Alias Returns with a Shorter Season.
Not the best news, but at least it's definitely coming back!
BSG Quickies - with Spoilers!
Sacrifice continued the return in quality to the show with a story about a woman (played by Dana Delaney) whose husband died in a cylon attack and who has become obsessed with exacting revenge against the Cylons. She has learned that the Fleet has the cylon Sharon, alive and well, in captivity, and she wants her blood. Dana and her militant friends take a barful of people captive - including Dee, Apollo, Billy and Ellen Tigh - and demands that Adama turn over Sharon or they will start killing hostages.
The episode was tightly written and very well-acted by all. There was little to no development in the larger mytharc for the show, but again we got character development:
Starbuck - formerly the can-do-no-wrong hot shot, she continues on a downslide here. She bungles a rescue attempt (by no fault of her own), and in the process shoots Apollo, nearly killing him.
Billy - well, Billy has a really bad day: Dee turns down his proposal of marriage, after which he discovers Dee and Apollo on a date together, he gets taken hostage and ultimately dies trying to protect Dee. Poor Billy.
Adama - is still having his little tete-a-tetes with the dead copy of Sharon. Trying to come to grips with his feelings about her, I suppose.
Roslin - she loses the closest she has to family when she loses Billy. The scene where she comes to see Billy's body in the morgue is one of the best scenes the show has ever had. The tension and unspoken words (except for the biting, "Was it worth it" from Roslin to Adama) between Roslin and Adama, her intense grief, the gesture she made of straightening Billy's bangs - very, very sad.
Sharon - she admits to Adama that she is withholding information from him. How truthful or beneficial has the information that she's given them been? Has she led the Fleet right into the hands of the Cylons, all the while making them think she was helping them? I think the 'Sharon' part of her, the part that fell in love with...oh geez, I can't remember his name...I think that part of her did want to help, but she is a Cylon after all. She could have been feeding them just enough information to keep her alive long enough to deliver the baby, an importan element in the Cylon plan. Whatever that is!
Oh, and one final thought: Ellen Tigh needs to die a magnificent death.
The Captain's Hand
This episode brought more of the upper-level intrigue that I like so much - political maneuvering, the Cylon agenda, the struggle for the survival of the human race - all sort of squeezed into the cracks of mediocre storyline. But, mediocre for this show is still good. A weird thing, though - they seem to be relegating the exposition to the previouslies, showing scenes that had been cut from previous episodes as if we had seen them. I felt like I missed an episode in there somewhere.
To sum up the action quickly: The former head engineer of the Pegasus is her new Commander and he is in WAY over his head. Apollo is promoted to Major and is sent over to Pegasus to assist Commander Garner, in some way (sorry this is so half-assed!). Two raptors go missing and Garner makes a bad call and jumps to where he thinks their distress signal is orginating from, only to find it was a Cylon trap. He gives control of the ship to Apollo and goes down to engineering and pulls a Spock because the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Apollo does such a good job pulling Pegasus' ass out of the fire, Adama makes him its new Commander. At the rate these Commanders have been kicking it (3 so far this season), Apollo better hope he's not asked to wear a red shirt.
The more interesting part of the story deals with the abortion issue. A young girl stows away on the Galactica, to get an abortion from Cottle. Abortion is legal in the colonies, except on the religious Geminon. The girl is a Geminon and so the Geminon leader demands she be returned to her parents and the abortion not be performed or they will withdraw their support for the President, who is campaigning for re-election. Roslin makes the difficult decision of banning all future abortions (after grandfathering the girl in), in the interest of preserving the human race. Mary McDonnell does a wonderful job of conveying just how much this goes against all of her beliefs regarding a woman's freedom to choose and the struggle between those beliefs and her responsibility as a leader to make the hard choices that she believes to be in the best interest of humanity. Every new life is precious in the most serious sense of the word, when the number on the white board goes down more often than up.
Of course, Baltar siezes this opportunity and announces that he will be running against the President in the upcoming election. He his now allied with Zarek and (at least secretly) with the Cylon Sympathizers, to whom he gave a nuclear warhead. Things are really heating up now.
