Yep, it's official - we got ourselves a good old-fashioned blizzard going on. The TV news and weather people are wetting their pants they're so excited, but it really is pretty bad out there. Latest accumulation predictions: 20"-24" by the time it finishes tomorrow morning. Now dat's a snowstorm.

Today was supposed to have been my last day at Tommy K's, but I guess that was Friday, since there's no way I can make it in today. Being an Assistant Manager at a video store is pretty much a shitty job, but it wasn't all bad. It could have been worse - I could have been a manager. Hehe.
So, tomorrow I return to Gager. I still can't quite believe I'm going back there. I had my one day of training last Monday - I was pretty much overwhelmed. It's not rocket science - accounts payable, payroll, billing, accounts receivable - but it is all new, and on a different accounting system than the one that we were using when I left. I'll be concentrating on learning the new software this week, and then I expect I'll start working on the transition. I don't know if I mentioned this before, but the Waterbury office - my former location - will be closing. I'm going to spend the next couple of months finalizing client bills and collections, working on client file redistribution, and preparing for the sale of the office space by getting someone to take all of our old office equipment and furniture. Or junking it. Once that is finished I'll be down in the Bethel office on a permanent basis.
And one more bit of accomodate my mother and Petie, temporarily, Sheila and Marty have moved to our father's house, about a half hour away. They left last night, and oy, I just couldn't stop crying. I miss them both very much already, and I feel so badly for Sheila and for all that she has given up, but it's the best solution right now. And it's temporary. Mary and her husband have agreed that they should divorce (the unbearable tension in the house is why my mother has moved back here). Even though I haven't mentioned their troubles here very much, or at all, it's been going on for a long time. The end of a marriage is not a happy event, but in this case I think all parties will be better off, especially the children. Once Mary's life and living situation has settled, Mommy is supposed to move back in with her to help with the bills and the babysitting. We are also looking into buying a house for all of us to live in, hopefully by summertime, if not then by the end of the year.
So, a lot going on around these parts. I hope life is treating you all well. If it's snowing where you are, stay warm and have a good day!
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