Ladies and Gentleman, Smeagol has left the building.
Man, as much as I didn't like Constantine, I honestly didn't think he deserved to go before Scott. Who on God's green earth is voting for Scott? What is his demographic? I don't get it. He's a mediocre singer with a bad attitude and if he's supposed to be representative of the average American, I may just have to surrender my citizenship.
The performances on Tuesday night were only so-so overall, and Constantine was particularly bad - the first mistake he made was to revert to his so-called "rocker" pose, which is exposed as the sham it is when showcased next to Bo; and then to make matters worse, his performance was barely on par with what you'd see in a karaoke bar. He really stank. P.U.
So, while I don't think he should have gone before Scott, I do think he should have been next.
As far as everyone else goes, nothing really blew me away. Carrie must have had her emotion chip adjusted since she seemed a bit more lively; Bo looked silly in the rocker Halloween costume; Vonzelle...I can't remember what she sang; and Anthony, honey, you get gayer with every passing week.
One final note. I hope that Bo's coke bust doesn't hurt his standing. If Scott, with his domestic abuse arrest, can still get the votes, then a rock singer who got busted for possession of coke should be able to, as well. Besides, it just makes him all the more authentic. ;)
HBO and new Gervais comedy: "Extras is about bit-part actors, and is mostly set in various green rooms where extras all hang out between takes. Gervais has roped several major US celebs to star as themselves in the series. As well as Samuel L Jackson, Kate Winslet, Vinnie Jones, Patrick Stewart and Ben Stiller, the show will also feature lesser celebs like Les Dennis and Ross Kemp."
Clive Alert
The first time I saw Clive Owen was while watching "Mystery" on PBS. The series was a BBC production called "Second Sight", about an extremely attractive DCI who is slowly losing his sight. What I saw of the series was spellbinding and I was an instant Clive Owen fan. If you'd like to check it out, BBCAmerica will begin airing Series 1 (there were 2) on Monday, May 9, at 9:00 P.M.
And just in case...if any of you are watching "Wire in the Blood" on BBCA, the season finale is next Monday.
And just in case...if any of you are watching "Wire in the Blood" on BBCA, the season finale is next Monday.
Drive-By Review
The Forgotten - Good idea, poorly executed, except for a few good scares and some decent acting. Maybe the forgotten actually fell into the gaping plot holes. Oh, and a question: who puts their kids on a plane to go to camp?
Deadwood: Childish Things
"Don't the decapitated deserve recreation?"
The dialogue was particularly Shakespearean last night, especially with all of those soliloquies - Al and the Chief (like Hamlet and poor Yorick), Charlie and Bill, and Ellsworth and his dog. Charlie's was the easiest to understand of the three, and the most poignant. I'm always happy to see Charlie onscreen because he's such a good guy and always tells it like it is.
I'm not sure why Al's turned to talking to the Chief (and carrying him around - it was sort of cute, in a scary-crazy way, when he took the Chief outside to watch the bike ride) - did he lose his edge a bit and go a little starkers after having the stroke? Or is the Chief the only person in the Gem he can have an intelligent conversation with? Actually, he did have these monologues in the first season, it was just usually with a whore he told to keep her mouth shut (but only if the mouth wasn't otherwise engaged).
The bicycle ride scene had a simple joy to it that you don't usually see on this show. Even Wolcott smiled.
I had a really hard time understanding what the heck went down between Alma and Martha Bullock. I still am. All I know is that Martha said she wanted to teach the camp's children, Alma got agitated and tried to start a fire, and then Martha got agitated and they were both pissy at each other before Martha left. Best I can figure, Alma said or did something that clued Martha in on the fact that Alma and Seth had something going on before Martha came to town. And something about Martha made Alma feel inadequate, I think - Martha can cook, clean, keep a house and teach children, and Alma couldn't even get a fire started for tea without proper notice. That's all I gleaned from that scene on the first go-around. We'll see what I pick up the next time I watch.
I'm really hoping that Alma didn't make a huge mistake by confronting Miss I. the way she did. Methinks she may have tipped her hand.
I want to see more of Doc - I hope he gets more screen time before the season ends. They can kill off Tolliver for me and give his over-abundance of screen time back to Doc. God, he was so mad, so enraged about the inhuman treatment of the Chinese whores that even his hair was trembling when he was talking to Cy.
