How an Australian sees America, post 9/11.
Ah, shit.
Anthrax Found On Letter In SeymourIf the news crews and vans that I had to drive around are any indication, this new "case" of anthrax was discovered 3 houses up the street from me. Back to the rubber gloves and face mask.
(Hartford-AP) An envelope sent to a home in Seymour has tested positive for a tiny amount of anthrax.
Governor Rowland says the home is about a mile from the home of 94-year-old Oxford woman who died last week of inhalation anthrax.
The governor says the sample was very tiny. He says it's so insignificant that no one in contact with the letter could have gotten anthrax or even become ill.
Investigators still don't know how Ottilie Lundgren of Oxford came in contact with the anthrax spores that killed her. One possibility under close scrutiny is cross-contamination of mail with anthrax-laden letters sent to political and media figures in Washington, D-C, and New York.
Authorities have been able to determine that a small amount of mail destined for the Oxford area passed through a New Jersey postal facility that also handled contaminated letters to Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy.
None of those letters went to Lundgren. But it is possible hermail came in contact with a letter that was contaminated in the New Jersey center.
Good for our country, or not? As usual, I am not sure; the Guilford Four spring quickly to mind, as does the acknowledgement that it is a long and well-traveled road we find ourselves heading down.
Zap2it reveals that the aired version of Buffy and Spike's roll in the construction rubble was trimmed by the censors. If what we saw during the 8-9 family hour got through the censors, I want to see what didn't!
[link courtesy ]
[link courtesy ]
I may be jumping the gun here, but I would wager that this will be today's best headline:
Camp for Nude Witches Fights Closing
Camp for Nude Witches Fights Closing
Great review of the past 2 Buffy episodes. At the end of last night's episode Willow swore she would never do it again, "it" being magic. Buffy, Willow's best friend, sat beside her and repeated what she said as if to lend support to Willow. In reality, she was referring to her mind-blowing, house-crushing night of sex with Spike. I wonder if either of them, Willow or Buffy, will have the willpower to resist for long.
Tom Shales reviews Monday night's Carol Burnett Special. He comes off as a bit crabby (what critic doesn't?), but I have to say that I agree with much of what he says. One hour (actually only 43 minutes) was not nearly enough time. Yes, I was laughing my ass off, but I wanted more - I wanted them to stop talking to the dorky audience and devote that time to more sketches. And Shales' musings about Comedy Central ran through my mind yesterday, almost word for word.
CBS would be better off running 20-year-old Carol Burnett re-runs in place of some of the stuff they have on their schedule - um, "Yes, Dear", anyone? As Shales says, "Whatever the shortcomings, the "Show Stoppers" special is still a must-be-seen for all those who fondly remember Burnett's magnificent beneficent reign. Burnett and friends were like the Light Brigade, and in their prime they made a "wild charge" every week. You wouldn't want to miss a chance to see them make it again. "
CBS would be better off running 20-year-old Carol Burnett re-runs in place of some of the stuff they have on their schedule - um, "Yes, Dear", anyone? As Shales says, "Whatever the shortcomings, the "Show Stoppers" special is still a must-be-seen for all those who fondly remember Burnett's magnificent beneficent reign. Burnett and friends were like the Light Brigade, and in their prime they made a "wild charge" every week. You wouldn't want to miss a chance to see them make it again. "
I'd have to day I agree with the results reported in this article. A clearly dis-advantaged African-American man, a complete stranger to me no less, approached me on a street in LA and told me in no uncertain terms, "Girl, you so hot, you oughta be on soul train!" The study, however, seems to have omitted an important demographic - stinking-drunk males, who have been known, on occasion, to remark on my great "yabbos".
My horoscope from this week's Onion:
"The lifetime supply of Twinkies you won in that contest turns out to be only half a box, indicating that the Hostess corporation knows something you don't."Not if I only have one every 10 years or so. And the beauty of it is, a Twinkie will still taste the same 60 years from now.
Here's another link courtesy of usr/bin/girl: the The Pooh-Piglet Psychometric Personality Profiler. Which Winnie the Pooh character are you? I'm a Tigger, closely followed by Eeyore, which I suppose is pretty close. Piglet is my favorite, though.
Are you an e-bore? I only registered slightly above average (at 50%) on the e-bore-o-meter, thank God!
[link courtesy usr/bin/girl]
[link courtesy usr/bin/girl]
As I was leaving for the bank about an hour ago, I saw a car from Channel 30 Eyewitness News pull into a neighbor's driveway. I wondered if they were somehow involved in the current anthrax-related death in town, or if there had been another. On the way home I saw that the car had moved on to another neighbor and they were standing in the driveway talking to the owner of the house. Looks like they were canvassing the area for soundbites. Thank God they didn't stop at my house - today is a no shower day.
