In Memorium, their first scene on The X-Files:
LANGLY: So, check it out, Mulder, today I had breakfast with the guy
who shot John F. Kennedy.
MULDER: Is that so?
LANGLY: Old dude now, but yeah. Says he was dressed as a cop on
the grassy knoll.
BYERS: And, Mulder, listen to this. Vladmir Zhirinovsky, the leader of
the Russian Social Democrats? He’s being put into power by the most
heinous and evil force of the 20th century.
MULDER: Barney?
LANGLY: Is this your skeptical partner?
FROHIKE: She’s hot.
BYERS: You don’t believe that the C.I.A., threatened by a loss of power
and funding because of the collapse of the cold war, wouldn’t dream
of having the old enemy back?
SCULLY: I think you give the government too much credit.
SCULLY: I mean, the government can’t control the defecit or manage
SCULLY: …what makes you think they could plan and execute such
an elaborate conspiracy?
FROHIKE: She *is* hot.
MULDER: Settle down, Frohike.
BYERS: I’m not talking about the bunch of idiots up on the hill trying
to bone the capital pages. We’re talking about a dark network,
a government within a government, controlling our every move.
SCULLY: How can they do that?
BYERS: How? I’ll show you how. You got a twenty dollar bill?
SCULLY: Hmmm… I’ll check.
(She digs into her back pocket, looking at Mulder, who smiles back.
She pulls out a twenty.)
SCULLY: Um-hmmm.
(Byers holds the bill in front of him and rips off its left side.
Scully crosses over to him)
(Mulder laughs. Scully looks back at him. Byers pulls out the magnetic
anti-counterfeiting strip.)
BYERS: That’s just one method. They use this magnetic strip to track
you. Whenever you go through a metal detector at an airport, they know
exactly how much you’re carrying.
MULDER: Hey, Byers, it is a federal crime to deface money.
SCULLY: This strip is an anti-counterfeiting measure.
LANGLY: How come it’s on the inside? Other countries put that strip
on the outside.
BYERS: What are they hiding?
(Mulder waves his hands to get their attention.)
MULDER: O… o… ok, alright. What do you know about the Gulf
War Syndrome?
LANGLY: Agent Orange of the 90’s.
BYERS: Artillery shells coated with depleted uranium.
MULDER: Have you heard of any classified planes being flown during
the Persian Gulf War?
BYERS: Why would you need to expose a secret plane to an air force
that runs to Iran whenever you take to the air?
MULDER: What about UFO activity during that period?
(Langly and even Byers laugh.)
LANGLY: Yeah, UFOs caused the Gulf War Syndrome, that’s a good one.
BYERS: That’s why we like you, Mulder, your ideas are weirder than ours.
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