I really thought Jane was going to kill Wolcott at the end. I'm glad she didn't because I find his character interesting and, more importantly, I think that killing Wolcott, no matter how much he might deserve it, would have ended Jane for good, whether it be jail or death at the hands of Hearst's people. Great conversation between her and Joanie.
I don't think Wolcott came to Joanie's to kill her. I don't think he really knew why he went there. I think he has a certain respect for her and it confuses him. Why else would he walk away after she hit him in the face with the bottle? When Jane said to him, "You ain't lied yet," I was thinking, you know, throughout all of this, I don't think he's lied about anything. He was pretty straight-forward with anyone who asked him a question. He knows what he is and he doesn't like what he sees, and yet still he does nothing different. And because he does nothing different, he likes himself even less.
Ellsworth's proposal scene was nice. I wonder if Alma will take him up on it? Especially now that the jig is up with Martha. Speaking of Martha, what was it that Bullock said to her that got her all "rejecting" and "repudiating"? It's not that I question why she's upset - I would be too if I found that he had been carrying on with another woman - it's that I don't understand how she went from one scene to the other. That's why I need another viewing.
Oh, how about EB almost choking to death on whatever he was sucking on for his bad tooth! Thank God for Richardson! Who'da thunk anyone would be thanking God for Richardson?
Oh and speaking of Richardson, did you notice in the bicycle scene that he was carrying around the antlers that he picked up when he walked Alma across the thoroughfare to the hardware store?
The dialogue was particularly Shakespearean last night, especially with all of those soliloquies - Al and the Chief (like Hamlet and poor Yorick), Charlie and Bill, and Ellsworth and his dog. Charlie's was the easiest to understand of the three, and the most poignant. I'm always happy to see Charlie onscreen because he's such a good guy and always tells it like it is.
I'm not sure why Al's turned to talking to the Chief (and carrying him around - it was sort of cute, in a scary-crazy way, when he took the Chief outside to watch the bike ride) - did he lose his edge a bit and go a little starkers after having the stroke? Or is the Chief the only person in the Gem he can have an intelligent conversation with? Actually, he did have these monologues in the first season, it was just usually with a whore he told to keep her mouth shut (but only if the mouth wasn't otherwise engaged).
The bicycle ride scene had a simple joy to it that you don't usually see on this show. Even Wolcott smiled.
I had a really hard time understanding what the heck went down between Alma and Martha Bullock. I still am. All I know is that Martha said she wanted to teach the camp's children, Alma got agitated and tried to start a fire, and then Martha got agitated and they were both pissy at each other before Martha left. Best I can figure, Alma said or did something that clued Martha in on the fact that Alma and Seth had something going on before Martha came to town. And something about Martha made Alma feel inadequate, I think - Martha can cook, clean, keep a house and teach children, and Alma couldn't even get a fire started for tea without proper notice. That's all I gleaned from that scene on the first go-around. We'll see what I pick up the next time I watch.
I'm really hoping that Alma didn't make a huge mistake by confronting Miss I. the way she did. Methinks she may have tipped her hand.
I want to see more of Doc - I hope he gets more screen time before the season ends. They can kill off Tolliver for me and give his over-abundance of screen time back to Doc. God, he was so mad, so enraged about the inhuman treatment of the Chinese whores that even his hair was trembling when he was talking to Cy.
I really thought Jane was going to kill Wolcott at the end. I'm glad she didn't because I find his character interesting and, more importantly, I think that killing Wolcott, no matter how much he might deserve it, would have ended Jane for good, whether it be jail or death at the hands of Hearst's people. Great conversation between her and Joanie.
I don't think Wolcott came to Joanie's to kill her. I don't think he really knew why he went there. I think he has a certain respect for her and it confuses him. Why else would he walk away after she hit him in the face with the bottle? When Jane said to him, "You ain't lied yet," I was thinking, you know, throughout all of this, I don't think he's lied about anything. He was pretty straight-forward with anyone who asked him a question. He knows what he is and he doesn't like what he sees, and yet still he does nothing different. And because he does nothing different, he likes himself even less.
Ellsworth's proposal scene was nice. I wonder if Alma will take him up on it? Especially now that the jig is up with Martha. Speaking of Martha, what was it that Bullock said to her that got her all "rejecting" and "repudiating"? It's not that I question why she's upset - I would be too if I found that he had been carrying on with another woman - it's that I don't understand how she went from one scene to the other. That's why I need another viewing.