Site Stuff
If you've been to this site in the past half hour, I apologize for the general spazziness of it all. I purchased an HTML editor yesterday, Homesite 5.0, and I've been learning. I was acquainted, on a very superficial level, with Homesite 4.0, so I at least know my way around the software. I would have preferred Dreamweaver over Homesite, though, because Homesite has no object-oriented or WYSIWYG interface, or scripting wizards, etc. It is just an HTML editor with a built in preview. Beggars can't be choosers, however; $29.00 to upgrade to Homesite 5.0 or $199.00 to purchase Dreamweaver. Hmmm... let me see...
So, here I sit, having to actually learn how to code as opposed to letting the software do it for me. Consider this fair warning!
If you've been to this site in the past half hour, I apologize for the general spazziness of it all. I purchased an HTML editor yesterday, Homesite 5.0, and I've been learning. I was acquainted, on a very superficial level, with Homesite 4.0, so I at least know my way around the software. I would have preferred Dreamweaver over Homesite, though, because Homesite has no object-oriented or WYSIWYG interface, or scripting wizards, etc. It is just an HTML editor with a built in preview. Beggars can't be choosers, however; $29.00 to upgrade to Homesite 5.0 or $199.00 to purchase Dreamweaver. Hmmm... let me see...
So, here I sit, having to actually learn how to code as opposed to letting the software do it for me. Consider this fair warning!
"Authorities consider how to open anthrax letter"
Do you get the same mental picture that I do? Non-descript FBI room, table in center of room, letter on table, several men in suits standing around staring at the envelope, scratching their chins...
Do you get the same mental picture that I do? Non-descript FBI room, table in center of room, letter on table, several men in suits standing around staring at the envelope, scratching their chins...
I see London, I see France...
What's your Superpower? Mine is:
What's Your IQ? I've never really taken an IQ test, my reluctance to do so probably stemming from a fear of discovering that I'm not quite as brilliant as I think I am. I have to say, though, I'm not all that displeased with my results:
What's your Superpower? Mine is:
Holy smokes, you've got X-RAYVISION! Your answers show a keen sense of insight, coupled with a piercing mind. Okay, so you may not be able to see through brick walls — not yet, anyway. But you probably enjoy looking beneath the surface of things and reading between the lines. Your X-ray vision lets you see things others can't, making you good at reading people's motivations, solving mysteries of all kinds, or maybe just finding misplaced car keys. You've got the gift, so if you haven't started using it, it's high time you did. Just think of the benefits: You could really start undressing people with your eyes. Winning lottery tickets and grand prize soda-bottle caps will be effortlessly revealed to you. So start practicing! All superheroes know that developing your powers begins with mental training. To start honing your X-ray vision, try looking for the hidden meaning in things. Read old English poetry. Do crossword puzzles. Think metaphorically. Once you've trained your mind, you'll be ready to instruct the eyes. Start with gauzey fabrics, then move on to semi-transparent glass. Keep at it, and you'll be seeing through concrete slabs in no time.How about another?
What's Your IQ? I've never really taken an IQ test, my reluctance to do so probably stemming from a fear of discovering that I'm not quite as brilliant as I think I am. I have to say, though, I'm not all that displeased with my results:
Your IQ score is 124. Incredible! What does that mean? Well, the IQ test measures several different areas of thinking, including math skills, logical reasoning, understanding analogies, and object relations. Scores between 115 to 130 mean that your intelligence is well above average.X-Ray vision and and above average intelligence? I should be ruling the world, not unemployed! My sense of superiority, however, remains intact. Hehe.
This week's quiz, Invisibles #51: That's Levitation Holmes is up. You can find the answers and top scores for last week's quiz here. Oh, and they have the answers to User-Created Invisibles #2, also from last week.
This week's quiz, Invisibles #51: That's Levitation Holmes is up. You can find the answers and top scores for last week's quiz here. Oh, and they have the answers to User-Created Invisibles #2, also from last week.
It's That Time of Year.
Are you wondering if you'll get to see the Heat Meiser this year? How about Yukon Cornelius? Or Ralphie and his quest for a Red Rider BB gun? has a 2001 Holiday Viewing Guide just for you. This weekend we managed to catch Rudolph and Scrooged. The guide only shows one week at a time, so for long term planning you may have to look elsewhere ;).
Are you wondering if you'll get to see the Heat Meiser this year? How about Yukon Cornelius? Or Ralphie and his quest for a Red Rider BB gun? has a 2001 Holiday Viewing Guide just for you. This weekend we managed to catch Rudolph and Scrooged. The guide only shows one week at a time, so for long term planning you may have to look elsewhere ;).
"The Santa Clara, California-based chipmaker said it might start incorporating portions of this new transistor structure into its microprocessors as early as 2005. "
Well, at least I'll be able to get at least a good two years out of this brand new baby before it's completely obsolete.
Well, at least I'll be able to get at least a good two years out of this brand new baby before it's completely obsolete.
