This is just under the wire, but I wanted to comment on last week's Alias before tonight's new episode.
I liked it. Actually, I think it was my favorite so far this season. Good writing, good acting, good action.
I really enjoyed the Sloane parts. It was great to hear someone say that they weren’t going to believe his lies this time. I am so happy he is out of jail and especially that he had to sell his soul to the Devil to do it. Come to think of it, he must have had to buy it back from the Devil a few times since he’s done this more than once.
Both of the new guys were good and I didn’t find myself wishing that they would just go away, which is progress. And I like Sydney in the take charge role. I think it’d be really interesting to see her develop some of her mother’s characteristics (in terms of strength), and maybe not succumb to tears as she has so often in the past. That said, I had a huge smile on my face when she was stuck up in the car and Dean told her she had a half hour to produce Mockingbird and she said, “I have to call my dad!”
I was pleased that Dixon had a larger role and Marshall a smaller one. A little bit of Marshal goes a long way and that dice scene was hysterical.
For the first time this season, I'm looking forward to a new episode.