I'm still in the honeymoon stage with Netflix. We just adore each right now. I finally saw "Monster" this weekend, and I am happy to say that the movie, and especially Charlize Theron's performance, lived up to its hype. Not easy to watch, but even hard to turn away from.
The other movie I saw was "Calendar Girls", with Helen Mirren and Julie Walters. Cute, and nice that it's a true story.
I think I hear those words in my sleep. The past few days have been spent, when not at work, completely immersed in my Alias PS2 game. Frighteningly addictive. I may have just spent 2 hours trying to get past a certain character, my hands may be sweating and shaking and my blood pressure is probably through the roof, but stop? What do you mean, stop? Let me just play to the next Save Point...
And the idiot who drank so much that he fell into a river and drowned bears absolutely no responsibility. How naive are these people that they actually believe their son would have drank less if had to get behind the wheel of a car?? What kind of logic is that? If he had killed himself or someone else in a drunk-driving accident because the school had no "drunk bus", the parents would, I'm sure, lay the blame on the school for not providing a safe form of transportation to and from the bars and/or parties.
Man, what a complete mindf*ck. The article said he lived as though he expected to die at any time. Did he make himself that sick? It's kind of sad that the diagnosis sent him into a downward spiral, as opposed to getting him up and out and cramming as much as possible into the short time he believed he had left. I hope he takes this positively, and considers this a new lease on life, but I have a feeling that won't happen.
Good news. Does it seem to you, as it does to me, that there have been a few more kids straying from campsites and going missing this summer than ever before? I wonder why.
: "Ian McKellen and Andy Serkis, who gained international fame as Gandalf and Gollum in the 'Lord of the Rings' movies, are reuniting for a trip into the London sewers, and Hugh Jackman may be joining them. "
In a new stop-motion animation feature [from Aardman Animation ("Chicken Run", "Wallace and Grommit") and Dreamworks] about a pampered pet rat who accidentally gets flushed down the toilet of his penthouse and into the sewers. Cool.
That sounds so awesome.
I am not a fan of historical novels, fiction or non-fiction, so this one really surprised me. Here's a description from Kirkus Reviews, copied from the barnesandnoble.com listing for the book, which aptly describes what makes this book so good:
In roughly alternating chapters, former Wall Street Journal reporter Larson (Isaac’s Storm, 1999, etc.) tells the stories of Daniel H. Burnham, chief planner and architect of exposition, and Dr. Henry Howard Holmes, whose rambling World’s Fair Hotel, just a short streetcar ride away, housed windowless rooms, a gas chamber, secret chutes, and a basement crematory. The contrast in these accomplishments of determined human endeavor could not be more stark--or chilling. Burnham assembled what a contemporary called "the greatest meeting of artists since the 15th century" to turn the wasteland of Chicago’s swampy Jackson Park into the ephemeral White City, which enthralled nearly 28 million visitors in a single summer. Overcoming gargantuan obstacles--politically entangled delays, labor unrest, an economic panic, and a fierce Chicago winter--to say nothing of the architectural challenges, Burnham and his colleagues, including Frederick Law Olmsted, produced their marvel in just over two years. The fair was a city unto itself, the first to make wide-scale use of alternating current to illuminate its 200,000 incandescent bulbs. Spectacular engineering feats included Ferris’s gigantic wheel, intended to "out-Eiffel Eiffel," and, ominously, the latest example of Krupp’s artillery, "breathing of blood and carnage." Dr. Holmes, a frequent visitor to the fair, was a consummate swindler and lady-killer who secured his victims’ trust through "courteous, audacious rascality." Most were comely young women, and estimates of their total rangedfrom the nine whose bodies (or parts thereof) were recovered to nearly 200. Larson does a superb job outlining this "ineluctable conflict between good and evil, daylight and darkness, the White City and the Black."
As I read the book, I found myself thinking, "I can't believe I didn't know this."
Let me say once again that I am so happy that I am not a kid right now. And let me also say to the parents out there: "Take the computers out of the kids' bedrooms and put them where you can see what they're doing."
Where the hell did this month go?
Sorry I've been away for so long. Real life has been pulling me in a couple of directions, work has been busy and I have been sucked into the Playstation 2 vortex, with this Alias game.