Virus Warning
Heads up for Microsoft Outlook users (like me): "BadTrans.B exploits a previously patched hole in Microsoft's Outlook e-mail program, allowing the virus code to be executed simply by clicking to open and read an infected e-mail in Microsoft Outlook. It is not necessary to double click on an attachment, which may not even be visible to the user, to launch the malicious code."
Please make sure you have the most current anti-virus software downloaded to your computer and that you have downloaded Microsoft's vulnerability patch for Outlook.
Heads up for Microsoft Outlook users (like me): "BadTrans.B exploits a previously patched hole in Microsoft's Outlook e-mail program, allowing the virus code to be executed simply by clicking to open and read an infected e-mail in Microsoft Outlook. It is not necessary to double click on an attachment, which may not even be visible to the user, to launch the malicious code."
Please make sure you have the most current anti-virus software downloaded to your computer and that you have downloaded Microsoft's vulnerability patch for Outlook.
"Internet users more chic than geek"
Well, that's good to know. I do think, however, that the survey's finding that "They also tend to be better paid and more educated than non-users," is because the people who use the Internet are the ones who can afford a computer.
Well, that's good to know. I do think, however, that the survey's finding that "They also tend to be better paid and more educated than non-users," is because the people who use the Internet are the ones who can afford a computer.
As I'm sure you've already heard, it was announced today that Advanced Cell Technology of Worcester, MA has successfully cloned a human embryo. Although their intended purpose in cloning these embryos, to develop an alternate source of stem cells for research, is a valid one, the fact that a duplicate has been made of a person leaves me feeling a bit queasy. What sort of a future does this portend? I empathize with both sides of the ethical debate on this; the advances and cures possible through stem cell research could repair so many damaged lives; however, the question that nags at me is how does the duplication of a human being affect their value as an individual? I fully believe that the researchers at ACT have no intention of developing the cloned embryos; but what about other not-so-ethical scientists? What's to stop them?
Sorry, all this clone talk tends to make me nervous. The entire concept borders on the unnatural for me, a viewpoint that results in no small part from my religious upbringing, I am sure.
Anyhoo, the viability of the cloned embryos is questionable to some. And the majority of the cloned embryos were created through parthenogenesis, a process that creates embryos through duplication of the set of maternal chromosomes. This means that "Producing embryos by parthenogenesis is ethically attractive because they never develop into fetuses, meaning they are not "potential people"." That does make me feel a bit better.
You can stay abreast of developments in cloning by going here.
As I'm sure you've already heard, it was announced today that Advanced Cell Technology of Worcester, MA has successfully cloned a human embryo. Although their intended purpose in cloning these embryos, to develop an alternate source of stem cells for research, is a valid one, the fact that a duplicate has been made of a person leaves me feeling a bit queasy. What sort of a future does this portend? I empathize with both sides of the ethical debate on this; the advances and cures possible through stem cell research could repair so many damaged lives; however, the question that nags at me is how does the duplication of a human being affect their value as an individual? I fully believe that the researchers at ACT have no intention of developing the cloned embryos; but what about other not-so-ethical scientists? What's to stop them?
Sorry, all this clone talk tends to make me nervous. The entire concept borders on the unnatural for me, a viewpoint that results in no small part from my religious upbringing, I am sure.
Anyhoo, the viability of the cloned embryos is questionable to some. And the majority of the cloned embryos were created through parthenogenesis, a process that creates embryos through duplication of the set of maternal chromosomes. This means that "Producing embryos by parthenogenesis is ethically attractive because they never develop into fetuses, meaning they are not "potential people"." That does make me feel a bit better.
You can stay abreast of developments in cloning by going here.
U2 Concert on VH1
Just thought I'd let you all know that VH1 aired U2: Elevation Tour 2001 tonight at 9:00 PM, and I missed it. Fortunately, you can always count on VH1 to repeat one of their programs at least once within the next couple of days. If you missed it like I did, you can catch it on Sunday, 11/25, at 11:00 PM.
Just thought I'd let you all know that VH1 aired U2: Elevation Tour 2001 tonight at 9:00 PM, and I missed it. Fortunately, you can always count on VH1 to repeat one of their programs at least once within the next couple of days. If you missed it like I did, you can catch it on Sunday, 11/25, at 11:00 PM.
"Investigators might then be able to decrypt and read secret email messages. But some computer experts question how successful such a system would be."
I suppose the fact that they're telling us they're doing this is somewhat reassuring, but doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose? And the invasion of privacy issue is a sticky one.
I suppose the fact that they're telling us they're doing this is somewhat reassuring, but doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose? And the invasion of privacy issue is a sticky one.
Talk about an accident waiting to happen. LOL!
I can't do all that at once, and I have all my limbs.
I can't do all that at once, and I have all my limbs.
Anal-Retentive Robber
From ABCNews Crime Blotter:
From ABCNews Crime Blotter:
Suspect Helps Victim Get Description Right
D E S M O I N E S, Iowa — Harpal Singh may have thought he'd seen the last of the man who just robbed him, but the suspect apparently had to get in the last word, police say.
