Rick Roll, Thanksgiving Style.
If you don't count the Keith Haring balloon almost taking out Meredith Viera, this was the best part of the parade.
Happy Thanksgiving
Many thanks to all of you have taken the time to visit this blog and to share your thoughts with me. I hope you all had a wonderful day.
It's a holiday weekend so there must be a marathon on TV somewhere!
Interesting Pile has compiled what is possibly the most comprehensive list of Thanksgiving Weekend marathons. Wow! Nice job.
Head on over and check it out. Nothing beats vegging on The Day After, eating trukey sandwiches, re-heated hors d'oeuvres and WAY too much pumpkin pie while watching hour after hour of Planet of the Apes.
Tomorrow, however: Arrested Development on G4. Yeah, baby! What better way to spend the holiday than with a family that's just as dysfunctional as yours?!
Head on over and check it out. Nothing beats vegging on The Day After, eating trukey sandwiches, re-heated hors d'oeuvres and WAY too much pumpkin pie while watching hour after hour of Planet of the Apes.
Tomorrow, however: Arrested Development on G4. Yeah, baby! What better way to spend the holiday than with a family that's just as dysfunctional as yours?!
TV Talk: Playing Catchup
Oh, so much TV Talk to catch up on, so let's just jump right in.
I cannot express to you my heartache at the news that Pushing Daisies has, for all intents and purposes, been cancelled by ABC. The network has declined to pick up any new episodes besides the 13 that are already in the can, "at this time". The network hasn't actually officially cancelled the show, but it's as good as gone. They say they might wrap up the story in comic book form, but that is about as appealing to me as, well, comic books are - which is NOT AT ALL. Such a shame.
I have a recommendation for you: Spaced, Simon Pegg's BBC comedy that originally aired from 1999-2001. If you're a fan of "Shaun of the Dead" and "Hot Fuzz" (and The X-Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Star Wars Trilogy - but not Phantom Menace! - for that matter), then you will LOVE "Spaced". I recorded it when BBCAmerica ran a marathon a couple of months ago - and just watched it on Sunday - but you can rent the DVDs. My love for Simon Pegg knows no bounds.
I am this close to dropping Heroes for good. I can no longer deal with the inconsistent characterizations, the insipid dialogue and the waste of a perfectly good premise. It makes me sad that I used to eagerly await each new episode of this show, and now I just don't care. The time will come soon when I will stop watching altogether.
Sons of Anarchy, however, has continued to amaze me, and last week's penultimate episode (the season finale is tomorrow) was just incredible. The show did an amazing job of building drama over the season and all of the pieces of the story arc are really coming together, in sometimes heartbreaking ways. I cannot wait to see what happens next.
I'm hoping they put out a SOA soundtrack. The music in the show is always fantastic, and this song was put to good use in last week's outro:
Lastly, take a look at this - a new promo for Battlestar Galactica's final episodes, which will begin airing in January:
pushing daisies,
Sons of Anarchy,
Limping Back.
Well, I'm back! Sort of.
I still can't get my www.thisisgina.com domain to resolve to the Google DNS, and I still don't know what happened or why, so I've moved over to Blogger's Blogspot service for the time being.
If you found your way back here, please make note of the URL change and bookmark me so you can find me again. I WILL resolve the DNS problems, eventually, and when I do, I'll post a heads up before I switch back.
Thanks for sticking with me.
Just what you want - More pictures of kids!
This is Lily eating her first bowl of rice cereal.
And here she is showing off her Kitty ears:
I don't post many pictures of my brother's kids because I don't get to see them all that often. But I saw them this past Sunday! This is his son, Thomas:
And this is his daughter, Kiera:
Cute kids, if I do say so myself.
Is that much of a foregone conclusion?
Pushing Daisies creator Bryan Fuller says he might return to Heroes: "In the wake of co-executive producers Jeph Loeb and Jesse Alexander getting fired from Heroes, online fans have been crying out for former Heroes writer (and Pushing Daisies creator) Bryan Fuller to rejoin the show. Apparently, somebody is listening. Fuller told EW.com that he's open to a comeback. 'I am exclusive to Daisies through the delivery of the 13th episode of our 13-episode order, which will be mid-January,' says Fuller. 'If Daisies isn't picked up by then, I will definitely be going back to play with my friends at Heroes.'"