Oh, how about EB almost choking to death on whatever he was sucking on for his bad tooth! Thank God for Richardson! Who'da thunk anyone would be thanking God for Richardson?
Oh and speaking of Richardson, did you notice in the bicycle scene that he was carrying around the antlers that he picked up when he walked Alma across the thoroughfare to the hardware store?
Uh, yeah.
Abdul's odd behavior: "American Idol judge Paula Abdul, responding to questions about her erratic behavior on the hit Fox talent show, says she is suffering from a rare neurological disorder and does not have a drug problem. "
I believe the other theory more - the one where she suffers from anxiety and had to get pumped up on Xanax some nights. That, I can not only believe, but also excuse (although that doesn't make her any less annoying or make me think she serves any purpose whatsoever on the show). It's always in the eyes that you can see these things, and her eyes are those of someone on something.
I believe the other theory more - the one where she suffers from anxiety and had to get pumped up on Xanax some nights. That, I can not only believe, but also excuse (although that doesn't make her any less annoying or make me think she serves any purpose whatsoever on the show). It's always in the eyes that you can see these things, and her eyes are those of someone on something.
Photo Post
I have been inspired (you know who you are) to start actually making use of my digital camera and occasionally posting some of the images here. Most of the photos will be of items, places or people I encounter from day to day.
Here's a shot of a hanging petunia I bought for the yard last weekend.
Here's a shot of a hanging petunia I bought for the yard last weekend.
Have you seen this boy's face yet?
Injuries sustained from a fall from a 3-story window? I don't think so. You can't tell me that this kid killed a detective in cold blood and the cops who caught him didn't beat the living crap out of him.
Anyone know what that white plastic thing is? The bottom half of his face must be even worse than the top.
Injuries sustained from a fall from a 3-story window? I don't think so. You can't tell me that this kid killed a detective in cold blood and the cops who caught him didn't beat the living crap out of him.
Anyone know what that white plastic thing is? The bottom half of his face must be even worse than the top.
"Have we a new pope??"
Possibly the best line of this week's Deadwood. Not a really tightly written episode, more a collection of great scenes, a chance for Al to wander around the camp and catch up with all the goings-on.
A few things:
A few things:
- Charlie Utter was the bomb. His scene with Joanie was so wonderful: "I am your friend, Joanie. Don't ever walk past me." His beating of Wolcott; his concern for Jane; his reaction to hearing Wolcott read Hickok's letter - Dayton Callie is a great actor.
- I loved Al doing his physical therapy. And his dress-up clothes. However, he does need a haircut, as does Bullock.
- Poor Jane. Her drinking's got the "upper hand" on her and it's breaking my heart.
- I think my favorite moment was the reaction shot to Trixie's "Tread lightly, those who hope for p*ssy" comment. Bullock's expression was awesome.
- I'm not sure if they'll ever take things in this direction (nor do I know whether I would want them to), but Al and Alma have some serious chemistry. Serious. I look forward to seeing future scenes with them together, over some f*cking Black Darjeeling tea, perhaps? Oh!
- Cy Tolliver needs to die, if only for my sake. And Joanie's, maybe. She could inherit the Bella and I wouldn't have to deal with Mr. Granite-Face.
- We had meeting peaches! Johnny's hurt expression when Tolliver turned his bowl upside down was priceless.
One additional comment: While I love Al just as much as the next guy, I hope they don't turn him into a "nice" guy. His scenes with Merrick, Trixie and Alma were wonderful (is there anyone McShane doesn't have chemistry with?), but I need to see the old ruthless Al to keep things interesting. Maybe he'll have Miss I killed once he's completely recovered from the stroke. One can only hope.
Drive-By Reviews
Mr. 3000 - Very good. Bernie Mac shows that he can actually act, and he has great chemistry with Angela Bassett. Above par baseball movie. I recommend.
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow - Visually stunning, like nothing you've ever seen, but at the same time you've seen it all before - heavily influenced by Indiana Jones, Star Wars, James Bond, The Lost World, Metropolis, The Wizard of Oz - the list goes on and on. The movie moves quickly, and the action is breathtaking, but there is absolutely no heart beating beneath the effects, and the dialogue is SO corny (especailly Angelina Jolie's lines). Worth the rental.
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow - Visually stunning, like nothing you've ever seen, but at the same time you've seen it all before - heavily influenced by Indiana Jones, Star Wars, James Bond, The Lost World, Metropolis, The Wizard of Oz - the list goes on and on. The movie moves quickly, and the action is breathtaking, but there is absolutely no heart beating beneath the effects, and the dialogue is SO corny (especailly Angelina Jolie's lines). Worth the rental.
