Damn they're pretty.
The Sun/Jin episodes are among my favorites and this was another solid one, I thought. Their story appeals to me on an emotional level more than anyone else's and their backstory flashbacks always seem to integrate well with the present story.
Overall, it was a pretty straightforward episode: Sun thinks she's pregnant, gets a pregnancy test from Sawyer's stash, the results are positive. But Jin is getting all bastardy again, and rips up her garden in an attempt to keep her from spending time alone in the jungle, and Sun is reluctant to give him the news. At least we're led to believe that's the reason she keeps it a secret.
In the flashbacks we learn that Sun and Jin had tried to have a baby but were not successful. They go to a doctor who tells them that Sun had severe scarring from endometriosis and was unable to conceive. This news brings out the bastard in Jin, who accuses her of keeping that information from him in order to bag him as a husband.
How is it possible that she's pregnant now? Well, it turns out the doctor was lying and it was really Jin who is sterile - he was too afraid to tell him the truth. We also learn in the flashbacks that Sun learned English in private lessons with the rich hotel owner's son that we saw her set up with in an earlier flashback. We are teased with the idea that Sun and teacher may have slept together.
Back on the island, Jin is remorseful about getting all bastardy and tearing up her garden and we see him replanting everything he pulled up. There's a sweet scene where Sun tells Jin that she is pregnant AND that it is him who is sterile AND she swears that she has never been with anyone else. Jin believes her and says it's a miracle.
The simple explanation is that if Locke can walk again after crashing on the island, certainly Jin's little guys can regain motility. However, while I want to believe the baby is Jin's, something is keeping me from accepting the idea completely. Something about the way Sun was acting. Is it the teacher's? But if she did sleep with the teacher, even right before she left, wouldn't she have had some indication before now that she was possibly pregnant? Maybe, maybe not. I wish I had a better handle on how long they've been there. It's got to be close to 60 days, right?
Then I started to think maybe Jin's not the father, maybe the teacher is a red herring and maybe the father is someone on the island. Who in the world that could be, I don't know, and I'm not really gung-ho on this theory, but she was on the outs with Jin and in fact thought he had died when she found the message bottle and buried his ring. Am I crazy? Plus, this is how abc.com described the episode:
"Sun wrestles with the thought of telling Jin a newfound secret that threatens to upset the entire balance of the survivors' community. Meanwhile, Locke enlists Ana Lucia to interrogate the prisoner in order to extract more information than he, Jack or Sayid could."
How does Sun being pregnant by Jin upset the entire balance of the survivors' community?
Elsewhere on the island, Locke enlists Ana Lucia to talk to Henry Gale and see if she can glean anymore from his story. This he does without consulting Jack because it's his hatch. (BTW, all of the Henry Gale scenes were awesome. Other or not, I hope he's around for a long time). AL succeeds in getting a map of where Henry claims his balloon is, does not tell Jack or Locke about it, and sets out with Sayid and Charlie to find the balloon. As soon as they entered that clearing, I thought to myself, "It's a trap!" And then Henry Gale (it sounds better when you say his whole name, I think) goes and gets all Other-ly and tells Jack and Locke that if he was an Other, that map would lead them into a trap. Dun-dun-dun-DUN!
There were a few cool meta moments (all paraphrased, sorry):
1. "You are the least curious people I've ever met" - Amen!
2. Ana Lucia saying "No one likes me." I kinda liked her last night, though.
3. "I know, who brings a pregnancy test with them on a flight?" Who indeed?
Methinks someone has been cruising the message boards.
And finally, what were Charlie and Sayid building?
Next week: Lockdown. I hope it's as good as it looks!
Bugs me to watch Locke and the Jack get played like a fiddle by that guy.
I imagine the healing proberties of the island could make Jims little guys swimmers again.
Why do I get a foreshadowing of this series ending in one of two ways...
Like the X-files where not even the writers nor CC had a clue, or like the second Bob Newhart series where it turns out it was all a dream
oops typing too fast meant 'Jin'and 'Properties'
I have the same fear about the end of the show, John. I sometimes wonder if they have it plotted out as far as the next episode, never mind the end of the series. I'm enjoying it still, though, and I'll keep watching until I don't.
I think I missed the rest of the episode due to internal technical difficulties. Something to do with Sun and her lingerie...
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