
Wockadoo, wockadoo, wockadoo!

Bob McAllister's Wonderama: "Wonderama was the nation's local kid show - delivered every week via cable TV over the Metromedia Superstations. Host Bob McAllister assaulted the senses for three hours every Sunday - and made a lot of friends over the years!"

The first time I saw a bagel was on Wonderama. I remember singing along to "Kids are People, Too", doing Jumping Jacks while singing the "Exercise Song" (exercise, exercise, come on everybody do your exercise!), and trying to whistle after cramming half a stack of saltines into my mouth. Ah, the memories.

By the Light of the Moon.

Spooky shot of the moon, taken on Wednesday night at the beginning of the eclipse. (link from weather.com

The moon that was rising as I was driving home last night was stunning - a golden color and absolutely huge, it looked like it was about to bump into the earth at any moment. I love the moon this time of year.


A polar bear and a pumpkin. The cutest thing about this photo is his feet, I think.

What now?

With Nothing Left to Win, Fans of Red Sox Suddenly Feel a Loss"They're going to be heartbroken at not being heartbroken," said Mr. Epstein, a novelist who is chairman of the creative writing department at Boston University. "It's not just a joke. That's what's made us unique. We were the Boston Red Sox that never could win."

(registration req.)



Boston Wins Series, 4-0: Red Sox Erase 86 Years of Futility in 4 Games: "On Wednesday night, Babe Ruth gave up. From Bangor to Brattleboro, Nashua to Nantucket, Waterbury to Woonsocket, the fans of New England can finally say it: The Boston Red Sox are the World Series champions. Nothing will ever be quite the same."

Big, no make that HUGE congratulations to all of you faithful Red Sox fans. I'll bet you're glad that's over with! My father was a Boston fan, and I have to believe that one more angel in heaven routing for the Red Sox could only have helped matters. They finally did it, Daddy. :-)

I smell a Disney movie.

Canine pitch invader back at home: "When Martin Burn settled down to watch the second Test of the International Rules series on Sunday on TV, he could barely believe what he saw. There was much hilarity among the 60,000 crowd at the game, as a small dog got onto the pitch and chased the ball. He recognised the pitch invader as the family pet, and the dog was eventually returned home."

Actually, does Disney even make those "Soccer Dog"-type movies anymore? Cute story, nonetheless.


Getting 'Lost'

Feeling out to sea?: "On 'Lost,' 46 plane-crash survivors are stuck on a remote Pacific island. Or at least they might be survivors; they might also be souls in purgatory, hovering between heaven and hell, defending their lives on the sands of judgment. Or at least they might be on a sandy island; they might also be inside a 'Truman Show' --like zoo, or on a planet where polar bears thrive in tropical climates. If indeed those beasts in the 'Lost' forest are bears, and not emissaries of God, or grotesque alien creatures, or Mulder, Scully, and the Log Lady on a journey to the Hellmouth."

References to three of my most favorite shows, ever? (X-Files, Twin Peaks and Buffy) It's no wonder I like this show so much.


More Halloween-Cancelling Idiocy

Halloween bedevils some U.S. churches: "'It's a demonic spirit day,' said Deborah Griggs, 36, of Newnan, Ga., who does not allow her three boys to celebrate Halloween. 'God should get the glory on Sunday and Saturday as well. Halloween should be canceled altogether.'"

And you know what, lady? Oh, forget it, I can't be bothered.

Well-Deserved Rest.

Whedon wants out of TV: "'I spent a lot of time trying to think what my next series would be,' Whedon said. 'I couldn't think of anything. When that happens, it generally means something is just not working. I didn't feel like I could come up with anything that the networks would want.' "


Fidel go boom.

What are Cubans going to do when Castro dies, a day which seems to be fast approaching considering how delicate he appears to be?

By Gosh, By Golly.

They did it. Congratulations to all of you long time Boston fans. This moment is sweet. You were the better team and you deserve to win. Bask in the glow.

"Lost" gets picked up for a full season.

ABC Stays "Lost" and "Desperate": "The Alphabet net has given full-season orders to its two breakout rookie hits, the twisted suburban soap Desperate Housewives and the survival drama Lost. The freshman series have helped boost ABC to its first strong showing in the ratings in at least four years. "

While this is clearly a no-brainer, I would not have been surprised if things went the other way. Programming execs have been known to make a mistake or 2, from time to time.

