Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog
It's a web-only comic musical. OK, it does sound stupid, but bear with me for a moment longer.
"Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog" is a web-only super-villain musical by Joss Whedon and stars Nathan Fillion and Neil Patrick Harris and here's a sneak-peek:
Teaser from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog on Vimeo.
Looks awesome to me. For details, go read what Joss has to say.
Amy Winehouse makes me sad.
Buildings are not supposed to move.

For me, this one falls under the "just because you can, that doesn't mean you should" category, for a few reasons:
1. UGLY!
2. I like my buildings to remain motionless and on solid ground. This would be like living in a theme park attraction.
3. The designer strikes me as a snake oil salesman.
My gut just tells me this is a bad idea.
What Happened Next.

I had Turner Classic Movies on the other night, as background noise while I wasted time online. They were showing the Clark Gable version of Mutiny and afterwards they played a short film about Pitcairn Island, the extremely isolated South Pacific island where the mutineers took refuge. I had never heard of Pitcairn, so I started Googling and that's how I found out about the sex scandal. I couldn't believe what had gone on that I had never heard about!
For the whole story, from the mutiny through two centuries, until the sex scandal broke in the late 90s, read this fascinating 10-page Vanity Fair article, "Trouble in Paradise":
"But the movies never moved past sunset endings with a Gable or a Gibson standing with the Tahitian maidens on the cliffs of Pitcairn, looking out over his torched ship and the boundless Pacific, both the evidence and the way home sinking offshore. That was the beginning, not the end, of the odd colony the mutineers founded. Over the centuries Pitcairn, its population rising as high as 233 and now holding at 47, has become a mystical destination for those seeking escape, freedom, and the dream of paradise in the South Seas.
The news that has come off the rock in the last decade shocked the world and tainted the myth. In 2004, six men—a third of the island’s adult male population, including Pitcairn mayor Steve Christian, a direct descendant of Fletcher Christian’s—had been convicted under English law of 33 sexual offenses, some dating back as many as 40 years. The trials had been held in a makeshift courtroom on Pitcairn. At the Privy Council, on July 10, 2006, the prisoners were appealing those convictions.
Headlines around the world had focused on the criminal case: pitcairn’s cloud of vice. But a more dramatic story lay buried in the thousands of pages piled high on a table partly shielding the Privy Council lords from the commoners facing them.
For most of its history, Pitcairn lived with a secret sex culture that defined island life. Adultery was not just routine but pervasive, as was the sexual fondling of infants and socially approved sex games among young children. Incest and prostitution were not unknown. The criminal charges stemmed from a longtime island practice of “breaking in” girls as young as 10."
The best news I've heard all day.
I know what you're thinking: Hollywood has run out of ideas, they've made one too many movies based on television shows already, but I don't care! Didn't you hear what I said? New Arrested Development, the Bluths on the big screen! Yay!
I think this news calls for a clip...
"That's not a show, that's a Gay Pride Parade!"
ETA: I just realized that what I wrote makes it sound like I hate The Smurfs because they are like a Gay Pride Parade.
I would like to make it very clear that I have nothing against gay people, parades or the Gay Pride Parade! (although the marchers could do with putting on some pants before they leave the house)
That was just the funniest line from the video.
Aaand, the other shoe drops. Sort of.
I bet the answer to the mystery won't be nearly as macabre as the theories my twisted brain has come up with after watching CSI, Forensice Files, Investigation Discovery, Cold Case Files and Silence of the Lambs one too many times.
The feet most likely belong to victims of a plane crash, whose feet disarticulated from their bodies after they spent some time decomposing at the bottom of the ocean. Because they were encased in buoyant sneakers, the feet drifted along currents until they washed up on a beach.
Because this is happening in and around Vancouver, I can't help but wonder, WWMD? (what would Mulder do?)
Meanwhile, authorities wait for the other shoe to drop.
I have run through the fields...
Let's not and say I did, ok?
Happy Landings Farm is a place I have always wanted to photograph, with its rolling farmland and ancient windmills. It's located just down the road from where my father used to live and we would drive by it all the time.
It's also very near to where I work, so I decided to go there during my lunch hour yesterday and take some pictures. What I didn't realize was that Happy Landings Farm is part of the Brookfield Nature Conservancy, with mowed trails running through and around it. It was a beautiful way to spend my lunch hour.
It's not something in the water.
I have found the best Bloody Mary mix, EVER.