God this makes me so sad. It's particularly painful because while it has a fraction of the viewers, Pushing Daisies is FAR superior to Heroes.
And Fuller? You don't have to sound so excited about the prospect of Daisies being cancelled.
God this makes me so sad. It's particularly painful because while it has a fraction of the viewers, Pushing Daisies is FAR superior to Heroes.
And Fuller? You don't have to sound so excited about the prospect of Daisies being cancelled.
I blame Linderman.

One more thing, and I feel kind of weird saying it, but...the White House is going to be kind of a sexy place to work for the next four years. Look at these guys:

There hasn't been this much hotness in the halls of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue since, well, has there ever been?
TV Talk: Paging Dr. Abusey!
I said I wasn't going to watch it this time around, but I just couldn't help myself! Celebrity Rehab 2 was on last night and when it was done I felt like I was doing the walk of shame down the hall to my bedroom.
Gary Busey is downright insane. Does anyone know why he's really there? He seems to be under the impression that he's there to "mentor" people when that is obviuosly not the case. He clearly suffered a traumatic brain injury and needs some serious neurological intervention. Whoever lied to him to get him onto the show - whether it was Dr. Drew or VH1 - did a real disservice not only to him, but also to the rest of the rehabbers.
And Gary, Dude, what's with the acronyms?? Was he making those up on the spot? Cause if so, he's like an acronym savant or something.
The Jeff (Conaway) and Vikki show is back and it's reaching new heights of absurdity. I don't believe either of them for a second. What was with that bizarre kiss?! I couldn't tell if they were actually awake or if their heads were holding each other up. Conaway doesn't seem to be moaning and groaning as much as the last time, but his acting does seem to have improved. I loved it when he was on the phone with Vikki and yelling to Loesha to pack his bags for him and Gary kept taking him out of the scene. Hee.
Steve Adler is MESSED UP. He was the drummer for Guns 'N Roses, and you know you have a serious problem when Axl Rose and Slash kick you out of the band because you do too many drugs. He's had two strokes and was in a coma for a while. Even though I can't understand a word he's saying, he's sort of adorable. I hope he's able to stay clean, but I'm not too encouraged.
Rodney King is on the show this season, too, and he's so sad looking.
Anyway, now I've got the Celebrity Rehab monkey on my back. God grant me the serenity...
Gary Busey is downright insane. Does anyone know why he's really there? He seems to be under the impression that he's there to "mentor" people when that is obviuosly not the case. He clearly suffered a traumatic brain injury and needs some serious neurological intervention. Whoever lied to him to get him onto the show - whether it was Dr. Drew or VH1 - did a real disservice not only to him, but also to the rest of the rehabbers.
And Gary, Dude, what's with the acronyms?? Was he making those up on the spot? Cause if so, he's like an acronym savant or something.
The Jeff (Conaway) and Vikki show is back and it's reaching new heights of absurdity. I don't believe either of them for a second. What was with that bizarre kiss?! I couldn't tell if they were actually awake or if their heads were holding each other up. Conaway doesn't seem to be moaning and groaning as much as the last time, but his acting does seem to have improved. I loved it when he was on the phone with Vikki and yelling to Loesha to pack his bags for him and Gary kept taking him out of the scene. Hee.
Steve Adler is MESSED UP. He was the drummer for Guns 'N Roses, and you know you have a serious problem when Axl Rose and Slash kick you out of the band because you do too many drugs. He's had two strokes and was in a coma for a while. Even though I can't understand a word he's saying, he's sort of adorable. I hope he's able to stay clean, but I'm not too encouraged.
Rodney King is on the show this season, too, and he's so sad looking.
Anyway, now I've got the Celebrity Rehab monkey on my back. God grant me the serenity...
I got it today!
Bender's Game, the third of four straight-to-DVD Futurama movies. I can't wait to watch it!
ETA: Are you calling me a geek? Huh? You are? Well you can bite my shiny metal ass!
Let's take a ride in the music video wayback machine...
This is the first music video I ever saw, at my father's house since we didn't have MTV at the time. My father's reaction: "That isn't music!" And he was only in his early 40s!
