Gosh, where have the past 2 days disappeared to?
I met some people after work on Friday night for some drinks. I work for a law firm, and there were a couple of partners there. I was having an interesting conversation with one of the partners about television, and the topic turned to The Sopranos. He's seen about half of one season, and really liked what he saw. He started to get a faraway look in his eye, and wondered aloud, "Now, what's that guy's name, he works for Tony..."
Like a deer caught in his headlights I stood there, struck dumb and paralyzed at the prospect of having to say "Big Pussy" to one of these guys. Much to my relief, he remembered the name himself - Christopher. So not only did I not have to say the "p-word", but I was also spared the likely more unsettling experience of hearing him say it to me.
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