To Monsieur Vaughn, who's not really dead, and to you all, as I take off to Kennebunkport, ME for the weekend.
Have a good one, and I'll see you on Monday.
Whew, that wasn't really all that quick, was it?
As far as other TV goes, I just wanted to mention that I checked out a couple of new shows, How I Met Your Mother and Invasion, and neither one has really grabbed me. HIMYM was just way too corny and the laugh track was distracting, especially immediately following Arrested Development. I skipped Invasion last night, but that was mostly because I was tired and had a few things I had to do before bed. It did interest me last week, so on another night, with LOST as a lead in, I will probably check it out again.
And don't forget -- Alias premieres tonight at 8:00 PM (EST) on ABC!
ETA: CSI also premiered last Thu (and there's a new episode tonight), but the only noteworthy thing I have to say about it is Warwick is married?? NOOOO!!