This next song was on the jukebox in the Dining Hall at my college, and I think someone played it at every meal. I've always loved the video, and Bono looks dead sexy (and so young!) in it. According to Wikipedia: "The band only appeared in the performance scenes of the video as it was filmed in the dead of the Swedish winter. U2 guitarist Edge revealed in the official U2 biography that the four people riding on horseback in the video that appeared to be the four U2 members were in fact four Swedish teenage girls disguised as the members of U2 riding on horseback with masks over their faces. This was done as the band were frozen from shooting the video in sub-freezing temperatures the day before. Their biography states that Bono refused to wear any headgear despite the cold weather and had a lot of trouble mouthing the lyrics."
Finally, it wouldn't be a ride in the music video wayback machine without a Duran Duran video. "Save a Prayer" is arguably their most beautiful video and song. And I'm not just talking about Simon's speedo!
This next song was on the jukebox in the Dining Hall at my college, and I think someone played it at every meal. I've always loved the video, and Bono looks dead sexy (and so young!) in it. According to Wikipedia: "The band only appeared in the performance scenes of the video as it was filmed in the dead of the Swedish winter. U2 guitarist Edge revealed in the official U2 biography that the four people riding on horseback in the video that appeared to be the four U2 members were in fact four Swedish teenage girls disguised as the members of U2 riding on horseback with masks over their faces. This was done as the band were frozen from shooting the video in sub-freezing temperatures the day before. Their biography states that Bono refused to wear any headgear despite the cold weather and had a lot of trouble mouthing the lyrics."
Finally, it wouldn't be a ride in the music video wayback machine without a Duran Duran video. "Save a Prayer" is arguably their most beautiful video and song. And I'm not just talking about Simon's speedo!
The end of cynicism, the return of hope.
That's the case for me, at least. I have never felt really, truly good about a President, until now. Or as hopeful for our future.
Just a few thoughts about the election and then I'll leave the politics out of it for a while...
I thought that John McCain's concession speech was gracious, thoughtful and heartfelt. It's unfortunate that we didn't see more of that John McCain during the campaign. (and less of his running mate, who I hope I never have to mention here again!) I hope that when he returns to Washington he is able to mend fences with Obama and they can work together to get stuff done. If anyone knows how to work both sides of a room, it's John McCain.
I am by no means a fan of Jesse Jackson's, but I cannot deny that I was extremely moved by the sight of tears pouring down his face after it was announced that Obama had won. On his face I thought I could see joy, relief and shock at what was accomplished, grief for those who did not live to see this day and maybe even some regret over not initially supporting Obama. I can't pretend to know what he was feeling, but I can't deny that it was for real. If you're interested, there is a fantastic article at Salon about the reaction shot of Jackson from that night.
Finally, I just wanted to say how amazing it is that Lily's first President is a black man. For her, and for all of the children of her generation, this will be no big deal. And for that I am so thankful.
Just a few thoughts about the election and then I'll leave the politics out of it for a while...
I thought that John McCain's concession speech was gracious, thoughtful and heartfelt. It's unfortunate that we didn't see more of that John McCain during the campaign. (and less of his running mate, who I hope I never have to mention here again!) I hope that when he returns to Washington he is able to mend fences with Obama and they can work together to get stuff done. If anyone knows how to work both sides of a room, it's John McCain.
I am by no means a fan of Jesse Jackson's, but I cannot deny that I was extremely moved by the sight of tears pouring down his face after it was announced that Obama had won. On his face I thought I could see joy, relief and shock at what was accomplished, grief for those who did not live to see this day and maybe even some regret over not initially supporting Obama. I can't pretend to know what he was feeling, but I can't deny that it was for real. If you're interested, there is a fantastic article at Salon about the reaction shot of Jackson from that night.
Finally, I just wanted to say how amazing it is that Lily's first President is a black man. For her, and for all of the children of her generation, this will be no big deal. And for that I am so thankful.
Help me WolfieWan, you're my only hope.
OK, that's lame. Not the joke, the technology. I mean, she's not in the field, Wolf! She's in a tent surrounded by, like, 35 cameras. A huge melee could have broken out in Grant Park and she wouldn't have known about it.
I guess my response to this is "Why?" Unless the reporter needs to deliver secret news via a non-verbal robot, I don't see the point.
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