When Singh, a clerk at a Citgo gas station, called police to report the heist, the suspect returned to the store and corrected his description.
Just as Singh told authorities the suspect was "5-something" in height, the suspect, Steven Hebron, told Singh, he was actually 6-foot-2, police said.
He also corrected the clerk when he said the robber was about 38 years old, according to the Des Moines Register "I'm 34," Hebron clarified.
The first time he left the Citgo Quik Mart last Wednesday evening, Hebron tried to run out with several cartons of cigarettes, police allege.
The bag ripped as he headed for the door, however, and Hebron's wallet fell on the floor, a cashier told authorities.
When the cashier yelled for help, Singh came running from the back of the store. They hit a security switch to lock the store's doors, trapping the suspect inside.
Hebron then apologized to the store employees and asked them to drop the matter, police said.
Instead they activated the store alarm, and the robber kicked open a door and fled.
He came back yet again, however, just as Singh was reporting the crime. After correcting Singh's description, police say Hebron asked for his wallet back.
The 34-year-old was arrested at the scene by a Polk County deputy and charged with second-degree robbery.
Turkey Shoot!
How about a rootin' tootin', toast-shootin' turkey game for the Thanksgiving weekend? I completely spazzed out when I played this, so don't ask me if it's a worthy game. I just think it's kinda funny, in a goofy sort of way.
[link courtesy usr/bin/girl]
How about a rootin' tootin', toast-shootin' turkey game for the Thanksgiving weekend? I completely spazzed out when I played this, so don't ask me if it's a worthy game. I just think it's kinda funny, in a goofy sort of way.
[link courtesy usr/bin/girl]
I've been fooling around with the format and design of the archives page, as you can see. I'll get it straightened out as soon as I can. I did, however, fix the relative link problem with loading images in an archived entry. So, if an image doesn't load in an archived post, it's because I blew it away, not because of an absolute/relatvie linking problem. I'm also going to work on having all my links open in a new window, when I get the chance.
It's off to do some shopping for the holiday time - have a good day, everyone! If you are traveling today, be safe and have a good trip.
I've been fooling around with the format and design of the archives page, as you can see. I'll get it straightened out as soon as I can. I did, however, fix the relative link problem with loading images in an archived entry. So, if an image doesn't load in an archived post, it's because I blew it away, not because of an absolute/relatvie linking problem. I'm also going to work on having all my links open in a new window, when I get the chance.
It's off to do some shopping for the holiday time - have a good day, everyone! If you are traveling today, be safe and have a good trip.
Anthrax in CT.
Governor Roland announced tonight in a press conference that a 94-year-old Connecticut woman has contracted inhalation anthrax. She was first hospitalized on Friday with signs of pneumonia, but when she continued to worsen doctors decided to test for anthrax. The CDC has come to town to quarantine her house and to run conclusive tests for inhalation anthrax. Weird thing is, she is basically housebound, and they see no indication that she may have received something tainted in the mail. Not yet at least.
Scary thing is, the town she lives in, Oxford, is the next town over, about a mile away from me. It's going to be a nerve-wracking experience collecting the mail tomorrow. And my unemployment check is in there!
Governor Roland announced tonight in a press conference that a 94-year-old Connecticut woman has contracted inhalation anthrax. She was first hospitalized on Friday with signs of pneumonia, but when she continued to worsen doctors decided to test for anthrax. The CDC has come to town to quarantine her house and to run conclusive tests for inhalation anthrax. Weird thing is, she is basically housebound, and they see no indication that she may have received something tainted in the mail. Not yet at least.
Scary thing is, the town she lives in, Oxford, is the next town over, about a mile away from me. It's going to be a nerve-wracking experience collecting the mail tomorrow. And my unemployment check is in there!
What's Your Flavor?
I'm Peppermint:
I'm Peppermint:
"Crisp and refreshing, you're the flavor of candy canes and after-dinner mints — everyone's favorite comfort candies. If you were a season, you'd be winter — bracing and energizing, but cozy, too. Your honesty and forthright personality make people feel like they've known you forever — they can't help but be drawn to your sweet, fresh nature. Perhaps a little old-fashioned, and occasionally shy, you're generally happy and well-liked. Traditional and invigorating, you're a truly tasty treat."
Filmwise has 2 Invisibles quizzes for you this week:
Filmwise has 2 Invisibles quizzes for you this week:
User-Created Invisibles #2 - 4 out of 8, eesh.Good luck!
Invisibles #50 - 6 out of 8.
"Sick of rifling through his pockets in search of mysterious hotel bills? Fed up with stumbling upon her hushed phone calls?"
Now you can be your own forensics expert with the Infidelity Kit, available online for purchase. Doesn't seem the most healthy way to deal with a problem, does it?