"Lost" was good again last night. So Jack was seeing his dead father. Was he a stress-induced hallucination? The spirit manifestation of some sort of island magic, as Locke implied? I wonder what Jack "did" that his mother referred to? And speaking of mother, what did Veronica Hamel do to her top lip? Looks like another collagen implant disaster. I'm having trouble understanding what the scene with the coffin was all about - was that another part of the plane? Was that Jack's Dad's coffin? If so, why was it empty? And why did pulverizing the casket to a pile of splinters make Jack feel better and ready to take on a leadership role? Dad isn't any more dead at the end of the episode than he was at the beginning. Anyone?

Not This Year, My Pretty!

In an attempt to avoid offending witches, School District Bans Halloween: "A Puyallup School District internal email dating from October 2000 warns that 'the Wiccan religion is a bona fide religion under the law, and its followers are entitled to all the protections afforded more mainstream religions. Building administrators should not tolerate such inappropriate stereotyping (images such as Witches on flying brooms, stirring cauldrons, casting spells, or with long noses and pointed hats) and instead address them as you would hurtful stereotypes of any other minority.'"

How many people think this is taking political correctness WAY too far? Raise your hands.

(thanks, fark)


Holy Cow.

Another great game last night. It's so amazing that the Red Sox have been able to come out from under a 3 games to none deficit and tie the series; but these games are killing me! I'm exhausted. And for the first time in my life I'm starting to feel ashamed of being a Yankees fan. Mostly because of that cheating brat, A-Rod, but also because of the thuggish behavior of the fans at the game. Show some class, people.

I still can't understand why Rodriguez did what he did. What the hell was he thinking? Actually, I think I know - it's the 8th inning, the Red Sox are winning, this is not the way it's supposed to be, OhMyGodThisCan'tBeHappeningThisIsNotFair- I'mTellingMyMommy*SLAP* Take your ball and go home if you can't play like a grownup, A-Rod.

Curt Schilling could teach that boy a thing or two. I saw the blood on his sock right from the beginning of the game and I couldn't believe the announcers never mentioned it! I'm like, "He's bleeding, does anyone besides me notice he's bleeding?? Hello!" I read this morning that before the game they sewed his dislocated tendon into place by suturing his skin to something underneath it. It must have been the sutures that were bleeding. Damn.

Game 7 tonight. I'm not sure I'll be able to watch!


Now I know what they mean by "talking head."

Jon Stewart Bitchslaps CNN's 'Crossfire' Show
: "In an era when the media is increasingly fragmented and viewers can surround themselves with programming that falls right in line with their own views, be they on the right or the left, Stewart's blast seemed especially on point. It seems fitting that the tirade came on a day when much of the media attention focused on the presidential race was directed at the mention of Vice President Dick Cheney's daughter during the last presidential debate, as opposed to the issues addressed at that debate."

Jon Stewart, I love you.


Aw, Frell!

I wanted to tape today's Farscape episodes, to refresh my memory before watching the mini-series on Sunday. I wrote myself a note and left it at my desk at home. I sent myself an e-mail from work to home, reminding myself to pop a tape in and set the VCR. I bet you can guess how that all turned out. Mhm. Forgot.

Oh well. How about some Scapey goodness?

Tale of the Scape: "The Peacekeeper Wars is as good a place as any to jump in; a brief series recap at the beginning provides a Farscape for Dummies crash-course that's less of a brain-melter than reading through the show's four-season history at SciFi.com/Farscape (though also recommended). And, if the miniseries does as well as the Scapers expect, it could make that rarified comeback from cancellation."

Why the Frenzy Over Farscape?: "The show's greatest strength is that whatever crisis Moya and her motley crew confronts, the richly drawn characters always come first. In the mini-series, for example, Sun and Crichton don't let a military assault get in the way of a domestic spat."

The Farscape Factor: "The 'Farscape' campaign is an example of 'fan power at the grass-roots level,' Schaeffler says. 'It shows that a group of individuals can draw together a larger group of fans and create change. The whole theme is of more power to the creative people, more power for fans and for advertisers to influence future content.'"

(all links thank to tvtattle.com)


Who's there?!

82 percent.


I Watched.

I remembered to watch "Lost". Another great episode. I really liked the reveal they did on the John Locke (sp?) character - maybe I'm thick, but I was not expecting that at all. Now I understand why he was walking around with that weird look of wonder and shit-eating grin on his face while everyone else was devastated (or dead). That crash is the best thing that ever happened to him.

And who's the guy with the suit and the white shoes? Do you think the tail section of the plane is on the other side of the island with another bunch of survivors? Does Kate climb trees in her spare time? Oo, maybe she's a cat burgular!

