My inner Geek rears its ugly head yet again.
If you get a chance, check it out. It's really quite good.
Drive-By Reviews
The Village - Not bad. The knowledge that Shamayalan's films contain twists is a bit distracting, though. I would have liked to have just watched the movie and let it play out, instead of concentrating so much on what the twist would be. If given the chance, though, I would watch it again, just to see if I can pick up on little clues now that I know the end.
The Cooler - Really like this one. Alec Baldwin, William Macy, Ron Livingston and Maria Bello, all great. I landed on it while surfing late Saturday night and it was good enough to keep me watching until almost 3 in the morning.
I think this happened to me in a dream.
I love the photo accompanying the story - he looks so self-conscious and embarrassed, it almost makes me feel bad for him.
Can you dig it??
"An American Idol hopeful, gaining notoriety, but not just for his shot at stardom. T-V viewers found Grand Bay's Leroy Wells on national T-V Tuesday night. However, on Wednesday, the would-be idol could be found in Mobile Metro Jail."
I'm not surprised the kid was in jail. He was whacked out before he even got into the building where the auditions were taking place. Sheila wondered, "Is he on crack?" He was on something, that's for sure, and it sure wasn't Ritalin.
What she said!
She totally nails the way I feel about this show. I haven't watched it yet this season, and I think her suggestion of watching a bunch of episodes at once to help shape the story is a good one. I'm thinking this might a good weekend to watch the first 3 episodes On Demand. I'll let you know what I think if I get to them.
Train Accident
Did the season premiere of "24" come to anyone else's mind when they heard about this? In that episode, a terrorist group leaves a truck loaded with explosives on the track of a Los Angeles commuter train, causing it to crash and kill many people. I got that old familiar gut-punch of panic at the thought of another attack. Thankfully that wasn't the case.
I don't meant to make light of such a horrific event, and I know that sometimes when you're under a lot of stress the right words are difficult to come by, but I cannot let pass the following amazingly unnecessary statement:
"This is a complete outrage as far as traffic safety is concerned," Sheriff Lee Baca of Los Angeles County said. "When some individual parks his vehicle on the tracks, that is cause for serious, serious alarm."
Thank you, Sheriff Obvious-Lee Baca.
Where cab drivers go to die?
The man, whose name was not released pending family notification, was found about noon Wednesday in the Gravesend section of Brooklyn, near where he lived, said Sgt. Kevin Ferrell, a police spokesman."
Appropriate place to meet your demise. I wonder if anyone was looking for him?
Google Your Favorite TV Show
I keep saying that one day the computer and television and broadband will all be one device. Google takes us one step closer to that.
Snow Bomb, Part III
Colorado Mom Has Got It Goin' On
Riding on the GWB?
Hehe. GWB's claim that he is a Texan, and his supposed drawl, has always made me cringe. That man's about as Texas as I am. However, they can claim him as their own and leave Connecticut out of it, as far as I'm concerned, especially if that means they don't name a highway after him here.
For the Fug Of It
A Panini Kind of Weekend
Snow Bomb, Cont'd.
It's bitterly cold (about 14 degrees), so the snow won't be going anywhere soon. Especially since we're expecting more tomorrow night. I took some photos on Saturday night that didn't really come out all that well, and then my battery died. It's charged now, and I'm hoping to get some good shots.
Goodnight, Johnny.
Snow Bomb
We're settled in good here. We got all our groceries this morning, and I squeezed all three cars into our driveway in case there was a parking ban. There's plenty of Diet Coke, DVDs and Playstation. I picked up Star Wars Bounty Hunter this morning for the first time in almost 2 months - I've had to re-play the current level twice already, but I am getting a little further each time. Poor Sheila can't play because of her shoulder - she had surgery on her rotator cuff and a bone spur removal on Thursday - so she gets to watch me play, in between Percoset-induced naps.
I saw someone making yummy pannini sandwiches on the Food Network this morning, so I'm going to attempt to make them myself, using the pannini maker our mother got us for Christmas. I'm making them with mozzarella, pesto, sun-dried tomatoes and vinagrette. I'll let you know how they came out.
Have a good day, and if you're getting hit with the snow, I hope you don't have any driving to do.
JJ Abrams Article
You tell him, George.
'Either you ante up and help out AND be that watch dog that you feel we clearly need... or you simply stand on the sidelines and cast stones,' he wrote."
I watched the documentary Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism this weekend. While I do think there is a liberal bent to the views of the people who produced the doc, there's no getting around the fact that FOX News Channel is anything but "Fair and Balanced". I don't care if you're a card-carrying liberal or a bible-thumping ultra-conservative - no one can claim that FNC is a balanced, objective source of news. Every tenet of objective journalism is stomped on, spit on and then thrown out the window on that network. I never liked O'Reilly, and after seeing 'Outfoxed', I can barely look at him.
I shouldn't care one wit about these two, but it makes me kind of sad that they couldn't work it out. That's too bad.
And the haves just keep having.