It's made in Maine by lobstermen (of course it is), and it has a lobster and wasabi base. It is delicious. I bought one bottle at a local liquor store for Sheila's baby shower - Sheila's having a baby, BTW! Very soon! - and it was gone almost instantly. I was so sad that I didn't grab at least one more bottle.
At $10 a pop, it's not cheap, but I'm hoping that I'll be able to get it for less on my way up to the cabin in July. Bloody Marys have been a fixture during 'cocktail' hour on Petit Manan since as long as anyone can remember. ('Cocktail hour' being any time of the day after 12:00 PM!)
They found another foot in Vancouver!
So. Freaking. Weird.
A Major Loss for the World of Pugs

After seeing little Mimi floating around the graphics in the previews for Tori's new reality show on Monday night, I said to Sheila, "She's going to be devastated when that dog dies." I didn't think it would happen so soon!
Rest in peace, little Mimi. Marty and Mickey send their condolences.
Revelations (Spoilers for BSG)
Before I do, I wanted to say that despite its hopeless, devastating ending, "Revelations" actually left me hopeful for a semi-happy ending for these poor people. Actually, it's because of the ending that I feel hopeful about things to come - it feels like we got the bad ending out of the way! I hope.
Anyway, here it is, the amazing tracking shot from the end of "Revelations", the quality of which you rarely see on TV (Contains the biggeset BSG SPOILER EVER , so consider yourself warned)
To read some great discussion and reviews of the episode try these links:
What's Alan Watching
TWoP Battlestar Galactica Forum
For information on the timetable for BSG's final season, read this Chicago Tribune column: "As he discussed here, the show’s executive producer, Ronald D. Moore, wrote 'Battlestar's' final episode, which, as written, is three hours long... Mary McDonnell described her reaction to the script this way: It filled her with 'an incredible feeling of adrenaline,” she told Ain't It Cool News. “It made me understand the entire saga, and made me excited for all of you.”"
And finally, the brilliant composer for BSG, Bear McCreary, writes about his experience scoring this episode over at his blog
At this point, according to TPTB over at SciFi, the final episodes of BSG are not scheduled to begin airing until "some time in the first quarter of 2009." My guess: March. If you have not started watching this amazing show yet, now is your chance - you've got at least 7 months to watch 3 and a half seasons on DVD. You can do it! I know you can!
Because I'm Eeeevil!
He always looks so worried.
This isn't the best photo of Marty, but for the sake of equal time for each pug, I couldn't post a shot of Mickey without one of Marty ;)
Neither of them would sit still for me. That's probably because they were in the kitchen, a place where they must be constantly vigilant and on the move, lest they miss an eating opportunity.
I got this one as Mickey was about to jump on my face:
The question is: Did it have 4 toes or 5?
The Onion AV Club Interview: James Callis

A fantastic interview with the brilliant actor who plays Gaius Baltar on Battlestar Galactica:
"To tackle the most complicated character on one of the most complicated shows on TV, James Callis used an old weapon: humor. Callis plays Gaius Baltar, the brilliant, cowardly, and possibly crazy scientist who was tricked into destroying practically the entire human race. While Baltar struggles with the guilt he feels and the friction he endures with his fellow survivors, he brings a sly wit to the job, making some of his most craven moments feel human."
Real-life Black Widow
Mid-season finale of BSG tonight!
Anyway, I'm looking forward to tonight. Here's the trailer for tonight's episode, and it looks like a doozy (Do NOT watch this if you have not seen at least seasons 1-3 in their entirety):
Tim Russert is dead at 58.
A cabin in the woods.
This is the cabin we stay in at the Mohawk Trail State Park in Massachusetts. I go there every Memorial Day Weekend with friends.
The park is also a campground, but the place is crawling with black bears, so tenting has become a less than appealing idea. The log cabins provide a much more relaxing alternative!

When I set it up, I chose the male British voice. It’s nice, but today I realized something: he sounds like creepy Raymond (Laurence Harvey) from The Manchurian Candidate. I’m not sure I want a brainwashed Communist assassin giving me directions in a strange town.
You can download other voices from their website for $5. I may have to get the sexy Scottish guy.
Poke it! Watch how it trembles!
A sample of the insanity:

Did people really eat this stuff? The Mackerel Pudding? The Inspiration Soup? The Frankfurter Spectacular??? Incredible.
Sad news.

