Anyhoo, I'm on some major drugs, and I can't sit in one place for too long, so I'm afraid I'm only slightly back from vacation. I'll post again as soon as I can.
Passing thunderstorms have been forecast for nearly every day this week, and we've been lucky so far, with the storms staying west of us. Zachary and I were outside in the evening yesterday, looking at a beautiful sunset while listening to thunder in the distance. I hope our luck holds up.
We're staying close to home today. A nice long walk to the dock and back, and then lunch.
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"More American and coalition troops died in Afghanistan last month than during any other month since the American-led invasion began in 2001, the latest evidence of a strengthening Taliban insurgency that has menaced NATO forces and reclaimed control over some southern and eastern parts of the country.
The violence in Afghanistan has surged at the same time as the number of attacks and American deaths in Iraq have fallen. Among the American-led forces in the two countries, 46 service members were killed in Afghanistan, compared with 31 in Iraq, the second straight month in which combat deaths in Afghanistan exceeded those in Iraq.
A recent Pentagon report about Afghanistan painted a stark picture of security conditions inside the country, a militant force that had “coalesced into a resilient insurgency” and a central government in Kabul that still could not extend its reach into the hinterlands. An American commander, Maj. Gen. Jeffrey J. Schloesser, has said that militant attacks on coalition troops increased by 40 percent from January to May compared with the same period last year."
Lily had lots of company on Saturday: Her father, paternal grandparents, aunt and cousin visited for a while, and then cousins from her mother's side of the family came. If there's one thing this child is not short on, it's an adoring family.
Then yesterday she had her first outing as she, her mother and I all went to the mall for a couple of hours. She slept through the entire trip.
For those of you who are wondering about the pugs, they are adjusting nicely. Mickey is infatuated with her but not overly excitable, and Marty? Well, Marty only has eyes for his mother.
So I got myself a new telephoto zoom lens for my birthday (today!) and it's so AWESOME. I can't wait to take pictures with it in Maine. And I can get some good shots of Lily without shoving the camera right in her little scrunched up face.
I went to a friend's annual Fourth of July party on Saturday. Her husband puts on a terrific show with (illegal) fireworks that he buys in New Hampshire.
These are images that I took of the display. They look more like something the Hubble Telescope would send back from space than a backyard fireworks display. I think they're kind of cool.
Next year, I will bring my tripod (which I found when I cleaned out my closet the other day!) and brush up on the proper camera settings before I go.
My niece Lily Margaret was born yesterday, June 30, at 9:00 AM. She weighed 7 lbs 13 oz and was 20.75" long. She's just a living doll.
For more photos, check out Lily's Flickr set.
With the arrival of our new family member and with her mother being in the hospital this week, I'm going to be a bit distracted and unable to post very much to this blog. But I'll do my best.
And I'll try not to post too many baby pictures!