Darren McGavin and Don Knotts. If you don't know who they are, shame on you.
Well done, guys, and rest in peace.
Wake Him Up Before He Go-Gos!
Saturday's Dinner.
Drive-Thru Reviews
Crash - We've seen it done before, and in some cases better, despite the hype. That said, the actors turn a series of cliches into some pretty powerful movie-making.
Bleak House - the final two-hour episode of this BBC masterpiece aired last night on PBS. I've already praised it enough - now you need to heed my advice and buy it on DVD tomorrow.
The First Four To Go.
Alas, it was not to be. My one consolation is that she seems to be universally despised. Becky pulled away from her hug, even though they were roomies; Katharine and Lisa's jaws were on their respective laps when she came and sat back down in front of them (and they exchanged this awesome "WTF??" look); and Ryan actually had to tell people that it was okay to clap for her when it was apparent she had escaped the axe. She's a prize, that one.
So who did go?
Becky - was the first on the chop. I can't say she didn't deserve to go, but I was surprised that the Maxim girl didn't make it through at least one more round based purely on her looks. Bye-bye Becky.
Bobby - To the Moon, Bobby!!
Stevie - As expected.
Patrick - Not as expected. At least not for me. What a shame, because he really can sing. The more I think about the fact that Will and David are still in the competition and Patrick has to go, the more pissed I get about all the teenage girls who are voting for the boy they think is the cutest. And I bet Patrick got more votes than Brenna, but because of the stupid boys vs girls thing they think they've got going, he has to go. Disappointed!
One final thing. The LisaBot made a few chinks in the icy walls of my heart last night when she was visibly upset after Patrick was eliminated. Did you see that girl cry?
Either that, or she got a new emotion chip.
Flickr Favorites.
Some day I'm going to be able to take pictures like that.
(view as a slideshow for better effect)
Officer Gina, to the rescue!
Sorry, that link sort of vaporized, so here's a the photo:
It'd be like driving around in a Hot Wheel.
'Kitty Pound'?? Are you kidding me?
Patrick - started things off with a whimper with a bad song choice, which is a shame because he seems to sing well and I think he's kinda hot.
Will - very cute but, come on - wasn't it totally like that Brady Bunch episode where they all wore those horrible Elvis jumpsuits and sang on TV? Will is totally Peter Brady. "When it's time to change, you've got to rearrange..."
David - I'm not quite sure what that was all about, but I'm pretty sure Freddie Mercury is absolutely spinning in his grave.
Bucky - he's seriously handicapped in the looks category, and I don't think his talent is such that his looks won't matter.
Elliot - another guy who ain't so pretty, but boy can he sing. Usually only Stevie Wonder sounds good singing a Stevie Wonder song, but Elliot was the exception to the rule.
Sway - will someone please put that cat out of its misery?
Gedeon - McCreepy. I don't think he pulled that song off at all - he's way too precise and not loose enough for 'Shout'. And he's creepy.
Chris - perfect song choice. I wish he wore his cowboy hat. I think he's one of those bald guys who would look better with his hair grown in.
Kevin - I don't want to say anything because I'm afraid I'll hurt his feelings.
Bobby - WTF, Bobby?! It was like Jackie Gleason showed up drunk at a wedding and grabbed the microphone from the band. Thanks to the mute button, I have no idea what the judges said. But I think I can figure it out.
Ace - another very good song choice. He's very pretty, isn't he? He reminded us of a young Barry Gibb (60s era). Nice shoulders, too. Can he sing? I think he's got just enough talent, which combined with his looks will keep him in the contest to the end.
Taylor - Woo! As much as I like "Levon", I'm not sure it showcased him well enough. But he was so good. Still my favorite. All he needs is a good haircut and he'll be perfect. Woo! Soul Patrol!