On a completely unrelated note, I just checked the game and the score is 3-0, NYY over BOS, and it's the 8th inning. So why am I disappointed? I should be happy. What's happening to me?

Oo, wait - I just checked again and it's 3-1. Maybe if I don't watch...

Test Post

Please work.

X-Files 2?

I did not know that Frank Spotnitz had a blog. In a post dated last Thursday, he says: "I'm happy to confirm, as David has in several interviews, that the rumors about a second X-Files feature film are true. In fact, the studio approached us about doing another feature way back in the summer of 2001, before the ninth and final season of the series was even broadcast. I can't speak to the accuracy of the timetable you outline above, but I can tell you that Chris and I have been working on the story for some time. If and when contract negotiations with the studio are finally concluded, we will get to work on the script right away."

Looks like this might actually happen. Frank's blog is new, but in his initial post he welcomes readers to post questions to him that he will try to answer as part of the blog "conversation". So, if there's anything you've always wanted to ask Frank Spotnitx, now's your chance.

I Wanna See a Cage Match!

Roseanne on Dr. Phil: "Dr. Phil is just a used car salesman with barnyard psychology. Once he turns off those cameras, nobody does anything that he says. He's a fat slob talking about how to lose weight. Who wants to hear that? . . . I just hate Dr. Phil and his wife! I shouldn't go off like this, but he's just so stupid and the cause of the dumbing down of America. It's so purely evident if you just watch five minutes of this guy. He's just a huckster used car salesman, scam artist "

I'm with ya, Roseanne, for the most part (I'm not sure you've done anything to fight the dumbing-down of America). Plus, I think he looks retarded, like he has Down's Syndrome.

Note to Self

Watch Lost tonight. Watch Lost tonight. Watch Lost tonight. Watch Lost tonight. Watch Lost tonight...


U2 Planning Tour!

U2 to tour next year: "We are still very much in the planning stages of our tour for next year which will visit the US, Canada, Europe, Japan and Australia, and the band is really looking forward to getting out on the road."

Pick a Century.

Nigerian court condemns women to death by stoning: "Islamic courts in Nigeria sentenced two women to death by stoning for having sex out of wedlock, but two men whom they said they slept with were acquitted for lack of evidence, authorities said Tuesday."

TV Watch

Big TV weekend coming up! I've heard a rumor that fX will be airing 8 episodes of Arrested Development on Saturday, starting at 12:00 P.M. If you want to know what the fuss is all about (including an Emmy for Best Comedy), this is your chance! (series premieres on November 7, I think, on FOX)

Then, on Sunday, it's the long-awaited Farscape miniseries, "Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars", which picks up where we left off when SciFi so uncermoniously dumped us. Part 1 will air on Sunday night at 9:00 and Part 2 will air on Monday at 9:00 (each part is 2 hours). All airings:

Part 1:
10/17 - 9:00 P.M. and 11:00 P.M.
10/18 - 1:00 A.M. and 7: P.M.
10/24 - 3:00 P.M.

Part 2:
10/18 - 9:00 P.M. and 11:00 P.M.
10/19 - 1:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M.
10/24 - 5:00 P.M.

Also, SciFi's been airing all 4 seasons of Farscape during the day, last week and this week. I meant to remind people right before they began, but I put it on the back burner and forgot about it and that little thought went right up in smoke like all the others in my brain. If you can, try to catch some of the miniseries - you don't need to have seen the entire series in order to enjoy it, I'm sure. If you like it, spread the word - there still might be a chance for a season 5.

Buffy Movie Still Possible?

Gellar Hesitates Over Buffy Movie: "Although she has some hesitation about bringing her vampire slaying Buffy character to the big screen, Sarah Michelle Gellar says she hasn't completely ruled out the idea. "

I think it could be done very well, and I think with the passage of a little more time, the idea of a movie will be even more attractive to her.

Yankees and Red Sox:

Only One Can Survive: "The Yankees finished three games ahead of Boston in the American League East, but the teams could not be much more evenly matched. "

I'm a Yankees fan, simply because that's what I've always been, as far back as I can remember. Probably because my mother is a Yankees fan. But I will be just as pleased (and maybe a little more) if the Red Sox win the ALCS and go on to the World Series. If any team deserves it, they do. Game starts at 8:00, on FOX, tonight.


My bags are packed, it must be the weekend.

