
A Texas jury has found Chante Mallard guilty of murder in the death of the homeless man she struck with her car and then left to die embedded in her windshield. First of all, what a fast trial! Didn't it just begin on Monday or Tuesday? They should all be so quick.

Second, I have to say I agree with the verdict. She was obviously stoned out of her mind and should not have been driving, but even if it could be proved that she had no fault in the incident, that striking Mr. Biggs was purely an accident, her complete indifference in the face of another human being's suffering caused that man's death and she should pay for it. How completely self-absorbed and callous does a person have to be in order to drive with a dying man impaled on her windshield, partially inside her car and then leave him there, in her garage, to die?? Scared, schmared. There were numerous points at which she could have gotten help for him and at each step of the way she made a decision not to. And for that reason I think I think the verdict is just.

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