Idol Speculation
"70s Dance Music"
The word "disco" was left out intentionally, I'm sure, allowing Bo the leeway he needed to pick a song that suited him. Damn did that song suit him. I was so nervous throughout the entire show, convinced that no matter what song he chose it was going to be a disaster. How relieved was I when he ripped into "Vehicle"? And I got all sorts of tingly. Hot. Stuff.
Was it a dance song? Technically, yes, it was in the rock/funk/early 70s danceable vein. The producers probably want him to stay so they made the category as amiguous as possible. Hey, if it was on the list, he has just as much a right as anyone else to sing it.
As for the rest:
Carrie - You are a fembot, I think. A machine. You can sing absolutely anything, perfectly, and without any soul whatsoever.
Scott - GO HOME. Please.
Anthony - That performance was one of the gayest things I have ever seen. Not that that's a bad thing. It was like something from Rent. I agree with Simon - insipid - and Ryan - stop dancing.
Vonzelle - Adorable, talented and for some reason, forgettable. I have such a hard time remembering her!
Anwar - You should have been gone 3 weeks ago, and I think you'll go tonight.
Constantine - Ick. Ick. Ick. Smeagol.
The word "disco" was left out intentionally, I'm sure, allowing Bo the leeway he needed to pick a song that suited him. Damn did that song suit him. I was so nervous throughout the entire show, convinced that no matter what song he chose it was going to be a disaster. How relieved was I when he ripped into "Vehicle"? And I got all sorts of tingly. Hot. Stuff.
Was it a dance song? Technically, yes, it was in the rock/funk/early 70s danceable vein. The producers probably want him to stay so they made the category as amiguous as possible. Hey, if it was on the list, he has just as much a right as anyone else to sing it.
As for the rest:
Carrie - You are a fembot, I think. A machine. You can sing absolutely anything, perfectly, and without any soul whatsoever.
Scott - GO HOME. Please.
Anthony - That performance was one of the gayest things I have ever seen. Not that that's a bad thing. It was like something from Rent. I agree with Simon - insipid - and Ryan - stop dancing.
Vonzelle - Adorable, talented and for some reason, forgettable. I have such a hard time remembering her!
Anwar - You should have been gone 3 weeks ago, and I think you'll go tonight.
Constantine - Ick. Ick. Ick. Smeagol.
Habemus Pappam!
New Pope Elected on Second Day of Conclave.
I just got off the phone with my mother, where I listened to the Vatican announcement live. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger will now be known as Pope Benedict XVI. I know nothing about him. He has a hard act to follow. I wish him luck and I hope that he is able to shine the light of the 21st century on the Church. Or even the 20th.
I just got off the phone with my mother, where I listened to the Vatican announcement live. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger will now be known as Pope Benedict XVI. I know nothing about him. He has a hard act to follow. I wish him luck and I hope that he is able to shine the light of the 21st century on the Church. Or even the 20th.
Gnome News
Grandma Stops Intruder With Garden Gnome: "'He lay there and I began to scream. I went back into the kitchen and found a rolling pin in case he came down. I didn't want to break another gnome.'"
Garden Gnome Goes Wild: "Nonetheless, Marianne says, 'He's welcome home with open arms and he has repented for going places where he shouldn't have gone.' "
Nice to see someone have a sense of humor about it.
Nice to see someone have a sense of humor about it.
TV Time
Some thoughts on last night's TV offerings:
Idol - I didn't watch it, and I'm glad I didn't have to see Nadia eliminated, even though I could see it coming along with everyone else. While I think that among other bottom 3 people like Scott (*gag*) and Anthony, she is certainly more marketable, and has the career potential beyond most of the contestants (besides pretty Carrie), she just doesn't fit the Idol mold. Hopefully we'll see her out there on her own some day. Good job, Nadia.
Alias - I'm going to cheat and just copy and paste an e-mail I sent out earlier today:
Most. Bestest. Episode. This. Season.
Not a scene wasted, except for the scrubbing the sink/Weiss scene, but even then we got the reveal of Nadia on the phone to Auntie Katya.
