Do you realize what this means? It means VH1 will actually have to show music videos during prime time. Will wonders never cease? Used to be, that was all that was on, 24 hours a day (at least in the early MTV days). If there was a video you wanted to see all you had to do was turn the channel on any time of the day - the chances were very good that you'd see your video within the hour. Now, it's a different story. I've been trying to catch a glimpse the FatBoy Slim video with Christopher Walken for 2 weeks now, and I'll be damned if I can find it. I refuse to get up at the crack of dawn in the hope of seeing it. I don't need to see it that badly ;).
Why do artists even bother making music videos anymore? I don't have the answer to that one, but I do know that I'll probably watch most of the VH1 special. Of the 100 videos listed, 53 are from the 80s, the music video golden age. Another opportunity for me to be show my age as I sing along with Cindi Lauper, Duran Duran and David Bowie (who I hope is on the list!). I may have to spike my hair, put on my ear cuff, flip up my collar, load up on the bangles and big earrings and put on my peter pan boots in observance. God, what was I thinking?
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