Yes, The X-Files is finally ending, after nine seasons of sometimes-not-so-good but mostly ground-breaking television. The series two-hour finale, "The Truth", airs this Sunday, May 19, at 8:00 P.M. Despite being "just a television show", The X-Files has truly altered and enriched my life, taking me to places I would likely not have visited otherwise (Vancouver, L.A.) and brought people into my life that have become life-long friends. It's brought out my geeky side (not that I was too far removed from it to begin with); my entire Internet experience began as a way to follow and discuss the show with other fans, and I even attempted to write about it once in a while. I will miss the show terribly, but I am also aware of how badly it needs to end. Now, whether or not it will end badly...I don't know, but I don't think it will. I know little about the finale, and there are just too many unanswered questions for me to even speculate about them. I'm just going to sit back and watch and hopefully be moved, surprised and maybe, just maybe, even enlightened.
With the current X-Files media blitz fully underway, I thought it might be a good idea to surf around and post links to some of the articles and interviews floating around. However, it's just too dangerous out there for someone trying to avoid spoilers, and I imagine there aren't many of you who would read them anyway (for the same reason). So, I'm just going to say enjoy the show. I know I will - I'll be heading out to stay with the aforementioned friends this weekend, and we're having a finale party - not to celebrate the end of the show, but what the show gave us: each other and nine years of some pretty good TV.
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