Vaughn – I was really loving him in this episode. Normally I’m left wanting more from him as far as emoting goes, but he did well last night. Plus, he yelled in French, my favorite thing he does! Poor him, though, that his father was dead all this time. But also good because that means that he didn’t abandon his family. The blonde woman was really good, I thought – too bad she got the life shot out of her. I loved, “Consider this your second rejection by the CIA!” Woo!
Jack has a genetic mutation, huh? Will he develop floppy fingers? I wonder how this will manifest itself. They'd better not kill SpyDaddy. I mean it.
Sloane, Sloane, Sloane. He must be pooping in his pants right now (and said poop is about to hit the fan for him). Now, I understand that he’s being set up in regard to the Vaughn heist of the Rambaldi manuscript (yay Rambaldi!) by the fake Sloane, but do you think he’s also being set up by Irina/Katya for the contract on Syd? Or do you think he really put that contract out on her and set up Irina? I’d like to think that he really did it.
That’s all I can think of for now. Except that next week looks amazing.
Feel free to discuss!
Idol - I didn't watch it, and I'm glad I didn't have to see Nadia eliminated, even though I could see it coming along with everyone else. While I think that among other bottom 3 people like Scott (*gag*) and Anthony, she is certainly more marketable, and has the career potential beyond most of the contestants (besides pretty Carrie), she just doesn't fit the Idol mold. Hopefully we'll see her out there on her own some day. Good job, Nadia.
Alias - I'm going to cheat and just copy and paste an e-mail I sent out earlier today:
Most. Bestest. Episode. This. Season.
Not a scene wasted, except for the scrubbing the sink/Weiss scene, but even then we got the reveal of Nadia on the phone to Auntie Katya.
Vaughn – I was really loving him in this episode. Normally I’m left wanting more from him as far as emoting goes, but he did well last night. Plus, he yelled in French, my favorite thing he does! Poor him, though, that his father was dead all this time. But also good because that means that he didn’t abandon his family. The blonde woman was really good, I thought – too bad she got the life shot out of her. I loved, “Consider this your second rejection by the CIA!” Woo!
Jack has a genetic mutation, huh? Will he develop floppy fingers? I wonder how this will manifest itself. They'd better not kill SpyDaddy. I mean it.
Sloane, Sloane, Sloane. He must be pooping in his pants right now (and said poop is about to hit the fan for him). Now, I understand that he’s being set up in regard to the Vaughn heist of the Rambaldi manuscript (yay Rambaldi!) by the fake Sloane, but do you think he’s also being set up by Irina/Katya for the contract on Syd? Or do you think he really put that contract out on her and set up Irina? I’d like to think that he really did it.
That’s all I can think of for now. Except that next week looks amazing.
Feel free to discuss!
Letter of Fug
Y'all, I'm So Tired: "And you'd think that would be all the bad things that would happen to me but no, then I found out that Bit Bit is PREGNANT and the Puppy Daddy is MY BROTHER BRYAN'S DOG. That is INCEST, y'all. INCEST is totally wrong and gross, which I have learned from watching Passions recently, and also from the Bible and stuff. What am I supposed to do? My dog can't have an incest baby, but I can't get the dog an abortion but what if her puppies have two heads or little fish gills or something? That is NOT RIGHT. I don't have TIME to deal with INCEST PUPPIES. "
If all the Go Fug Yourself girls ever wrote was a weekly letter from Britney, it would still make that site worth visiting.
If all the Go Fug Yourself girls ever wrote was a weekly letter from Britney, it would still make that site worth visiting.
Finger Food
Woman Won't Sue Wendy's for Alleged Finger: "Court records show Ayala has filed at least six lawsuits in the San Francisco Bay area, and she acknowledged receiving a settlement for medical costs a year ago after claiming that her daughter was sickened after eating at a Las Vegas restaurant. "
"Emotional distress" my ass.
"Emotional distress" my ass.
Say it ain't so.
Joaquin Phoenix in alcohol rehab: "He starred in a number of notable films, including 'The Village' and 'Gladiator,' and plays hard-living country singer Johnny Cash in an upcoming movie."
Sounds like he took his job home with him. I hope he straightens out soon.
Sounds like he took his job home with him. I hope he straightens out soon.
Good God.
Woman sold daughter for car: "The youngest daughter is three months pregnant, the report said; she was 11 when her mother first forced her to have sex with a man. The older daughter refused to be a prostitute and was allegedly sold for a car."
Pickles and Randy Pants, sittin'g in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G
"... oh, Camilla, the hat. ".