Now you can be your own forensics expert with the Infidelity Kit, available online for purchase. Doesn't seem the most healthy way to deal with a problem, does it?
X-Files Ep Commentary
I'm back to writing my so-called reviews of X-Files episodes. I've posted my review of the season premiere, Nothing Important Happened Today, on my ex post facto page.
I'm back to writing my so-called reviews of X-Files episodes. I've posted my review of the season premiere, Nothing Important Happened Today, on my ex post facto page.
IE Security Patch
Microsoft has released a security patch for a cookie vulnerability in IE 5.5 and 6.0.
Microsoft has released a security patch for a cookie vulnerability in IE 5.5 and 6.0.
The Heavens On Display.
"Regardless, prime time will be between midnight and sunrise on November 18. Astronomers suggest that meteor hunters watch the sky from in a darkened site as far from urban light pollution as possible."
If I'm up late tonight, I may run outside to take a peek. I'm pretty far away from city lights, in farm country and on a clear night the sky is usually filled with stars. The prime time for viewing the meteor shower is between 4 AM and 6 AM in the Northeast, but I have a feeling I won't make it.
"Regardless, prime time will be between midnight and sunrise on November 18. Astronomers suggest that meteor hunters watch the sky from in a darkened site as far from urban light pollution as possible."
If I'm up late tonight, I may run outside to take a peek. I'm pretty far away from city lights, in farm country and on a clear night the sky is usually filled with stars. The prime time for viewing the meteor shower is between 4 AM and 6 AM in the Northeast, but I have a feeling I won't make it.
"Does exposure to Harry Potter harm children? That's the question posited by a new website that examines the controversy swirling around the series, which narrates the adventures of a nerdly outcast whose life does a 180 after he's admitted into "Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." "
Am I the only person in the western world who hasn't read the Harry Potter books?
Am I the only person in the western world who hasn't read the Harry Potter books?
Aid Workers Released.
The eight aid workers being held by the Taliban for months are now in Pakistan, safe and unharmed. A surprisingly good ending to that chapter of this conflict. The situation in Afghanistan is so incredibly fluid right now, with power seeming to shift with the wind. The Taliban troops may be losing ground to the Northern Alliance, and that may be a good thing, but this is far from over, I'm sure. I would be very surprised if the Taliban were not prepared to drag us and our allies into Vietnam-like guerilla war in the mountains of Afghanistan, and I trust those Northern Alliance fellas about as far as I can throw them. They are an ally of convenience, one who could very likely evolve into our next adversary.
The eight aid workers being held by the Taliban for months are now in Pakistan, safe and unharmed. A surprisingly good ending to that chapter of this conflict. The situation in Afghanistan is so incredibly fluid right now, with power seeming to shift with the wind. The Taliban troops may be losing ground to the Northern Alliance, and that may be a good thing, but this is far from over, I'm sure. I would be very surprised if the Taliban were not prepared to drag us and our allies into Vietnam-like guerilla war in the mountains of Afghanistan, and I trust those Northern Alliance fellas about as far as I can throw them. They are an ally of convenience, one who could very likely evolve into our next adversary.
If you're afraid of something... has a name for it. Some of the more intriguing phobias: has a name for it. Some of the more intriguing phobias:
Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.My favorite, however, would have to be
Aulophobia- Fear of flutes.
Dutchphobia- Fear of the Dutch.
Geniophobia- Fear of chins.
Lutraphobia- Fear of otters.
Optophobia- Fear of opening one's eyes.
Pteronophobia- Fear of being tickled by feathers
Walloonphobia- Fear of the Walloons. (??!)
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words.[link courtesy usr/bin/girl]
Fake or Foto?
Is it real, or is it computer-generated? I got 7 out of 10 correct. Apparently I have a "good grip on reality." Ha!
[link courtesy silly cow]
Is it real, or is it computer-generated? I got 7 out of 10 correct. Apparently I have a "good grip on reality." Ha!
[link courtesy silly cow]
Music Memories.
I was driving home from getting my nails done this afternoon (ah, the life of the still unemployed) and the truck radio was playing "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" by Elton John. That got me to thinking... the first album I ever bought was Elton John's Greatest Hits, purchased in 1975, when I was 11 years old.
What was your first album?

I was driving home from getting my nails done this afternoon (ah, the life of the still unemployed) and the truck radio was playing "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" by Elton John. That got me to thinking... the first album I ever bought was Elton John's Greatest Hits, purchased in 1975, when I was 11 years old.
What was your first album?
An Afghan woman shows her face for the first time since the Taliban commenced its rule 5 years ago. Some of the best victories are the small ones.
Under the I Can't Get Enough Of This Freak heading:
"The Face."
(while you're there, look closely at the photo of Jackson - scary, I know - just look at the makeup lining the inside of his white collar)
"The Face."
(while you're there, look closely at the photo of Jackson - scary, I know - just look at the makeup lining the inside of his white collar)
Imagine my way to a buff body? I could do that. Of course, I've got a shitty imagination so I should just resign myself to the body I've got.
