9/11 Survivor Probably Not a Survivor.
The Pieces Just Don’t Fit
As a matter of history, Ms. Head’s account made her one of only 19 survivors who had been at or above the point of impact when the planes hit. As a matter of emotion, her story deeply moved audiences like college students to whom she spoke and visitors at ground zero, where she has long led tours for the Tribute W.T.C. Visitor Center for visitors including Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani and former Gov. George E. Pataki.
“What I witnessed there I will never forget,” she told a gathering at Baruch College at a memorial event in 2006. “It was a lot of death and destruction, but I also saw hope.”
Much of Ms. Head’s account was posted on the Web site of the World Trade Center Survivors’ Network, a nonprofit organization for which she served as president and as point person for corporate donations.
But no part of her story, it turns out, has been verified.
Wow. Well, she may not be a 9/11 survivor, but she needs help nonetheless. Of the psychological kind.
As a matter of history, Ms. Head’s account made her one of only 19 survivors who had been at or above the point of impact when the planes hit. As a matter of emotion, her story deeply moved audiences like college students to whom she spoke and visitors at ground zero, where she has long led tours for the Tribute W.T.C. Visitor Center for visitors including Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani and former Gov. George E. Pataki.
“What I witnessed there I will never forget,” she told a gathering at Baruch College at a memorial event in 2006. “It was a lot of death and destruction, but I also saw hope.”
Much of Ms. Head’s account was posted on the Web site of the World Trade Center Survivors’ Network, a nonprofit organization for which she served as president and as point person for corporate donations.
But no part of her story, it turns out, has been verified.
Wow. Well, she may not be a 9/11 survivor, but she needs help nonetheless. Of the psychological kind.
My second new TV show this season: Good, even though it really wasn't.
Maybe I just really want to like it? Maybe I'm liking what I think it can be? Well, whatever the reason, the show has me hooked for now and it stays programmed into the DVR for at least another week.
So I see I have some formatting issues in Firefox, with the right sidebar appearing at the bottom of the page. Things appear alright in IE, though. Hmmm.
This template is actually really growing on me. I want to tweak it a little in terms of color and font, but its simplicity is very pleasing.
Thanks for being patient while I get iron out the wrinkles!
This template is actually really growing on me. I want to tweak it a little in terms of color and font, but its simplicity is very pleasing.
Thanks for being patient while I get iron out the wrinkles!
No, you're not seeing things.
I was bored with my blog template and I impulsively changed it. Still feeling kind of "meh" about it, but at least it's different. Expect more changes as I work through my need to move the furniture around a bit, so to speak.
Oh, and the archives are still not working - sorry!
Oh, and the archives are still not working - sorry!
Heroes: Episode 2.01
It's been four months since our Heroes saved the world, and the show is back with a vengeance.
Let's dispense with this first: We were introduced to two new characters, at least one of which is a Hero - brother and sister Alejandro and Maya. Maya seems to be the only one with a power right now, which is to cause people to bleed from their eyes and die. They are on their way from Mexico to the US in order to ask for help from Dr. Suresh/Mohinder.
Hiro is still back in Japan in 1671 with his hero Takezo Kensei, who as it turns out is really Sark! The Japanese legend was in fact a ne'er-do-well ex-pat Englishman. Did Hiro alter history when he "saved" Kensei? I have a theory about that, but I'll wait a bit before I jump in with it. And what's with the eclipse?
The Bennetts are living in the Stepford-y California town of Costa Verde now. Hey! Candace didn't kill Mrs. Bennett, who is just as weird about her dog as she ever was. Next thing you know she'll be putting them in Halloween costumes!
Anyway, Mr. B is working as an Assistant Manager at Copy Kingdom, but only as a cover while he and Mohinder follow their plan of covertly infiltrating the Company in order to destroy it. Claire is back in high school and trying not to be extraordinary, and it's not easy. Especially since she's met a cute boy who keeps pushing her to be so. Oh, and he can float on air.