I don't ever want to hear the words "Kitty Pound" or "Paula's Poodle Pound" ever again. EVER. OK? Doesn't 'Kitty Pound' sound like the name of a rec room at the Playboy mansion? Yikes. And I'm getting really tired of the way Randy and Paula don't let Simon speak his mind. That's something that bothered me last year and it looks like it'll only be worse this time around. (I do however wish that someone had cut him off before he told Gedeon he had a creepy smile. I mean, he does, but Simon, dude, that was actually quite mean.)
Find out tonight which 2 girls and which 2 boys are going home. If I had my way? Brenna, Heather, David and Bobby.
Geekin' out a little.
So I stopped at Radio Shack at lunch yesterday and was able to get exactly what I needed, for more money than I would have liked to spend. The kit operates basically like a VCR, as far as all the input/output connections, but is a little cheaper. It took only minutes to set up and works nicely with my portable DVD player. Yay for me!
Wednesday Morning Coming Down.
What did I think about the girls?
Mandisa - started off by rocking the shit out of Heart's Never, setting the bar very high.
Ayla - super-over-achieving-basketball-scholarship-winning-daughter-of-a-senator-and-a-newscaster surprised me by singing well. But I think her whole "entitlement" thing, true or not, will end things for her soon, no matter how well she sings.
Becky - drop-dead gorgeous and she looked like a drunk chick pretending to be a rock star on karaoke night.
Heather - who?
Kellie - adorable but not nearly as good a singer as I thought she was. Best part of her performance was when she took Ryan by surprise and shouted "Pick Pickler!"
Stevie - oh Stevie, what were you thinking? Pretty much a train wreck, from what we could surmise with the mute button pushed during the judging
Paris - had the you-know-whats to tackle a Gladys Knight song and was amazing
Melissa - poor girl will probably be out this week simply because no one knows who she is, but I thought she did better than some. She's got a real Melissa Etheridge sound.
Kinnik - I thought she was much better than the judges did. Alot with the yelling, but at least I felt some emotion behind all the yelling, unlike...
Lisa - who really bothers me for some reason. She was praised to the heavens last night, but all I remember is a lot of yell-singing and freaky smiling.
Katharine - still my favorite. She nailed her song. And she's dorky.
A couple more things...I can't believe I'm saying this, but Randy has now usurped Paula's long-held position of Most Useless American Idol Judge. Dawg, you need to come up with something else to say besides, "OK, so this is how it is...you started off a little pitchy, you were a little sharp here and there, but you got it together in the end and brought it home." Did he say that to all of them, or am I imagining it? Speaking of Paula (and scary hairdo aside), she was actually giving constructive criticism last night, until about the last third of the show when I think her meds kicked in.
Finally, please ladies, enough with the culotte/gauchos, OK?
ETA: LOL, my burning hatred for her is so profound that any memory of Brenna's performance was temporarily obliterated. She was predictably awful, obnoxious, and I really wanted her to fall on her porn star ass when she was doing that stripper dance at the end.
My One and Only Reality Show.
After weeks of painfully unnecessary audition shows, American Idol has whittled its contestants down to the Final 24.
I am ambivalent about most of them, but my current favorites, male and female, are Taylor Hicks and Katharine McPhee. I hate to break it to you two, but that means you ain't gonna make it.
I do feel intense animosity toward Brenna Gathers - who with all the ass-spanking and face-licking she does while performing must have come from the adult entertainment field - which probably means she will last to the final 12, at least.
And so I make no prediction on who will go all the way because, I have my favorites, they have their favorites, and the voters have their favorites, and never the twain shall meet.
Idol is on for 5 hours this week, as FOX tries to pull a Tanya Harding and kneecap the Olympics Ladies Figure Skating in the ratings. Two hours of the ladies tonight, two hours of the men tomorrow night and a one hour results show on Thursday night, when 4 of them will go home.
I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm going to be able to sit through all of that. I just can't do it. Please don't let me.
If Only.
Defamer shows us: Oprah Just Wants To Know Why, Tom.
I suppose it was just a matter of time.
I'm surprised it took so long for something like this to happen.
The Long Con
This is the episode where Sawyer returns to selfish, greedy, cranky form. Definitely my favorite episode since their return from the holiday break.