And so I head out again, off the to the great state of Massachusetts to visit with friends til Sunday. I should have some photos to post when I get back, not only from the weekend, but also from my nephew's birthday party and a photo from my brother Tommy's swearing in ceremony for the Ridgefield Police.

Oh, and I meant to mention - can you believe I forgot to watch "Lost" on Wednesday night? After all of the praising, I forgot. Forgot! If anyone has it on tape, or knows if it's being re-broadcast, please let me know.

Anyway, have a great weekend, and see you in a few days!


Olly Olly Oxen Free

Splinter Cell I'm at 42%, baby, and I think I'm finally getting the hang of it! And my right thumb is worse for the wear. Kinda silly for a 40-year-old woman to have a sore thumb from spending too much time playing video games. But then silly isn't such a bad thing.

Not in Kansas Anymore

Tornado reveals child porn cache: "'It was the largest seizure of child pornography I've ever seen,' Rolle said. 'We had to bring in a pickup truck to get all of it out of there.'"

The Lord works in mysterious ways, huh? Now he just needs to smite the bastard.


Blah Blah Blah

So, how was everyone's weekend? Not much to tell from here. I'm finally home from the 2 weeks housesitting/dogsitting at my father's house while my stepmother was in Maine. It feels SO good to be home, sleeping in my own bed. We went to my nephew Zachary's birthday party in Rhode Island yesterday afternoon - he's 5 years old now. It was a beautiful fall day, so it was nice to spend it outside at the park.

Playstation is still taking up much of my free time, and right now I'm playing Splinter Cell. Definitely more challenging than the first 2 games I've played (X-Files and Alias); thankfully I had my brother Tommy around for a week to play along with (he's already played the PC version). I was able to pick up on the mindset behind the game by watching him, so now I know what to be on the alert for and how to think about the way to do things. I prefer the stealthy parts to the shooting parts - I'm too slow on the uptake with the gun. I'm about 31% of the way through the game right now. I'll let you know if I get any farther.

Jon Stewart Presents America (The Book)

I got my grubby little hands on it just a little while ago: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Presents America (The Book) : A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction (The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Presents). (inhale) Haven't cracked it open yet, but I'm dying to. I'll let you know what I think of it.


Thar she blows.

Mount St. Helens' blows smoke, ash: "While an eruption could ooze magma within the crater, the larger concern is that it would send up a cloud of ash that would be spread by the wind and could become an aviation hazard, scientists have said. Scientists do not expect a repeat of the 1980 eruption. "

Phew. Stay safe out there, my Seattle friends. Well, friend.

I need...toseethis!

William Shatner has just revealed to the town of Riverside, Iowa that they were set up for a new Spike reality show about a supposed new Shatner movie project: "Shatner and company chose Riverside, an old-fashioned Midwestern farming community with a population of 900, in large part because of its love for all things Trek--the town bills itself as the 'future birthplace of Captain Kirk' and hosts an annual festival gathering for Trekkers called Trek Fest.

Cameras captured on- and off-set hijinks of the faux production, with Shatner playing an over-the-top version of his usually hammy self. Locals were told that Invasion Iowa was an indie picture Shatner and Trek costar Leonard Nimoy (news) had been working on for more than 30 years.
Even local media were hosed, printing stories on Shatner finally getting the chance to make 'his baby.' One newspaper said that Shatner's pals at Priceline.com were even going to do a documentary on the making of Invasion Iowa for the DVD.

Aside from the unsuspecting townsfolk, Shatner was surrounded by an entourage that included stressed-out assistants, his spiritual advisor and a space cadet of a leading lady--all played by improvisational comedy actors."

The show will air next year.

It's a Right-Wing Conspiracy!

I usually stop at 7-Eleven for a large (20 oz) tea on the way in to work. I did so yesterday morning, and when I went to grab a 20 oz cup, I saw “BUSH” emblazoned across the outside of the cup, with “Your Vote Counts” and “7-Election 2004”. I couldn’t believe it! They expected me to carry around a cup with Bush’s name on it?! How dare they force their political views on the rest of us?! There was no freakin’ way I was going to be a walking advertisement for that guy. But then, just as I was figuring out how to place that heat-protecting cardboard band in such a way that it completely covered “BUSH”, I saw that right behind the Bush cups were Kerry cups (which would be accessible from the counter on that side). Apparently, you pick which cup (candidate) you want and the cashier scans the bar code on the cup. Some kind of mock election, I guess. Although it’s really only an accurate representation of the votes of people who drink 20 oz coffees.

Thank God I didn’t say anything I was thinking out loud!