Easter is here, and once again I find myself in search of the perfect jelly bean brand. Jelly Bellys are a common favorite, but there are only about 3 of the flavors that I like; the rest of the gourmet flavors kind of gross me out. There used to be a brand sold around here, I think they were called Teeny Beanies, that I swore by (no link for Teeny Beanies - Googling only gets me beanie baby pages). I like my jelly beans small and strongly fruity - lime, lemon, orange, grape, etc. Absolutely, under no circumstances, will I eat a black jelly bean. And I generally don't like the pink or white ones, especially the big, spiced beans. Blecch. I bought a bag of Starburst jelly beans this week, and they're pretty good, but not as good as Teeny Beanies. And so the search continues.
What kind of jelly beans are you favorites?
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