
It was the tryptophan, I swear.

I spent the entire weekend in a turkey coma and that's why I've been neglecting you. Honest.

Actually, I had an extremely stressful 2 weeks prior to Thanksgiving and the 4-day holiday was a much needed opportunity to decompress. The stress culminated in a couple of meetings on Wednesday and then *poof*, it was done (and all's well that ends well). Wednesday night and Thursday were spent cooking Thanksgiving dinner and the rest was spent either eating, sleeping or watching TV. I did manage to take a couple of nice, long walks over the weekend and clean my mother's apartment, so it wasn't a total slug-fest. I took some pictures, too, and I'll be uploading them later on tonight.

So anyway, I'm back and I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, whatever it is you got yourself up to. And yes, that LOST recap is coming, and may even get done before the show returns in February!

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