The Bristows are back, and it gives me great joy to say that. I am going to do my best to recap and comment on these final episodes of Alias, a show that's near and dear to my heart. It's the least I can do.
Hopefully, I will be able to do them in a more timely manner than I have with this one. Real life's a bitch.
S.O.S opens right where we left off, with an extremely pregnant Sydney stranded on the deck of a container ship out in the Middle of Nowhere Sea. She's not alone for long, as Peyton and her goons start chasing her around. Syd manages to get an SOS message out over the radio, but she's not feeling too well. She gets the jump on Peyton and they hide in what appears to be a delivery room, something I don't think is standard on a container ship. Syd wonders WTF is going on but before she can get an answer she is overcome with pain and Peyton gets the gun from her.
Back at APO, Marshall and Jack listen to Syd's SOS signal but before they can get a location, it's interrupted, corrupted, and deleted. Jack decides they need to break into CIA heaquarters to retrieve the SOS from one of their computers. This is clearly treason, but no one has a problem with it. Dixon, Marshall, Rachel and Tom do the breaking and entering. There are alarms set off, lockdowns put into place and Rachel runs right into a door. Ha! Bottom line, they have to take an entire hard drive back to APO. In order to get everyone out of the building, Jack calls in Weiss, who has to miss his Pilates class to help out. Hi Weiss! Also, while there, Tom did a little moonlighting and accessed the Witness Protection database and retrieved the name and location of the man who killed his wife. Hmm.
Sydney awakes on the container ship to find she is strapped to the table in the delivery room with a fetal monitor on her belly. The baby is lighting up like a Christmas tree on the monitor screen. No one will tell her what's going on. A doctor comes into the room and who should it be but Syd's own OB/GYN. Bitch! Dr. Bitch takes some amniotic fluid, finds blood in it and says they have to do the procedure right away. Procedure? What procedure? Will someone tell me what is going on?
Back at APO, bad news - the hard drive is too encrypted and they can't get the message off of it. Marshall, however, waves his geeky hands in the air and voila! The person who intercepted the message has Alpha Black clearance. There only 7 people in the CIA who have that level of clearance and they all have special cell phones. I know, but wait, it'll make sense. SpyDaddy has an idea. Jack calls all these Alpha Black dudes into one conference room and starts doing an awesome Hercule Poirot routine, albeit a little bit more badass than HP usually is, saying that one of them knows where Sydney is and he's going to find out who that is. Or else. And when Jack says "or else", he means it. Marshall does his thing with the thing and locks in on the cellphone in question and it rings. Bam! Jack shoots the guy whose phone is ringing. Whoa! "Where is Sydney?" He's not telling. Pow! Jack pistol-whips the guy. "Where's Sydney?!" He doesn't know! BAM! Jacks shoots the guys again. "Where is Sydney?" Oh OK, she's on a container ship called the Athena in the North Atlantic.
Meanwhile, Peyton chats with someone on the phone who tells her that Sydney gave them the wrong information while under hypnosis.
They locate the ship and Tom and Dixon and the rescue team land on deck, only to find the ship deserted. Except for poor Sydney, still strapped to the delivery table, apparently post-op. They airlift her out of there. Then we cut to Tom watching the guy who killed his wife (Allen Korman, I think) walking through a parking garage. Tom approaches him. Just when you think Tom's going to kill him, he addresses Korman in a foreign language (Russian, perhaps?), and tells the guy that he needs to get a message to "The Cardinal." Oh, and Korman calls him Peter. Hmm.
This first hour ends with Jack visiting Sydney in her hospital room, accampanied by armed guards. Syd wants to know what's up with the guys, but Jack tells her not to worry. And he confirms to her that the baby is fine and that the operation on the ship was in fact for a placental abruption and they actually saved her and the baby.
And that was the first hour. We still don't know what The Horizon is or why Prophet 5 wants it. Or even who Prophet 5 (or The Cardinal) is. Let's continue the second hour in another post.
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