Handsome Nathan isn't looking so handsome right now. And he's drinking ALOT. Peter's been missing these 4 months, but he won't give him up for dead like his mother wants him to. Also, when Nathan looks in a mirror, he doesn't see his bushy-bearded-yet-handsome face - instead he sees a face scarred with what look like burns.
Speaking of Mrs. Petrelli, she and Mr. Nakamura have both found pictures of themselves with a red Heroes symbol scrawled over their faces - each photo was torn from a larger one they were both in - which apparently means someone is coming to kill them. That someone, who Mr. Nakamura recognizes, is a hooded figure whose face we don't see and who pushes Mr. N off the top of the Deveaux building to his death.
Parkman and Mohinder are living with Molly in Dr. Suresh's apartment, and Parkman has divorced his wife and is now a NYC detective. Cozy little family. I'm just sayin'!
Little Molly is having nightmares about this season's Big Bad and drawing scary pictures of him in school. You know, if I was a little girl living in that shabby, dreary and dank apartment, I'd probably be having nightmares, too.
We finish up the episode in Cork, Ireland, where Peter is found by some Irish iPod robbers in an empty shipping container. Peter has no idea who he is or how he got there, but he looks really good, with a new haircut and a necklace with the Heroes symbol pendant around his neck. When one of the thieves tries to grab him, Peter zaps him with a bolt of what looks like electricity. A new power, perhaps?
And finally, for those of you who are wondering, there was no sign of Sylar. Yet.
So how did everyone like it?
It's a great time to be a TV watcher.
You Are What You Watch:
"Before the Internet, iPhones and flash drives, people jousted over who was into the Pixies when they were still a garage band or who could most lengthily argue the merits of Oasis versus Blur. Now, for all but hardcore rock aficionados, one-upmanship is more likely to center around a television series — like metaphysical clues buried in “Lost,” whether the current “Battlestar Galactica” is an affront to the 1978 original (some bloggers sneeringly refer to the current incarnation as Gino, short for “Galactica in name only” ) or who discovered “Flight of the Conchords” when it was a comedy team performing in concerts, not an HBO series."
This is a great article, and it really captures what it's like to be a TV watcher in this day and age.
I will freely admit to being a TV snob at times, but that's only because the shows I watch are so much better than everything else. ;-)
"Before the Internet, iPhones and flash drives, people jousted over who was into the Pixies when they were still a garage band or who could most lengthily argue the merits of Oasis versus Blur. Now, for all but hardcore rock aficionados, one-upmanship is more likely to center around a television series — like metaphysical clues buried in “Lost,” whether the current “Battlestar Galactica” is an affront to the 1978 original (some bloggers sneeringly refer to the current incarnation as Gino, short for “Galactica in name only” ) or who discovered “Flight of the Conchords” when it was a comedy team performing in concerts, not an HBO series."
This is a great article, and it really captures what it's like to be a TV watcher in this day and age.
I will freely admit to being a TV snob at times, but that's only because the shows I watch are so much better than everything else. ;-)
The following takes place between 1:00 AM and 2:00 AM.
Kiefer Sutherland arrested on DUI in LA: "The actor was pulled over at around 1:10 a.m. in western Los Angeles, where he tested over the state's legal blood alcohol limit of .08 percent, Officer Karen Smith said."
Kiefer, I love to hear stories of how you're just a regular guy who goes out and parties and bums cigarettes off of people and tackles hotel lobby Christmas trees, but dude, you're not supposed to get behind the wheel of a car in that state. Be careful!
Kiefer, I love to hear stories of how you're just a regular guy who goes out and parties and bums cigarettes off of people and tackles hotel lobby Christmas trees, but dude, you're not supposed to get behind the wheel of a car in that state. Be careful!
We can be Heroes.
OK people, it's back! Season 2 of Heroes premieres tonight on NBC at 9:00!
To help get you in the mood, here's a link to my season 1 finale recap, and a little musical tribute from Mr. David Bowie (who's lookin' fine in this video, I must say):
Enjoy the show!!
To help get you in the mood, here's a link to my season 1 finale recap, and a little musical tribute from Mr. David Bowie (who's lookin' fine in this video, I must say):
Enjoy the show!!
