
How psyched am I? The Farscape Season 3 Premiere airs tonight at 9:00 PM EST on the SciFi Channel. For the uninitiated who are wondering what the heck this show is about and are considering watching the premiere, SciFi is airing a one hour Farscape 'primer' called "Farscape Undressed" (at 8:00 PM EST) that will recap the show so far. This is, in my opinion, the most creative television show on the air, followed closely by The X-Files and Buffy. It features truly unconventional plotlines and outlandish characters, a villain you absolutely love to hate and alien creatures by Henson (muppets!). And the special effects and art direction rival just about any sci-fi film that's ever been released. I wish more people I knew watched it - I feel like I'm the only one sometimes! Check it out if you get the chance.

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