So I am finally caught up on Heroes! I enjoyed Godsend more than The Fix, which seemed like a "setup" episode, laying the groundwork for the good stuff tonight.
A few comments and questions:
1. Does the Invisible Man have a name yet?
2. So Claire's mother can light things on fire with her hand. I wonder if she was that cause of the fire that she supposedly died in. And we all know how Claire survived the fire.
3. How cool is it that George Takei is Hiro's dad? And how cool is it that the Hero symbol is on the hilt of the sword? We found out that it's a combination of 2 symbols: 'godsend' and 'great talent'. Does that imply a divine mission?
4. One of the things that always gives me pleasure when I watch this show is when we get to see the payoff for things like Isaac's paintings, for instance. The reveal is done in such a low-key manner that you could easily miss it. Like the shot of Hiro and the dinosaur.
5. I know I'm alone in this, but my love for Nathan Petrelli continues to grow. His scenes with Hiro are priceless.
6. Matt is BORING.
7. What is that plastic thing sticking out of Sylar's head?
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