I wonder if, in the face of so much recent tragedy and worldwide suffering, if any of the presenters will refuse the basket and ask that the money be donated to an aid agency instead? I'm not saying that I would (although I'd like to think I would), I'm just wondering.
Feast or Famine
'24': New Web of Fear, Same Secret Agent: "The creators of the Fox drama "24" wisely decided that the fourth season needed a complete overhaul. Sunday night's premiere episode (or, as we have come to know it, Hour 7 to 8 a.m.) starts quite awhile after the third season ended: Jack, played by Kiefer Sutherland, works for the secretary of defense; his annoying daughter, Kim, is married and out of the picture, and David Palmer is not president anymore."
I hope Palmer makes an appearance at some point this season - I really like Dennis Haysbert.
Then there's MI-5, which returns to A&E on Saturday night, at 10:00 P.M. It's been such a long time since I watched this show (we had to wait for the new season to be filmed and then aired on BBC before it made it to A&E), that I wonder if I'll remember who's who and who's doing what to whom, etc. I've seen some previews on A&E, and I'm a bit worried because I didn't seen Tom in any of the trailers. I really hope he hasn't left the show.
And finally, season 2 of HBO's Carnivale premieres Sunday night at 9:00 (and will be repeated many times throughout the week). While season 1 was highly uneven, it was still very intriguing, so I'm going to try this season on for size.
Garner not sick with viral infection.
How does nerve damage become a viral infection? Anyhoo, I hope she's better and back to kicking ass soon.
We've discussed the Alias season pretty thoroughly in e-mails, so I'll just say here that while it seemed less like an episode than an Alias primer, I still enjoyed it. Any Alias is better than no Alias. And life with SpyDaddy in it is a life complete.
Oh shut up, Richard.
God, and I was just complaining because I'm thirsty and we have no water or refrigerator as a result of the remodeling going on in the office right now and I have to take the elevator down to the basement kitchen to see if there's anything I can drink down there.
I take it back.
"For Frodo."
I think that is one of the best moments in the entire trilogy, and I still get goose bumps thinking about it.
I watched the extended edition of Return of the King on Saturday night, at last. One wouldn't think that increasing a 3 and a half hour movie by a whole hour would make it better, but it did. It's far more satisfying, and some of the secondary characters get the treatment (and/or comeuppance) that they deserve.
While I can't remember them all, here are some of my favorite additions:
- Since Jackson did not film the Scouring of the Shire (a decision I agree with), Saruman is vanquished at Orthanc, in a fittingly gruesome manner. We also see the seeds of doubt, which seem to pop up out of nowhere later on, planted into the heads of Theoden and Gandalf by the Voice of Saruman. And it's cool how the Palantir actually gets into the water.
- The Mouth of Sauron. Gross. EW. Scary. And we get the displaying of Frodo's mithril shirt, which only adds to the emotional response by the fellowship when they realize that Frodo succeeded.
- The Houses of Healing scenes, which I really enjoyed in the book. While very brief, they did a nice job of etching the relationship between Eowyn and Faramir, explaining why they were so chummy at the crowning of Aragorn.
- All of the expanded stuff on the Pelennor battlefield that involved Eowyn, Merry, Theoden and Eomer. I was so taken aback when I saw Eomer rush to the fallen Eowyn, screaming in anguish. Damn, I feel like crying again.
- All of the extra Gandalf and Pippin scenes, from the big Witch King confrontation at Minas Tirith (I never noticed he didn't have his staff for the rest of the movie!) to the small look that Pippin gives Gandalf during the celebration at Edoras.
While I could have done without the Gimli/Legolas drinking game scene, I take objection with nothing else that was added. It's just an exquisite movie.
I don't know which I want to do - watch it again or delve into the gazillion hours of bonus material.
Image of the Day
Survival of the Lesser Evolved
If we as humans had any instinct left in us, the people who were drawn to the shoreline after the ocean mysteriously receded by hundreds of yards would have been running in the opposite direction. I sometimes thing that we're going to evolve ourselves right off the planet.
The Long Wait Is Over
New LOST and 2 hours of new 'Alias' on Wednesday, January 5, starting at 8:00 P.M. W-O-O H-O-O!!
Happy 2005
The holidays were alright. This was the first Christmas without my father, and while it was sad, it was more empty than anything else. I was glad to be done with it this year, for the first time ever. Although it was nice to have two 3-day weekends in a row.
We stayed home on New Year's Eve. We couldn't really decide what to do and I wasn't feeling all that well, so we laid low that night. We watched the ball drop on ABC, and I would like to say one thing: "Shut up, Regis."
Well, I'm at work on a Sunday, printing out a few large reports so I don't monopolize the printer during working hours, so I'd better go check and see if the paper ran out.
And Now For Something Completely Different...
When I saw the headline, I said to Sheila, "What kind of sledding accident injures dozens of children?" The kind where the sleds are driven by idiots, apparently.
Tsunami Aid
I thought this NYTimes article gave an interesting perspective on that disastrous day: Gauging Disaster: How Scientists and Victims Watched Helplessly.