
Regarding those changes I was hinting about...

I'm starting a new blog.  This one won't be going anywhere, you will still be able to access all of the archived posts and I'm not sure I'm going to entirely abandon it just yet.  But as of right now, I will no longer be posting here.

The new blog is called My TV and Me, and the web address is http://mytvandme.wordpress.com.  As the blog title suggests, it will deal almost exclusively with television matters.   I would like to say that I decided to narrow the focus of the blog on my own, but in fact it's been happening for a while now. My online presence has become increasingly fractured by Facebook and Twitter - FB is where I post most of my photos and share funny videos and interesting news items with family and friends and Twitter, well, it's yet another diversion.  I have been a terrible blogger in recent months, and I'm hoping that starting all over, with a more specific focus, will light a fire under my ass.  It hasn't been an easy decision for me to make - I've had this blog since 2001 (!), and I'm not as fond of change as I would like to think I am - but I do believe it's time.  I chose Wordpress because of its behind-the-scenes functionality and cool designs.  And it's also free.

So, thank you for visiting thisisgina, whether this is the first time you've been here or you've been reading this blog for years.  Seriously, thank you :).

See you at my new site!


Today's Tweets

Via @vanityfairmag - Liz and Dick, the Ultimate Celebrity Couple

Via @EW - 10 Rookie Shows Ken Tucker Wants to See (Of that list, the only ones that appeal to me are No Ordinary Family and Undercovers. Otherwise? Meh)

Via @npr - Artist Tattoos Indelible Iraq Memorial Into His Skin

Via @televisionary - HBO's new True Blood trailer!


The Daily Otter

How did I not know about The Daily Otter??  How have I managed to live out each day without a dose of these guys?? I feel like I have been living a life half full.

Not any longer.