"Back to You" Review: OK
I missed the first 10 minutes (don't even ask), and whether or not that had any affect on my overall enjoyment of the show, I don't know; but I'd say that it was a good start. I was bored at first, and it was nothing spectular, but how many pilots are?
By the end I really liked it. I'll come back for more.
By the end I really liked it. I'll come back for more.
There are no ordinary lives.
WARNING: Real Battlefield Violence and Death Depicted.
Ken Burns' new PBS documentary The War tells the story of WWII through the eyes of ordinary people from 4 American towns. One of those towns featured is Waterbury, CT, where I live. I'm looking forward to watching.
Our neighbor Tony was in the war, and participated in the liberation of a small Italian village. He told us that to this day he can still see the faces of the people that were hiding in a church when he and his fellow US troops rescued them.
The War is a miniseries that will begin airing on PBS this Sunday, September 23rd, at 8:00 PM.
Ken Burns' new PBS documentary The War tells the story of WWII through the eyes of ordinary people from 4 American towns. One of those towns featured is Waterbury, CT, where I live. I'm looking forward to watching.
Our neighbor Tony was in the war, and participated in the liberation of a small Italian village. He told us that to this day he can still see the faces of the people that were hiding in a church when he and his fellow US troops rescued them.
The War is a miniseries that will begin airing on PBS this Sunday, September 23rd, at 8:00 PM.
My first new show of the season.
Back to You, 8:00 Tonight, FOX
I don't know why I feel like I should apologize for looking forward to seeing this, but I do. Maybe it's because it's a more traditional, laugh-track filled comedy and not as cutting edge and The Office or My Name is Earl or Extras (all of which I like)...or maybe it's because the stars have been around the block a time or two...But hey, I'm sorry, it's funny! And it features the star of my favorite sitcom of all time - Frasier - and my favorite part of Everybody Loves Raymond - Deborah. How can I lose?
Famous last words, I know.
Kristen Bell Gets the Fug Accolades..
But Adrian Pasdar gets all the good lines: "Even Adrian Pasdar behind her appears to be thinking, "thank God that little Veronica Whoshername girl pulled out the stops tonight! I wonder if I can get her to talk some sense into Hayden. Speaking of attractive people, I'm certainly a handsome man, aren't I? I am. Debonair, even. Not many men my age can grow hair like this. I suspect I'm actually out-tressing Dempsey. He's here tonight, don't you think? I'm going to find him and pay people to debate which of us have a better head of hair. Watch out, Loverboy. Here I come.""
He does look quite dashing!
He does look quite dashing!
Have the British had enough of Gordon Ramsay?
After seven magnificent years, is the Gordon Ramsay era over?: "Richard Harden, co-editor of the guide, said: 'Failing some major redirection of Ramsay's energies back to his London restaurants - and away from America, TV studios and pubs - this is beginning to look like the end of the era of Ramsay's unchallenged dominance of the high-end culinary scene.'"
Quotes for the day.
These were in my "Quotes of the Day" Google feed this morning and I thought they were not only timely, but also good enough to share.
The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men.
- George Eliot
- George Eliot
Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but, unlike charity, it should end there.
- Clare Booth Luce
- Clare Booth Luce
Politics, n. Strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
- Ambrose Bierce
- Ambrose Bierce
Season Premiere Reminder
As promised, here's a re-hash of an earlier post I did about upcoming season premieres that I'm looking forward to - mark your calendars!
I've broken the list down by day. Next to the show is the date and time of the season/series premiere and the network on which it airs. New series are in red.