I knew I was going to like the episode from the opening scene with the Bossy Twins in the gun vault. Not only was Locke's superstition about smashing a bunch of Virgin Marys funny, but we actually got a clear and concise explanation for why he kept them: he thought the heroin they contain may come in handy in some future medical emergency. Thank you.
The Long Con was all about Sawyer and refers to a form of con that takes a long time and involves getting the mark to think that the whole thing was their idea in the first place. The flashbacks of Sawyer conning and falling in love with Cassidy dovetailed nicely with the con he was pulling on his fellow lostaways, where he outmaneuvers them and takes possession of the guns himself. I wonder about a few things: How long was this con? Has he been hatching it since he recovered from his gunshot wound? What was his real reason for taking the guns? He must have been motivated by more than just anger over his "stuff" being taken while he was away. As a con-artist, Sawyer is always in control of his circumstances and I imagine he needed to re-assert that control and teach the Bossy Twins a lesson. I think Kate was right - he wants people to hate him. Why? Well, I don't think he's comfortable with being treated any other way and he doesn't think he's deserving of others' kindness. Sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy. That's fine with me - I find him much more interesting as a good-for-nothing.
I recognized the woman playing Cassidy straight away - I just didn't know who she was until about halfway through the episode. Joanie Stubbs, I miss you (and Deadwood)! I think Sawyer really did love her. It would be nice to see her again.
So, Bernard's a dentist! I bet that will come in handy in the future.
It was good to see Sayid again. I hope he's coming out of his funk now. I know it's only been a short amount of island time since Shannon died, but in my timeline, it feels like forever. He's certainly more useful than most of them, so he needs to snap out of it.
So, Sawyer's accomplice in the long con was Charlie! I freely admit that I did not see that coming. I am such an easy mark. Sawyer would have a field day with me...Sorry, I distracted myself. Back to Charlie...that's pretty hardcore, abducting Sun to get revenge against Locke. I don't think he intended for Sun to get hurt, but still. Maybe he caught the Island Crazies, like Michael? He's certainly gone over to the dark side, what with his Sith Lord hood and all. Hmm, are we seeing the beginning of a division among the lostaways, a la The Stand, good vs. evil?
Thanks to the folks at Too Much Free Time, I found out that Kate's mother was the waitress at the diner in Sawyer's flashback. I always miss that stuff.
What was Locke doing with the books. He sure as sh*t wasn't alphabetizing them - he was looking for something. Another piece of film? The book they showed the cover of was "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge", by Ambrose Bierce, who, by-the-way, disappeared without a trace. Just like Glen Miller, whose music Sayid and Hurley were listening to on the radio.
Next episode: Sayid! The French Woman!
Ever have a song stuck in your head?
At least it's funny, which is better than the other song that has made its insidious way into my subconscious mind via that Chase credit card commerical.."I'm 22 for a moment, and she's feels better than ever, and we're on fire..."
Oh Christ, now they're dueling for dominance.
Rufus' Perfect Egg Head Beats Competition.
My hopes for the pug Dermot were high, until he flinched when the judge approached. Dermot recovered nicely, but not well enough to threaten the chances of my second favorite, Rufus the Bull Terrier. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever find one of these dogs cute, but he is adorable.
Well done, Rufus!
Crap, that's a lot of snow.
Crap, that's a lot of snow.
Originally uploaded by gina64.
I took this after shoveling piles of the stuff on Sunday. It's not the best photo of me, that's for sure - I'm beet red, even after lightening the exposure, and I have no makeup on - but what really strikes me about it is how OLD I look. Just look at those lines around my eyes!
It's all that smiling I do. Yeah, that's it.
Bleak House Continues.