Okay, first things are the answers and top scores from last week's quiz, Cop Out. Shameless self-promotion time: you can find me, gina, at about #158 on the list (yes, I counted them).
This week's quiz, # 49, is up. I didn't do so well this time, but 5 out of 8 is better than I thought.
Okay, first things are the answers and top scores from last week's quiz, Cop Out. Shameless self-promotion time: you can find me, gina, at about #158 on the list (yes, I counted them).
This week's quiz, # 49, is up. I didn't do so well this time, but 5 out of 8 is better than I thought.
"They are sadder because they're older," Ms. Saunders said. "The world doesn't really work for them the way it used to."
They're still funny, in a pathetic, bitter sort of way.
They're still funny, in a pathetic, bitter sort of way.
"You're supposed to be HELPING us!"
Did anyone else watch The Daily Show on Comedy Central last night? Jon Stewart's opening monologue had me vigorously nodding my head and yelling "That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!" at the TV. Well, I probably didn't yell it out loud, but I was thinking it. And I don't really speak in the hip-hop/urban vernacular, either, but that's not the point.
Stewart was fit to be tied, hysterically railing against the 24-hour news channels and their coverage of current events, especially yesterday's plane crash in Queens. I wish I could get hold of a transcript since I can't remember it exactly, but I'll try anyway. He made particular note of something said by one of the anchors (he let slip that he was watching CNN), he said, because it was such an incredible "mind fuck". He said he wrote it down simply because it was outrageous: an anchor was speaking to an "expert" of some sort regarding "uncomfirmed reports" about something or other and actually asked the expert to "speculate on some of the assumptions we've heard today." !!! Speculate on assumptions?? I'm scared shitless enough as it is (this is me talking, by-the-way) -- I don't want unconfirmed reports, I don't want speculation and I do not want assumptions. Just go the fuck away and come back when you have some cold, hard facts, for Christ's sake. The major news outlets have a hard-on for speculation and it just has to stop.
Too bad Jon Stewart isn't on Buffy. He could be my dream date.
Did anyone else watch The Daily Show on Comedy Central last night? Jon Stewart's opening monologue had me vigorously nodding my head and yelling "That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!" at the TV. Well, I probably didn't yell it out loud, but I was thinking it. And I don't really speak in the hip-hop/urban vernacular, either, but that's not the point.
Stewart was fit to be tied, hysterically railing against the 24-hour news channels and their coverage of current events, especially yesterday's plane crash in Queens. I wish I could get hold of a transcript since I can't remember it exactly, but I'll try anyway. He made particular note of something said by one of the anchors (he let slip that he was watching CNN), he said, because it was such an incredible "mind fuck". He said he wrote it down simply because it was outrageous: an anchor was speaking to an "expert" of some sort regarding "uncomfirmed reports" about something or other and actually asked the expert to "speculate on some of the assumptions we've heard today." !!! Speculate on assumptions?? I'm scared shitless enough as it is (this is me talking, by-the-way) -- I don't want unconfirmed reports, I don't want speculation and I do not want assumptions. Just go the fuck away and come back when you have some cold, hard facts, for Christ's sake. The major news outlets have a hard-on for speculation and it just has to stop.
Too bad Jon Stewart isn't on Buffy. He could be my dream date.
Nine A.M., a crisp, sunny autumn morning.
Enormous clouds of smoke over a city skyline.
Fire, debris, emergency personnel and vehicles.
Enormous clouds of smoke over a city skyline.
Fire, debris, emergency personnel and vehicles.
X-Files Season Premiere
image courtesy
Tonight is the season premiere, finally, of The X-Files, which is entering into its ninth season. "Nothing Important Happened Today" is the first episode of a two-parter and from what I hear it picks up the action just a couple of days after last season's finale. This premiere is a relative non-event for me compared with previous X-Files season-starters, but I am still anxious to see what will happen. It's not the same show anymore and I've set my expectations accordingly. It will never be what it once was for me, but I still find enjoyment in the characters and storylines, which is more than can be said about most television shows.
Speaking of what I "get out" of The X-Files, I'm going to try to pick writing my reviews of episodes this week, starting with last season's two-part season finale and tonight's episode. For some reason I haven't wanted to return to the finale episodes or even the notes I took way back when; that may be due to the fact that they left me feeling sort of, "Huh?" Perhaps tonight's episode will provide me with a lens through which I can revisit them and maybe even make some sort of sense out of them. Perhaps.
If you'll be watching, enjoy!

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Tonight is the season premiere, finally, of The X-Files, which is entering into its ninth season. "Nothing Important Happened Today" is the first episode of a two-parter and from what I hear it picks up the action just a couple of days after last season's finale. This premiere is a relative non-event for me compared with previous X-Files season-starters, but I am still anxious to see what will happen. It's not the same show anymore and I've set my expectations accordingly. It will never be what it once was for me, but I still find enjoyment in the characters and storylines, which is more than can be said about most television shows.