I'm going to try to "put the controller down" this weekend and get some much needed stuff done around the house, cleaning being priority number one. The dust bunnies are getting so big you can trip over them. I also need to decide what color to paint my bedroom. I've toyed with the idea of a few different colors, but I think I may actually paint it a white and get a carpet and drapes that will add color to the room. I really need to paint it, though - I can't the current color anymore. It's a very vivid baby blue. Ick.
Then there are the remaining boxes in the back room, most of which are filled with photo albums. Lots and lots of photo albums. I'm working on some ideas for storing them, but it's going to be tricky, I think.
Oh, I've been really enjoying Netflix. Mostly because of the ease of use. And it's fast. I've got "Master and Commander" and "Monster" waiting for me at home, so I'll try to squeeze them in in the next few days, too.
Hope you're all doing well. Now, how about some posts?
Ex soldiers reunited by postman: "Mr Dillon addressed a letter: "Mr Adam Hastings, (Aged 70 years), Somewhere in Newcastle upon Tyne, Can a Kind Postman Help, Do Your Best For An Old Army Pal, (At One Time Lived At Benwell)." "
(via fark.com)
"Regina, based on your last few rentals, here are other relevant movies you might enjoy ..."
These movies include:
The Last Samurai
Blade 2
High Crimes
The Recruit
One False Move
Um, NO.
I agree with one of the doctors quoted in the article: "Why didn't we think of this so long ago?"
(viewing of ad required for free day pass)
While they were awake. AAUGGGHHH!!
The weekend was pretty good. The brownies and cream puff ring were both a big hit, although I never got to taste them myself. Too busy filling up on beer, I suppose. I watched a couple of movies on Sunday (my first 2 Netflix rentals - I caved and I think I'm going to be glad I did): "13 Going On 30" and "Starsky & Hutch". Really liked the former and not so much the latter. I had finally resigned myself to the fact that one of my favorite dramas from growing up was going to be made fun of, and was ready to sit back and enjoy it as a comedy. Only problem was it wasn't all that funny. There were a couple of scenes that made me laugh out loud (the Korean boy throwing knives and Owen Wilson's reaction to him was one of them), but most of the stuff fell flat for me, even Snoop Dogg as Huggy Bear. I liked hearing the music, seeing the car, the cameos and Vince Vaughn, but I just don't think I get Ben Stiller, at least not anymore. I really don't find him funny and I wish he would just go away.
I also got back to my PS2, after being away from it for over a month after finishing the X-Files game. I'm on to Alias now, and I managed to get out of the basement last night with not too much trouble. What with the show not returning until early 2005, I may want to drag this game out a bit. Not a chance. I've got Splinter Cell waiting for me.
(via fark.com)
I have a feeling this is going to be a wild Olympics. I prefer the Winter Games and really only casually watch the Summer Games, but I may tune in more often this year just to see what the heck is going to go wrong next.
I've been assigned to bring a dessert for the evening party, and I'm going to make two things, I think. A sort of a cream puff ring, with chocalate glaze on top, and these Guinness brownies (second to last recipe). Mmm.
The blackout wreaked havoc with my travel plans - I was supposed to flight out of Hartford early the next morning (Friday) for Vancouver, with a stop in Toronto, which was also without power. With help from friends and Travelocity, I was able to get on a flight on Saturday morning. I remember that the trip took almost twice as long because of the long delays from the backlog of flights. Boy, was I happy to see Holly (was it you, Holly? I can't recall) at the airport!
The stress continued, of course, when my wallet, with my debit card (my only means of spending), my driver's license and my birth certificate, was stolen on Tuesday. And well, as you would expect that cast a bit of a pall over the rest of the trip. But I still wouldn't trade a trip to Vancouver for anything. One of my favorite places in the world.
Adieu, Julia.
In late 2003, according to the FBI, the women tried to kill the Tepatti by luring him to the beach and stabbing him in the neck."
And they failed to kill him when they shot at him with a gun equipped with a silencer made out of a potatoe. Isn't there an award for such incredible ineptness??
Remember how I said we don't have Turner Classic Movies on my cable system. Sheila informed me the other day that we have had TCM since we moved in.
Damn, I thought he had finally done something worth reading about.
How much of a desperate attention-whore do you have to be to do that to yourself??
Pardon my French, but that's some funny shit.
(via fark.com)
The miniseries begins on October 17, at 9:00 P.M. I wonder if Sci-Fi will schedule a lot of Farscape in the weeks leading up to the miniseries so that people can get re-acquainted or see what all the fuss is about. 'Twould be nice.
