Tom Shales reviews Monday night's Carol Burnett Special. He comes off as a bit crabby (what critic doesn't?), but I have to say that I agree with much of what he says. One hour (actually only 43 minutes) was not nearly enough time. Yes, I was laughing my ass off, but I wanted more - I wanted them to stop talking to the dorky audience and devote that time to more sketches. And Shales' musings about Comedy Central ran through my mind yesterday, almost word for word.
CBS would be better off running 20-year-old Carol Burnett re-runs in place of some of the stuff they have on their schedule - um, "Yes, Dear", anyone? As Shales says, "Whatever the shortcomings, the "Show Stoppers" special is still a must-be-seen for all those who fondly remember Burnett's magnificent beneficent reign. Burnett and friends were like the Light Brigade, and in their prime they made a "wild charge" every week. You wouldn't want to miss a chance to see them make it again. "
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