This is currently just a rumor, but there are reports circulating that Paul Newman is very sick with lung cancer.
If it's true, well, shit. That really sucks. He's 83 and he's had a long life filled with good works, a successful career and a loving family, yes, but it still sucks. It always sucks when a good person dies, no matter how old they are.
Listen to me, I've got him already dead and buried! Guess it's a good thing I'm not his doctor.
Anwyay, I wish him luck in this battle.
Every jump brings us a little bit closer to home.

What's Alan Watching? What's Alan doing in my head, is more like it. Mr. Sepinwall does an amazing job - much better than I ever could - of expressing exactly what I thought of Friday's exquisite Battlestar Galactica episode, "The Hub":
It's about time: "At this late date in the lifespan of 'Battlestar Galactica,' what superlatives are left to describe the work of Mary McDonnell? How can I praise this performance week after week, season after season, and capture how much better it keeps getting without sounding like a sycophantic broken record?
Here's the best I've got, really: if this were baseball, I'd start suspecting her of using steroids or HGH, because in recent weeks she's gone from late '90s Barry Bonds (consistently brilliant, but in a way that almost makes you take her for granted) to early '00s Barry Bonds (jaw-droppingly, insanely, don't-dare-change-the-channel amazing). Mary's head is still the same size, but somehow, she's found a way to take her game to a new level of late. I am so grateful that we get to watch her play this character."
"The Hub" had all of the elements that make Battlestar Galactica *still* one of the best things on TV - stunning acting and intelligent writing played out against a backdrop of gorgeous space battles and a haunting score - but what made it truly outstanding for me was the scene where Roslin and Adama finally, finally acknowledge their feelings for each other:
It's taken them a mini-series and three and a half long seasons to get to this point, and all the tiny steps forward in their relationship over the years were like the jumps of the basestar that brings them ever closer to home, to each other.
I love this show.
Miss Ann's House
We were assigned to work on Miss Aneita Page's house while in New Orleans. Miss Ann came to New Orleans over twenty years ago as a missionary. She works with pregnant teens and runs a shelter for teens at risk. Miss Ann lost everything in Katrina, but has qualified for a Habitat home. She will be living here with her mother. Miss Ann visited the site one day and it was great to be able to chat with her. Unfortunately, she didn't bring any of her delicious fried chicken that day.
The photos above are before and after shots. The annual Jimmy Carter Build was happening the week after we were there so we concentrated on getting the front of Miss Ann's house in "photo-op" shape for the dedication by President and Mrs. Carter.
I worked with my two friends Holly and Jill on laying down the porch decking and building the front porch steps, while Dan and Shaji, both graduating medical students and great guys, built the soffit along the roof line. We had a group of graduating midshipmen from Annapolis who finished putting up the siding. Once we all finished with our respective projects, we spent Friday painting.
I think it came out pretty nicely. Here are a couple of photos I took with my phone of the porch and stairs that we built:
To see all of the photos of the work site, as well as my other photos from the trip, click here for the entire collection.
Straight Shooter
If I wasn't an enormous fan already, this article would win me over.
Fortunately for him, his stature in Hollywood allows him to say pretty much anything ("A guy like him should shut his face", for instance) without suffering any serious repercussions (It helps that he's usually speaking the truth). I wish they all had the latitude for such straight-talk.
(thanks, defamer)
"The answers are there. You just have to know where to look."
You can also click here to view a better quality version.
Aaaand, how about some new, high-quality stills from the movie:

I may be alone in this opinion, but I do think her hair is too long. Whenever I see her I want to cut off about 4 or 5 inches. I hope it doesn't bother me while I'm watching to movie!
Ladies and Jellyspoons, the next President of the United States.

I'm going to be honest and say that I wasn't able to decide between Clinton and Obama. Each of them, in their own right, present a worthwhile, qualified and hopeful alternative to the current administration and I would have voted for either of them as the Democratic nominee. Hopefully, Obama will offer Clinton the VP job and I'll be able to vote for both of them.
My prediction for November: Obama wipes the floor with McCain, especially if he's got Hillary on the ticket.
Girls, he back in the game.

All of the important news breaks when I'm not around to blog about it. I hate that.
Poor Sarah's not taking it so well, but I guess she can console herself with the thought that she got closer to the prize than any other woman has so far. And she'll have the photos of that time he took her to the Academy Awards and not his mother.