The dress - perfection. What possessed her to put that straw in her hair?
The dress - perfection. What possessed her to put that straw in her hair?
LOST will go out with a bang.
A 2-part, 3 hour season finale: "'We were going to do a two-hour finale [over two weeks], and then ABC asked if we could do 90 minutes [the second week] so they could schedule it against American Idol. Carlton [Cuse] and Damon [Lindelof, who co-created the show with J.J. Abrams,] did an amazing job on the finale script, and their first draft came in a little long anyway. [ABC] looked at it and decided to do a two-hour. So 'Exodus Part 1' will air on May 18th, and the epic saga that is 'Exodus Part 2' will air May 25th. The final two hours is so full of incident and character and shocks and scares and drama, all the things that people love about Lost, that it would have been silly to cut things out. "
Oh boy!
Oh boy!
It's a nice day for a comeback.
Billy Idol is back for more, more, more: "The pop-punk patriarch has just released 'Devil's Playground,' his first full-length album since 1993's unremarkable 'Cyberpunk.' With five million-sellers already under his belt, Idol hopes 'Playground' will return him to the top of the charts."
I hope he does it.
Check out the photo, though - yikes!!
I hope he does it.
Check out the photo, though - yikes!!
Drive-By Reviews
I, Robot - This was good. A bit difficult to take everything in on the small screen sometimes, and there's NO WAY technology (and society) will have progressed so much and be so pervasive as early as 2035, but it was a good story (inspired by Asimov), decent acting and lots of action.
The Bourne Supremacy - Again, I was very satisfied with this one. I've read all the Bourne books (long time ago), and the movies bear only a slight resemblance to them (or my memory of them), but they are enjoyable in their own right. I would like to see a third Bourne movie, especially if they retain Joan Allen's character.
The Bourne Supremacy - Again, I was very satisfied with this one. I've read all the Bourne books (long time ago), and the movies bear only a slight resemblance to them (or my memory of them), but they are enjoyable in their own right. I would like to see a third Bourne movie, especially if they retain Joan Allen's character.
My Prrrrecious Valentine
This week's 'Idol' was really pretty bad, with the theme being show tunes. Now, I know they aren't the easiest thing to sing, but the song choices by the contestants were inexplicable. Bo couldn't find something from Jesus Christ Superstar, or Hair, or Godspell?? I mean come on, Pippi Longstockings? And while Carrie is technically perfect, she has the personality and depth of a Barbie doll. One of the best performances of the night, much to my chagrin, was Constantine singing a favorite of mine, "My Funny Valentine". Entertainment Weekly summed up my feelings perfectly, and helped me to finally realize who he reminded me of with his creepy, leering looks:
"I really hate to say it, but I thought Constantine gave one of the night's better efforts. Yeah, he took his wild mugging to shameless new lows, and his final note was shakier than Grandma's hands, but his light-jazz read on ''My Funny Valentine'' showed he not only has impeccable taste in songs, but he also truly understands the words coming out of his Smeagoly mouth."

Smeagol! Yes! Tell me you don't agree.
"I really hate to say it, but I thought Constantine gave one of the night's better efforts. Yeah, he took his wild mugging to shameless new lows, and his final note was shakier than Grandma's hands, but his light-jazz read on ''My Funny Valentine'' showed he not only has impeccable taste in songs, but he also truly understands the words coming out of his Smeagoly mouth."
Smeagol! Yes! Tell me you don't agree.
Go Hug Yourself: "We are just jealous. And fat. And ugly, poor, viciously destructive blobs who can only cope with the grim reality of our own lives by tearing down other people. We're not just Satan's minions; we eat his leg shavings, toasted and topped with fresh sweat-butter."
Nice one.
Nice one.
Does Paula like it 'straight up'?
Or on the rocks?
Idol watchers, I have a question for you: Am I the only one who thinks that Paula Abdul has been drunk off her ass in the past few shows? If she isn't, then she needs to be seriously medicated.
Then again, maybe that's the problem.
Idol watchers, I have a question for you: Am I the only one who thinks that Paula Abdul has been drunk off her ass in the past few shows? If she isn't, then she needs to be seriously medicated.
Then again, maybe that's the problem.
Bockaa. :(
While not as newsworthy as Terry Schiavo's death or the imminent passing of the Pope, the death of Frank Perdue today derserves to be mentioned here, along with a thank you to the man who helped to make chickens funny. Thanks, Frank.
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