Heroes - 9/24 at 9:00 PM (NBC)
Aliens in America - 9/24 at 9:30 PM (CW)
Pushing Daisies - 10/3 at 8:00 PM (ABC)
Back to You - 9/19 at 8:00 PM (FOX)
Bionic Woman - 9/26 at 9:00 PM (NBC)
CSI - 9/27 at 9:00 PM (CBS)
The Office - 9/27 at 9:00 PM (NBC)
Viva Laughlin (new) - 10/21 at 8:00 PM (with a special preview on 10/18 at 10:00 PM) (CBS)
Dexter - 9/30 at 9:00 PM (Showtime)
Four huge favorites are not returning until 2008:
24 - Sunday, 01/13/08 at 8:00 PM (FOX)
American Idol - Tuesday, 01/15/08 at 8:00 PM (FOX)
LOST - Wednesday, 02/06/08 at 10:00 PM (ABC)
Battlestar Galactica will be returning in 2008 as well, but there is no date for the season 4 premiere yet. However, there will be a special 2-hour movie that will air on SciFi on 11/24/07 that will delve deeper into events that took place during season 2, I believe. The storyline from the season 3 finale will not resume until season 4 begins.
Another new show I've heard good buzz about (Colleen!) and won't air until 2008 is The Sarah Connor Chronicles. I believe it's supposed to premiere some time in January.
I also wanted to mention Futurama, which I have totally fallen in love with and I have watched all of the episodes on Cartoon Network. It was cancelled in 2003, but they are making new straight to DVD movies that will air in half hour chunks on Comedy Central, beginning some time in 2008 (February, I believe). I'm so excited! (God, I'm such a dork. Or a geek. Or both, maybe)
I've broken the list down by day. Next to the show is the date and time of the season/series premiere and the network on which it airs. New series are in red.
Heroes - 9/24 at 9:00 PM (NBC)
Aliens in America - 9/24 at 9:30 PM (CW)
Pushing Daisies - 10/3 at 8:00 PM (ABC)
Back to You - 9/19 at 8:00 PM (FOX)
Bionic Woman - 9/26 at 9:00 PM (NBC)
CSI - 9/27 at 9:00 PM (CBS)
The Office - 9/27 at 9:00 PM (NBC)
Viva Laughlin (new) - 10/21 at 8:00 PM (with a special preview on 10/18 at 10:00 PM) (CBS)
Dexter - 9/30 at 9:00 PM (Showtime)
Four huge favorites are not returning until 2008:
24 - Sunday, 01/13/08 at 8:00 PM (FOX)
American Idol - Tuesday, 01/15/08 at 8:00 PM (FOX)
LOST - Wednesday, 02/06/08 at 10:00 PM (ABC)
Battlestar Galactica will be returning in 2008 as well, but there is no date for the season 4 premiere yet. However, there will be a special 2-hour movie that will air on SciFi on 11/24/07 that will delve deeper into events that took place during season 2, I believe. The storyline from the season 3 finale will not resume until season 4 begins.
Another new show I've heard good buzz about (Colleen!) and won't air until 2008 is The Sarah Connor Chronicles. I believe it's supposed to premiere some time in January.
I also wanted to mention Futurama, which I have totally fallen in love with and I have watched all of the episodes on Cartoon Network. It was cancelled in 2003, but they are making new straight to DVD movies that will air in half hour chunks on Comedy Central, beginning some time in 2008 (February, I believe). I'm so excited! (God, I'm such a dork. Or a geek. Or both, maybe)
I want my MTV back.
13 Signs That MTV Hates You: "Still, there's something incredibly wrong with MTV, and though the network has been steadily declining for some time, it's now past the point of self-parody and approaching the depths of something almost evil. If MTV had a soul, it would be black, empty, and full of quicksand. The terrible VMAs only made it more obvious. In short, MTV hates you, and it isn't shy about showing its contempt. How else could you explain the following?"
I have barely watched 13 uninterrupted minutes of MTV in years, and I concur. It's just despicable.
I have barely watched 13 uninterrupted minutes of MTV in years, and I concur. It's just despicable.
I think I know what's wrong with America.
Ja Rule to MTV: Stop Promoting the Gays: "“Dating shows that’s showing two guys or two girls in mid-afternoon. Let’s talk about **** like that! If that’s not ****ing up America, I don’t know what is.”"
It's that people as stupid as he is can actually make as much money as they do.
I don't know which I find more offensive: his homophobia, his vulgarity or his inability to grasp the English language.