Speaking of what I "get out" of The X-Files, I'm going to try to pick writing my reviews of episodes this week, starting with last season's two-part season finale and tonight's episode. For some reason I haven't wanted to return to the finale episodes or even the notes I took way back when; that may be due to the fact that they left me feeling sort of, "Huh?" Perhaps tonight's episode will provide me with a lens through which I can revisit them and maybe even make some sort of sense out of them. Perhaps.
If you'll be watching, enjoy!
In the interim, Patsy has been promoted and Edina has gone even more bonkers. And as was true five years ago, Edina's daughter, Saffy, remains the sanest one of all.
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Sweetie dahling, they're back.

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Sweetie dahling, they're back.
I haven't gotten word on Reblogger so I've decided to switch to a new comments service called BlogBack. Since my host does not support cgi, asp or php, I had to find another remotely hosted comments service and that took a little while. Hopefully BlogBack will work out. I like it so far.
I haven't gotten word on Reblogger so I've decided to switch to a new comments service called BlogBack. Since my host does not support cgi, asp or php, I had to find another remotely hosted comments service and that took a little while. Hopefully BlogBack will work out. I like it so far.
Why am I doing this?
The twelve-year-old boy living inside of me has taken over and impels me to direct you to this site. I made a Long, Death-Like Ripper that was Really Bad. Cool.
WARNING: If you consider yourself an adult, stay away. Believe me, you can't appreciate it.
The twelve-year-old boy living inside of me has taken over and impels me to direct you to this site. I made a Long, Death-Like Ripper that was Really Bad. Cool.
WARNING: If you consider yourself an adult, stay away. Believe me, you can't appreciate it.
Buffy Soars to Music.
Last night's musical episode of Buffy was, well...just read this. She says it much better than I can.
Last night's musical episode of Buffy was, well...just read this. She says it much better than I can.
From Salon's Nothing Personal column, once again:
From Salon's Nothing Personal column, once again:
"Breathe easy: Michael Jackson's rep says the "Invincible" singer does not have anthrax. "That must have been a rumor, spread by a terrorist," Howard Rubenstein told the New York Daily News of a report quoting Jackson himself. "It is totally without foundation." ""Spread by a terrorist"? To what end? That American society would crumble in the wake of such an event, I suppose?
"The stories had to be true. They had to be "one to three pages long, about anything at all," Mr. Auster said recently, "big or small, tragic or comic." But he particularly wanted stories "that defy our expectations about the world" and that reveal the mysterious forces at work in human existence."
NPR's National Story Project.
NPR's National Story Project.
Da Bomb.
Anthrax? Eh. Flying? Still one of the safest ways to travel. This is what will keep me awake at night and turn my knees to jelly. I thought I was done worrying about that.
Anthrax? Eh. Flying? Still one of the safest ways to travel. This is what will keep me awake at night and turn my knees to jelly. I thought I was done worrying about that.
SuperFreak is at it again.
From Salon's Nothing Personal column:
From Salon's Nothing Personal column:
"Has Michael Jackson's mask let him down?Scariest part of that? The phrase, "me and the children."
The musician is apparently convinced he's caught a few anthrax spores through what's left of his nose.
"I don't know if I should say this, but I'm very sick," Jackson told the London News of the World. "They're going to test me and the children for anthrax. We're all very, very sick right now ... My chest burns very, very much. It's hard to breathe. And when I swallow, it stings." "
More Star Wars News...well, sort of...
From SciFiWire:
From SciFiWire:
"Lucasfilm is suing the producers of a pornographic version of Star Wars, alleging that it's too similar to the SF epic, the Montreal Gazette reported. George Lucas' production company filed a federal lawsuit against Media Market Group Ltd., the New York producers of Star Ballz, claiming copyright and trademark infringement, the newspaper reported.She should also thank Lucasfilm for the free publicity.
The suit argues that consumers could be confused into thinking that Lucasfilm sponsored or produced the X-rated movie. But Linda Wildblood, a partner at Media Market Group, told the Gazette that her company's movie is an animation parody. "Just like Scary Movie is a spoof of horror movies, Star Ballz parodies many different movies and themes," she said. "No one in their right mind could look at it and say this is Star Wars." "
Should You Get The Flu Shot?
My mother was urging me the other day to get the flu shot. She gets the flu vaccine every year, and she should: she's over 50 and suffers from slight asthma and allergies. I, on the other hand, am not in a high-risk group: I'm in my 30s, relatively healthy, and the last time I had the flu was over 20 years ago. Her reasoning, born of over-exposure to the anthrax news coverage, is that if I get the flu shot it will make diagnosing anthrax easier should I become infected. I told her that I wasn't going to get a flu shot because I see the risk as minimal and she told me I was crazy and intractable in my inability to take precautions. I feel vindicated after reading this article, but I'm still not going to address it again with my mother. I'm not that crazy.
