. She said the victim was 'a part of our family, just like Johnny was a part of their family. I feel like I've lost a son.'"
This is just a sad story, all around. They still haven't explained how he didn't notice the headless body next to him or the blood on his own clothes. I'm assuming he was just as drunk as his unfortunate friend.
God, this is not going to end well. The picture of the soldier rescuing the little girl made my heart skip a beat and put a lump in my throat. Those poor children.
I'm still in the honeymoon stage with Netflix. We just adore each right now. I finally saw "Monster" this weekend, and I am happy to say that the movie, and especially Charlize Theron's performance, lived up to its hype. Not easy to watch, but even hard to turn away from.
The other movie I saw was "Calendar Girls", with Helen Mirren and Julie Walters. Cute, and nice that it's a true story.
I think I hear those words in my sleep. The past few days have been spent, when not at work, completely immersed in my Alias PS2 game. Frighteningly addictive. I may have just spent 2 hours trying to get past a certain character, my hands may be sweating and shaking and my blood pressure is probably through the roof, but stop? What do you mean, stop? Let me just play to the next Save Point...
And the idiot who drank so much that he fell into a river and drowned bears absolutely no responsibility. How naive are these people that they actually believe their son would have drank less if had to get behind the wheel of a car?? What kind of logic is that? If he had killed himself or someone else in a drunk-driving accident because the school had no "drunk bus", the parents would, I'm sure, lay the blame on the school for not providing a safe form of transportation to and from the bars and/or parties.
Man, what a complete mindf*ck. The article said he lived as though he expected to die at any time. Did he make himself that sick? It's kind of sad that the diagnosis sent him into a downward spiral, as opposed to getting him up and out and cramming as much as possible into the short time he believed he had left. I hope he takes this positively, and considers this a new lease on life, but I have a feeling that won't happen.
Good news. Does it seem to you, as it does to me, that there have been a few more kids straying from campsites and going missing this summer than ever before? I wonder why.
: "Ian McKellen and Andy Serkis, who gained international fame as Gandalf and Gollum in the 'Lord of the Rings' movies, are reuniting for a trip into the London sewers, and Hugh Jackman may be joining them. "
In a new stop-motion animation feature [from Aardman Animation ("Chicken Run", "Wallace and Grommit") and Dreamworks] about a pampered pet rat who accidentally gets flushed down the toilet of his penthouse and into the sewers. Cool.
That sounds so awesome.
I am not a fan of historical novels, fiction or non-fiction, so this one really surprised me. Here's a description from Kirkus Reviews, copied from the barnesandnoble.com listing for the book, which aptly describes what makes this book so good:
In roughly alternating chapters, former Wall Street Journal reporter Larson (Isaac’s Storm, 1999, etc.) tells the stories of Daniel H. Burnham, chief planner and architect of exposition, and Dr. Henry Howard Holmes, whose rambling World’s Fair Hotel, just a short streetcar ride away, housed windowless rooms, a gas chamber, secret chutes, and a basement crematory. The contrast in these accomplishments of determined human endeavor could not be more stark--or chilling. Burnham assembled what a contemporary called "the greatest meeting of artists since the 15th century" to turn the wasteland of Chicago’s swampy Jackson Park into the ephemeral White City, which enthralled nearly 28 million visitors in a single summer. Overcoming gargantuan obstacles--politically entangled delays, labor unrest, an economic panic, and a fierce Chicago winter--to say nothing of the architectural challenges, Burnham and his colleagues, including Frederick Law Olmsted, produced their marvel in just over two years. The fair was a city unto itself, the first to make wide-scale use of alternating current to illuminate its 200,000 incandescent bulbs. Spectacular engineering feats included Ferris’s gigantic wheel, intended to "out-Eiffel Eiffel," and, ominously, the latest example of Krupp’s artillery, "breathing of blood and carnage." Dr. Holmes, a frequent visitor to the fair, was a consummate swindler and lady-killer who secured his victims’ trust through "courteous, audacious rascality." Most were comely young women, and estimates of their total rangedfrom the nine whose bodies (or parts thereof) were recovered to nearly 200. Larson does a superb job outlining this "ineluctable conflict between good and evil, daylight and darkness, the White City and the Black."
As I read the book, I found myself thinking, "I can't believe I didn't know this."
Let me say once again that I am so happy that I am not a kid right now. And let me also say to the parents out there: "Take the computers out of the kids' bedrooms and put them where you can see what they're doing."
Where the hell did this month go?
Sorry I've been away for so long. Real life has been pulling me in a couple of directions, work has been busy and I have been sucked into the Playstation 2 vortex, with this Alias game.
I'm going to try to "put the controller down" this weekend and get some much needed stuff done around the house, cleaning being priority number one. The dust bunnies are getting so big you can trip over them. I also need to decide what color to paint my bedroom. I've toyed with the idea of a few different colors, but I think I may actually paint it a white and get a carpet and drapes that will add color to the room. I really need to paint it, though - I can't the current color anymore. It's a very vivid baby blue. Ick.
Then there are the remaining boxes in the back room, most of which are filled with photo albums. Lots and lots of photo albums. I'm working on some ideas for storing them, but it's going to be tricky, I think.
Oh, I've been really enjoying Netflix. Mostly because of the ease of use. And it's fast. I've got "Master and Commander" and "Monster" waiting for me at home, so I'll try to squeeze them in in the next few days, too.
Hope you're all doing well. Now, how about some posts?
Ex soldiers reunited by postman: "Mr Dillon addressed a letter: "Mr Adam Hastings, (Aged 70 years), Somewhere in Newcastle upon Tyne, Can a Kind Postman Help, Do Your Best For An Old Army Pal, (At One Time Lived At Benwell)." "
(via fark.com)
"Regina, based on your last few rentals, here are other relevant movies you might enjoy ..."
These movies include:
The Last Samurai
Blade 2
High Crimes
The Recruit
One False Move
Um, NO.