Dude, if your kids aren't old enough to learn about homosexuality, they aren't old to watch effin' MTV!
It's that people as stupid as he is can actually make as much money as they do.
I don't know which I find more offensive: his homophobia, his vulgarity or his inability to grasp the English language.
Dude, if your kids aren't old enough to learn about homosexuality, they aren't old to watch effin' MTV!
Abduction and torture in WV wasn't a random act.
Tortured Woman Had Told of Abuse by One Suspect
And the perpetrators weren't exactly unknown to the police:
"Mr. Brewster and his mother were the ringleaders of the abduction, the police say. When he was 12, Mr. Brewster shot and killed his stepfather at the mobile home and served time in a juvenile detention center. Mrs. Brewster, convicted of voluntary manslaughter, served five years in the fatal 1994 shooting of an 84-year-old woman who the police now say was her mother-in-law."
Just nice, country folk.
And the perpetrators weren't exactly unknown to the police:
"Mr. Brewster and his mother were the ringleaders of the abduction, the police say. When he was 12, Mr. Brewster shot and killed his stepfather at the mobile home and served time in a juvenile detention center. Mrs. Brewster, convicted of voluntary manslaughter, served five years in the fatal 1994 shooting of an 84-year-old woman who the police now say was her mother-in-law."
Just nice, country folk.
Balls of Fury
Texas fan nearly castrated in bloody bar scuffle: "According to police, 32-year-old Texas fan Brian Christopher Thomas walked into Henry Hudson's Pub on June 17 wearing a Longhorns T-shirt and quickly became the focus of football 'trash talk' from another regular, 53-year-old Oklahoma fan Allen Michael Beckett. Thomas told police that when he decided to leave and went to the bar to pay his tab, Beckett grabbed him in the crotch, pulled him to the ground and wouldn't let go, even as bar patrons tried to break it up. When the two men were separated, Thomas looked down and realized the extent of his injuries."
To all you haters out there: Leave Britney ALONE!
I'm trying to decide: Is this really sad or really funny?
It's really funny.
It's really funny.
What I Watched This Summer
So what happens to a girl who watches as much television as I do when summer comes and all of her shows go away? Believe it or not, I don't watch much of anything. The reason for that is really two-fold: 1) I honestly need a break from it - watching and blogging about TV can be like having a part-time job; and 2) There's not much on in the summer that I want to watch. The networks get flooded with reality programming this time of year, and well, that's just not my thing.
I can't go cold turkey, however, so I find a few things here and there to keep my brain in its accustomed television-induced stasis:
Bad Girls on Logo - A British drama about a women's prison, which originally aired about 10 years ago, whose first three seasons centered around a lesbian love story between a prison official and an inmate. Doesn't sound like anything you'd be interested in? You should give it a chance. You might just change your mind. I did.
Futurama on the Cartoon Network - How did I miss this the first go-round? Apologies to all Simpsons fans, but this, Matt Groening's other baby, is more my speed. Not only have I DVR'd and watched all 4 seasons this summer, I bought the first 2 seasons on DVD. It's the best cartoon about a slacker pizza delivery boy who gets frozen and wakes up one thousand years later and works for a space delivery company with a robot, a cyclops beauty and a lobster doctor that I have ever seen.
The 4400 - I watch the new season on DVD every summer (I'm behind a season). It's not the best show I've ever seen, but its premise has kept me coming back for more. That, and the fun of recognizing some of the Vancouver locations.
I also do a lot of non-realtime TV watching during the summer: I re-watched Firefly and Serenity on DVD and the Pride & Prejudice miniseries while on vacation in Maine, and I'm currently in the process of re-watching all of Battlestar Galactica with friends who are watching for the first time. So far, we're up to the fourth episode of season 2, and we hope to polish that off on Columbus Day weekend.
And now I find myself gearing up once again for a new fall season. I'm ready!
Note: I'll repost the fall season premiere post that I did a while back for you. Unfortunately, as some of you have discovered, my archives are not working (they stopped publishing correctly in March of this year). I'm working on the problem with the Blogger help group.