Update: Just read this at the Farscape site:
08.05.04 – Gear up for the new miniseries by watching all 88 episodes of Farscape during SCI FI's Daytime Rotation, Monday through Friday, 9AM-4PM, from Friday, Oct. 1, through Friday, Oct. 15.
Damn! That's awesome! God, I need Tivo or something...
Nice story.
I can't say whether I think this will work or not, but I can see why they feel the need to do something. I noticed this year that most of the local women I saw were quite overweight, and I wondered if it was just something I never noticed or if it there had indeed been an increase in overweight people in the state. Looks like I wasn't imagining things.
Ya think? I find it amazing that this stuff still goes on in this day and age.
Hmm, let's see...
The pellet with the poison
Is in the vessel with the pestle;
The flagon with the dragon
Has the brew that is true?
No no!
The pellet with the poison
Is in the flagon with the dragon;
The vessel with the pestle
Has the brew that is true!
Or was that the chalice from the palace?
My God, that poor poor man.
Hernandez said they were 'private intimate photos that should have been kept that way,' adding they were no worse than what someone might see at Mardi Gras or spring break.
Spc. Charles A. Graner Jr., 35, another soldier in England's unit, also has been charged with abuses and was involved in a romantic relationship with England; he faces adultery charges for allegedly having sex with England last October. England's lawyers have said she is pregnant with Graner's child."
What a goddamned mess. I think she enjoyed every minute of her participation in those prisoner photos, orders or no orders.
Probably, but still...*GAG*.
Aug 6 - Lucille Ball - "The Long Long Trailer", just for the scene where Lucy tries to cook dinner in the trailer while Desi tows it.
Aug 8 - Katharine Hepburn - Watch everything, but especially "The Philadelphia Story", "The Lion in Winter" and "Bringing Up Baby".
Aug 16 - Elvis Presley - "Follow That Dream" for a sweet, simple and sexy Elvis.
Aug 21 - Jimmy Stewart - "Bell Book and Candle" with Kim Novak (and the inspiration I believe for "Bewitched" - not sure on that score, though) and "You Can't Take It With You", a very funny Frank Capra movie.
Aug 25 - Shirley MacLaine - "The Children's Hour" with Audrey Hepburn, about 2 teachers at a private girl's school, one of whom falls for the other.
Aug 27 - Cary Grant - "Notorious" with Ingrid Bergman. Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Claude Raines, Alfred Hitchcock and Nazis? Perfection.
I caught "The Lady Eve" last night, with Barbara Stanwyck and Henry Fonda, a movie I have always wanted to see but never got around to viewing. Very funny and sweet and very smart and witty. They really don't write roles for women like they used to, and there aren't many actresses around like Stanwyck anymore. How ironic that roles for women were more fully realized and smarter way back in the day than they are now.
Anyhoo, check out the listing at Out of Focus - it's a wonderful guide for all you classic movie lovers.
The trip to Maine was a bittersweet one. Daddy's internment on Saturday was a small affair, with immediate family and a few people from the point attending. Very, very sad day, of course. In order to make room for others in the cabin, I took a campsite at a nearyby campground, Mainayr on Joy Cove, a really beautiful little campground that I would highly recommend to anyone looking to camp in the area. I was glad I had the campsite - the cabin was stuffed to the rafters with people and the site provided a place to go for some much needed peace and quiet.
I moved back to the cabin on Monday, after a portion of the group had to leave for home. The rest of the week was filled with almost constant activity - hiking, cooking, eating, card playing, shopping, etc. - and friends and family. It wasn't as quiet and relaxing a trip as I usually enjoy, but it was a nice visit.
Ah, but I am forgetting the highlight of the trip! On Saturday, the day before we left, Sheila, Mary, Tommy (sisters and brother) and myself entered the annual Great Codfish Relay Race in Milbridge. We had decided a couple of years ago that we would enter, and since the race was a favorite of Daddy's, there was no question - we were running the race. We practiced that morning, carrying a log and running back and forth along the dirt road behind the house. The neighbors, what few we have, must have been wondering what the hell we were up to. I really would have been happy to have simply finished the race without falling down but surprisingly enough we did even better - we placed! Third place, only 10 seconds behind the champs 4 years running. Not bad. Not bad at all. And I know Daddy was there, cheering us on and laughing his ass off.
So, that's pretty much the week. I will have photos to post, once I get home at the end of the week. Missed you all and good to be back.