Unauthorized Cinnamon
Probably the best episode title, ever. I'm sorry to say that this will have to be yet another brief Deadwood recap, and I'm still very, very far behind. I promise that when I get back from Vancouver I will set myself to the task of catching up. There are only 3 episodes left to the season, can you believe it?!
We pick up right where we left off at the end of "Rich Find", with Aunt Lou running into the hotel. Hearst meets with Odell about his Liberia claim during this episode, but I'm not going to bother recapping it - suffice to say that Hearst decides to send a man back to Liberia with Odell to verify his claim.
At the Gem, Al, Bullock, Tolliver, Merrick and the rest of the camp elders meet to discuss what to do about Hearst and what they perceive is an imminent attack by him on the camp. Charlie supports the "kill him before he kills us" plan, but then Seth produces a very moving letter he has written to the family of the Cornishman killed by Hearst's men. Merrick reads the letter aloud and all present are moved (except maybe for stone-faced Tolliver) to publish the letter in the paper. Al isn't sure why this is the action they should take, but he is nonetheless convinced of its appropriateness. I think it's the right choice and will galvanize the camp against Hearst, and that will come in mighty handy when the smackdown starts. Also, I think, by doing the decent thing - acknowledging the loss of a life in a town where life has always been considered cheap - they not only raise themselves above the fray, but they bring the camp one step closer to being a civilized community.
I think this episode will turn out to be a sentimental favorite of mine, filled as it was with scenes of quiet emotion. From the reading of the letter to Sol and Trixie's talk, from Joanie and Jane's kiss to Al's admonishment to Doc that he'd better live or he'd kill him himself...even Hearst's tearful admission to Odell that the people of Deadwood had hurt his feelings was very well-played. Throw in a little comedy, such as that provided by "Little Miss F*ckin' Cinnamon", the bizarre tailor and his scarves and Richardson and E.B.'s "Who's on first" routine and, well, you have an almost perfect episode.
"Do not put unauthorized cinnamon on the Goddamned meetin' table!" ~ Dan
"Guess if you've got a p*ssy, even ownin' a bank don't get you to that table." ~ Gem whores in a philosphical moment
"But I have learned sometimes if you have a thing, the reason for the thing is that you have it!" ~Gustave the Tailor
"Please, God, come in!" ~ Al
"That's a very nice f*ckin' letter." ~Al
"F*ck Confidentiality of Communications!" ~ Blasanov
"Open the place back up! Tell the whores if their legs ain't in the air, they'd better be off their asses!"
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