My mother was urging me the other day to get the flu shot. She gets the flu vaccine every year, and she should: she's over 50 and suffers from slight asthma and allergies. I, on the other hand, am not in a high-risk group: I'm in my 30s, relatively healthy, and the last time I had the flu was over 20 years ago. Her reasoning, born of over-exposure to the anthrax news coverage, is that if I get the flu shot it will make diagnosing anthrax easier should I become infected. I told her that I wasn't going to get a flu shot because I see the risk as minimal and she told me I was crazy and intractable in my inability to take precautions. I feel vindicated after reading this article, but I'm still not going to address it again with my mother. I'm not that crazy.

I have all sorts of TV news to report today - this week is a busy one! There have been season premieres of other shows already (The West Wing, Enterprise), as well as special events (The Emmys), but there were more important things going on in the world and I guess the diversions of what used to be everyday life paled in comparison. With the distance of some 2 months from the attacks, I feel more comfortable getting excited about something as silly as a TV show.
So. Here are some of the TV happenings of this week that will have my full attention:
Buffy: The Musical - UPN, 8:00 PM EST. "A Demon is summoned to Sunnydale forcing Buffy and her friends to sing their deepest secrets to one another." I've been waiting for this for months!
24 - Season Premiere - FOX, 9:00 PM EST - The year's most talked about new show.
The Tick - Season Premiere - FOX, 8:30 PM EST. "Leaping from rooftop to rooftop in a single, hard-hitting thud, a mysterious, blue defender of justice patrols the city known as The City. He is THE TICK, and his limited understanding of all things human does not interfere with his over-zealous desire to protect humanity."
Last, but not least...
The X-files - Season Premiere - FOX, 9:00 PM EST. Believe it or not, The X-Files is back for a ninth season. Scully is now a mother, Mulder has vanished and Doggett has a new partner.
Lucasfilm, Ltd. has released a teaser trailer for "Episode II: Attack of The Clones", called Breathing. (You'll need Quicktime 5 to view). It's very short, under a minute long, but it's pretty cool, I think.
If you're like me, you'll be waiting to see if Episode II will deliver on the promise that "Episode I: The Phantom Menace" did not. I think we all have a list of changes we would make to Episode I if we were allowed to; click here to read about someone who did just that - re-edited the movie and called it "The Phantom Edit". You probably remember hearing about the distribution of "The Phantom Edit" a year or so ago. This article delves a little deeper into the events surrounding its creation, distribution and the other versions that followed it. The author also talks about the ramifications of viewers and critics digitally modifying movies in order to create versions they think are better.
Lucasfilm, Ltd. has released a teaser trailer for "Episode II: Attack of The Clones", called Breathing. (You'll need Quicktime 5 to view). It's very short, under a minute long, but it's pretty cool, I think.
If you're like me, you'll be waiting to see if Episode II will deliver on the promise that "Episode I: The Phantom Menace" did not. I think we all have a list of changes we would make to Episode I if we were allowed to; click here to read about someone who did just that - re-edited the movie and called it "The Phantom Edit". You probably remember hearing about the distribution of "The Phantom Edit" a year or so ago. This article delves a little deeper into the events surrounding its creation, distribution and the other versions that followed it. The author also talks about the ramifications of viewers and critics digitally modifying movies in order to create versions they think are better.
First off, Filmwise has posted this week's Invisibles quiz, #48: Cop Out. My first 8 out of 8! Woohoo!
Also posted at Filmwise is a new twist on Invisibles called DVD Cover Art - Invisible Style.
First off, Filmwise has posted this week's Invisibles quiz, #48: Cop Out. My first 8 out of 8! Woohoo!
Also posted at Filmwise is a new twist on Invisibles called DVD Cover Art - Invisible Style.
And awaa-aay I go!
I'll be away for a few days, visiting friends in Massachusetts. Initially, this was the weekend of the "The X-Files" season 9 premiere and we planned our usual premiere/finale get-together. But because of the Emmys and the World Series (GO YANKS!), it has been rescheduled for the 11th. Since half of our group had already bought their plane tickets, we'll still be meeting this weekend, regardless. It should be a lovely weekend, filled with good food, good movies, fun games and maybe even some outdoor activities.
Have a good weekend, peoples. I'll be back home on Monday and I should be back to posting by then.
I'll be away for a few days, visiting friends in Massachusetts. Initially, this was the weekend of the "The X-Files" season 9 premiere and we planned our usual premiere/finale get-together. But because of the Emmys and the World Series (GO YANKS!), it has been rescheduled for the 11th. Since half of our group had already bought their plane tickets, we'll still be meeting this weekend, regardless. It should be a lovely weekend, filled with good food, good movies, fun games and maybe even some outdoor activities.
Have a good weekend, peoples. I'll be back home on Monday and I should be back to posting by then.
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