One of Lily's Halloween costumes was a garden gnome. Isn't she a cutie?
What follows are some of the recent pictures I've taken of her. Sorry, I can't help myself.
The other photos I've been meaning to post.
I do love a parade.
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving holiday. Ours was very nice, even if I am regretting the way I gorged myself on all of that food. I swear, I must have eaten the equivalent of an entire pumpkin pie over the 4-day weekend - not to mention the leftover turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes!
One of the things I wanted to do this weekend (besides eat) was catch up on my blogging; but, as you can see, I did not. I was actually quite productive in other areas - mostly around-the-house stuff - just not here.
So, time to play catch-up. To start things off, some photos from a local parade that we just learned about this year: The Stamford, CT UBS Parade, which is apparently held the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Who knew?! It's like a (very) mini Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, with giant character balloons and Santa Claus making an appearance at the end. Lots of fun!
You can see all of my pictures from the parade by going to the Flickr Set.
Why am I not surprised?
"An Alphabet spokesman says the move was built in to the schedule from the beginning of the season and was positioned early on to 'boost the writing. … They want to maintain he high quality of the show, and this gives the writers the opportunity to do so.'"
Uh, yeah. Good luck with that!
Today's Tweets

Via @MarthaStewart - Martha Stewart Living Sirius Radio Thanksgiving Hotline Cookbook (free PDF)
Via @sepinwall - This is fabulous: Muppet Bohemian Rhapsody:
Busy Busy Busy!
Hopefully I'll get some photos posted tonight. And I'm working on a "Things on TV that make me thankful" post that I'll be getting up soon.
In the meantime, a silly cat video:
Let the countdown begin!

At first I was like, "Tuesday? WTF? Why Tuesday?" Then I stopped spazzing long enough to realize that Tuesday night at 9:00 is PERFECT for me. I broke up with American Idol a long time ago, and I don't watch anything on Tuesday nights at 9:00 right now, so there's nothing to conflict with; and if V stays in the 8:00 slot, that'll be an awesome 2-hour block.
The worst actor of his generation.

"Nicolas Cage is completely broke. One theory is that he spent money more frivolously than the people who paid to see Wicker Man in theaters. Our theory at Gawker.TV is that he is the worst actor ever. Here's proof."
* With the notable exception of Raising Arizona
TV Talk: A re-assessment and a couple of re-affirmations.
Tuesday's episode of Sons of Anarchy was the best of the series so far (I know! I keep saying that!), and that is saying something. It was all about coming clean, with Gemma getting the ball rolling last week with her sit-down with Clay and Jax (I won't say what they talked about, in case you haven't seen the show). It was as if her courage, her willingness to bare her soul and risk injury to her pride, set an example for the rest of the Club, as secrets were spilled and enemies faced and revenge was taken in the most surprising of ways. Please watch this show.
Modern Family continues to be my favorite new show. Last night's episode was laugh out loud funny: I loved Manny drinking his espresso and getting spritzed in the face by Jay, Phil's list of gifts he wants and Mitchell and Cam burping Sal, and -- Oh, don't take my word for it, just watch it!
Today's Tweets

Via @ebertchicago - How much did CNN want to get rid of Lou Dobbs? Oh, about $8M much.
Via @moryan - The geekiest desk EVER.
TV Talk: They're making their lists already.
TV Talk
I liked it. I liked the way they cut to the chase, dispensing with most of the major plot points of the original miniseries in the first episode - they're lizards, they're up to no good, etc., there are rebel/good Vs - instead of dragging out what a lot of people who watched the original series already knew. I thought the opening was very effective. Even though I knew what was coming, I was still on the edge of my seat. I think the cues to 9/11 and Erica's "Counterterrorism Unit" FBI badge got me in the right frame of mind.But today is a different day, the second episode aired last night, and overall I'm pretty disappointed. Not enough to stop watching, but enough to make me think about it. If last night's episode is anything to go on, this is just a whiff of a show, with no depth whatsoever, terrible dialogue and even some pretty bad acting from some pretty good actors. I'm hoping for better next week.
I'm very happy with the cast, too. Elizabeth Mitchell is great, of course, and Alan Tudyk and Morena Baccarin from Firefly, and Tom from The 4400 (Father Jack) - love them all. Scott Wolfe has never done anything for me, but he's a good choice for the news anchor type. Morris Chestnut's a good actor, too.
"Balm," the best episode so far of this exceptional second season of "Sons of Anarchy," comes along at a perfect time. "Mad Men" has just gone on hiatus. "Breaking Bad" won't be back until sometime in 2010. If you don't have DirecTV, "Friday Night Lights" won't be on TV until next summer. So "Sons of Anarchy" is, at the moment, the best drama on television, and an episode like "Balm" makes it clear the title shouldn't just be by default. Pound-for-pound, this series is as engrossing, as funny and as moving as all those others.I don't know how the writers manage to juggle all of the intricate plot threads they have going on, and do it so well. When one of those threads pays off big time, like it did last night, it's a beautiful thing. The final scene was a long time coming, and when it did, it was so surprising, so moving, that I was in tears. Season 1 just came out on DVD. You should check it out.
Sammy Sosa is white now.

You know what? People are weird.
I like LOST and I don't care who knows!
I think I love those boys. I want to watch the show with them!
Today's Tweets

Via @nytimes - Popular Connecticut Governor Jodi Rell announces that she will not seek re-election.
Via @nytimes - What wine to drink with Thanksgiving dinner.
Via @markowitz - Dennis Quaid and Ellen do a Candid Camera on Starbucks. Hi-larious!
Today's Tweets

Via @nytimes - Matsui goes wild. Amazing performance last night.
Via @ebertchicago - Roger Ebert gives "A Christmas Carol" 4 stars. Color me surprised!
Today's Tweets

Via @sepinwall - His review of 'V'. "Didn't love the pilot, but didn't hate it, either."
Via @funnyordie - Man dressed as breathalyzer arrested for DUI. Heh.
Via @moryan - Richard Alpert bobblehead!
On the 'death' of Juliet

That's why the end of last season's finale, when Juliet fell down the shaft and set off the bomb, was so heartbreaking. Entertainment Weekly talked to Mitchell, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse about what it was like to shoot that episode and their thoughts about Juliet's 'death'. There is a sense of finality to their answers, as if to say that Juliet is actually dead, but they also say she will re-appear in the final season, so who knows? This is LOST, after all.
The Visitors arrive tomorrow night!

As far as I'm concerned, this show has 2 things going for it right now: 1) I was a big fan of the original 80s miniseries, (as cheesy as it has proven to be) and 2) I like a lot of the cast: Juliet from LOST, Tom from The 4400 and Wash and Inara from Firefly. Those people alone are enough for me to want to at least check it out.
I am preparing myself for large-scale disappointment but hoping for the best. It doesn't have to be amazing. Just better than FlashForward. And really, that's not too mush to ask. Really, I'm serious, it won't take much to be better than FlashForward.
Today's Tweets

Via @wersching - He actually went dressed as Sulu!
Via @simonpegg - Need anything at the shop?
Via @ebertchicago - REDDIT top post: Seen on a neighbor's door - Oo, harsh.