(requires viewing of short ad)
Part 4 of the 6-part "Bleak House" aired on PBS on Sunday and it has me enthralled. The pace of the storytelling is breathless, cramming more plot into one hour than you're bound to see in an entire season of LOST (that doesn't mean I love you any less, LOST!). Since it's Dickens, the colorfulness of the characters goes without saying. And the acting is superb, especially from the most prominent characters, played by Gillian Anderson (Lady Dedlock), Anna Maxwell Martin (Esther Summerson) and Charles Dance (the vile Tulkinghorn). If you haven't been watching, don't start now - there are only 2 episodes left (this coming Sunday and the one after that) and you've missed too much already. However, the DVD will be released almost immediately following the final episode, on February 28, so you won't have to wait too long to see it. I know I'll be buying it.
Drive-Thru Review
Just when we thought it was safe to go back outside.
Nor'easter 4
Originally uploaded by gina64.
We're getting slammed here in CT with an awesome Nor'easter. This was taken at 8:30 this morning, and the snow's supposed to continue through dinner time. The storm has brought high winds and blizzard conditions with it, too, so there are drifts that are a few feet high out there. I love it.
This reminds me of Larry, the blizzard we had back in February of '78. I was in 8th grade. We got several feet of snow, not a usual occurrence around here, and school was closed for days. It was awesome.
But I was a kid, and being shut up in the house for a few days now wouldn't be so bad, but with no electricity? Good grief!
Gosh, summer feels awfully far away!
This is it. Over. Done. Kaput.
FOX is airing the final 4 episodes in a 2-hour block tonight, beginning at 8:00 P.M. Hopefully we'll see them all again one day, but until that day comes, if ever, we'll have to live in a Buster-less world, and we will all be the lesser for it.
Timing is everything.
I find it interesting that these details are being released now, when Bush is on the hotseat for using domestic wiretapping in the fight against terrorism. The article doesn't mention wiretapping per se, but it doesn't have to, does it? News of a thwarted attack not only deflects attention from the issues of domestic spying, it also serves to reinforce the opinions of those who believe that "anything goes" when it comes to national security.
So Scary.
And it's their fault that I have to show my license and sign a form every time I need to buy some Sudafed!
Drive-Thru Review
Ahhhhh, geek out!
(thanks, lost-media.com)
Drive-Thru Review
BSG - "Scar"
This episode was far more satisfying than Black Market. Like that episode, Scar was a character study, this time focusing on Starbuck; the big difference and what made this episode actually make sense is Starbuck's emotional and psychological crises were based on actual ongoing storylines - the death of Cain and her perceived abandonment of and love for Anders - rather than made up girlfriends.
As testament to how good this show is, I liked Scar inspite of its "Top Gun"-ishness - I don't really go in for all that fly-boy high-fivin' Iceman wing man schtick. It may also help that the two best pilots are both women. Scar was a turning point for Starbuck, who managed to crawl out of the bottle and face her demons. Well, at least some of them. She is a highly skilled officer and pilot but a highly flawed human being. I find her much more interesting when we see the flaws.
We learned more about the Cylons in a gut-wrenching scene between Starbuck and Sharon - the Cylon Raider ships can resurrect, just like the Cylons. So in every battle in the first season and most of the second season, until the Resurrection Ship was destroyed, every Raider that the fleet destroyed was simply "reborn". With some kind of consciousness. Was Scar the resurrected raider that they showed Starbuck gutting in the previouslies? That makes some sense, except I wondered if the raider actually died or was it just lobotomized? Anyway, interesting to think about.
Starbuck spirals out of control as the episode progresses, drinking what had to have been every last bottle of liquor remaining in the fleet, trying and failing to have some hot sex with Apollo and distancing herself from everyone around her. In the end she faces her own mortality as well as the that of the pilots who have died so far, particularly in the next-to-last scene where she reads out the names of the fallen pilots from memory, names she had denied remembering earlier in the episode.
Next week: Dana Delaney is a terrorist!
Wondering what to have for dinner tonight?
, check off the items you have in your fridge and cupboard and it will find recipes you can make with what you have on hand.
March 2006.
Originally uploaded by gina64.
So, does anyone have anything interesting going on in March? Click on the image above to go to a calendar page I made at flickr and add a note.
Oh, great.
What does this mean? They can't be dropping it altogether, can they??
Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out, Alias!
Special Valentine Unit.
My favorite: "I've got my eye on you."