I can't go cold turkey, however, so I find a few things here and there to keep my brain in its accustomed television-induced stasis:
Bad Girls on Logo - A British drama about a women's prison, which originally aired about 10 years ago, whose first three seasons centered around a lesbian love story between a prison official and an inmate. Doesn't sound like anything you'd be interested in? You should give it a chance. You might just change your mind. I did.
Futurama on the Cartoon Network - How did I miss this the first go-round? Apologies to all Simpsons fans, but this, Matt Groening's other baby, is more my speed. Not only have I DVR'd and watched all 4 seasons this summer, I bought the first 2 seasons on DVD. It's the best cartoon about a slacker pizza delivery boy who gets frozen and wakes up one thousand years later and works for a space delivery company with a robot, a cyclops beauty and a lobster doctor that I have ever seen.
The 4400 - I watch the new season on DVD every summer (I'm behind a season). It's not the best show I've ever seen, but its premise has kept me coming back for more. That, and the fun of recognizing some of the Vancouver locations.
I also do a lot of non-realtime TV watching during the summer: I re-watched Firefly and Serenity on DVD and the Pride & Prejudice miniseries while on vacation in Maine, and I'm currently in the process of re-watching all of Battlestar Galactica with friends who are watching for the first time. So far, we're up to the fourth episode of season 2, and we hope to polish that off on Columbus Day weekend.
And now I find myself gearing up once again for a new fall season. I'm ready!
Note: I'll repost the fall season premiere post that I did a while back for you. Unfortunately, as some of you have discovered, my archives are not working (they stopped publishing correctly in March of this year). I'm working on the problem with the Blogger help group.
"We need to pay attention to them. They're not just disposable people."
If you have HBO, please take the time to watch this. I did, and it wasn't easy; but it was something I think I needed to see. I hear the statistics on the radio every day, the number of dead and wounded in Iraq, and that's all that they had become to me: numbers.
On this day, especially, it's important to remember not only the people who died in the attack itself, but also that there are still people losing life and limb, every day, because of what happened on 9/11.
Taking 'trainwreck' to new heights.
This is old news by now, I know, but I couldn't let this pass by without saying something.
For those of you who have been living in a cave, or on a trans-Atlantic balloon flight, or who just finished sailing around the world, Britney Spears bombed liked no one else has ever bombed before on the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday night:
Is she nervous? Drunk? High? All of the above? Probably. One thing's for certain: She should not have gone on stage. Doesn't she have people, like handlers or something, someone who could or should have told her she wasn't ready? I actually feel bad for her. Not that it's not her own fault - it is - but that performance was just excruciating.
And for those people in the media who call her fat - shame on you. She should not have been dancing around in her underwear, I agree, but she is clearly not fat. There are enough women in the world, young and old, who suffer from eating disorders and it's just irresponsible to perpetuate some ideal female body that rarely exists in the real world.
For those of you who have been living in a cave, or on a trans-Atlantic balloon flight, or who just finished sailing around the world, Britney Spears bombed liked no one else has ever bombed before on the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday night:
Is she nervous? Drunk? High? All of the above? Probably. One thing's for certain: She should not have gone on stage. Doesn't she have people, like handlers or something, someone who could or should have told her she wasn't ready? I actually feel bad for her. Not that it's not her own fault - it is - but that performance was just excruciating.
And for those people in the media who call her fat - shame on you. She should not have been dancing around in her underwear, I agree, but she is clearly not fat. There are enough women in the world, young and old, who suffer from eating disorders and it's just irresponsible to perpetuate some ideal female body that rarely exists in the real world.
You should watch this show.
Chelsea Lately: "This is a demanding tabloid seminar that assumes a high degree of pop literacy and spends little time in review. Each weeknight Chelsea Handler interviews minor celebrities and clicks through a series of jokes and sketches about the foibles of the famous. So far the show has been almost embarrassingly watchable."
Chelsea Handler is smart, funny and obsessed with pop culture, tabloid news and celebutards trainwrecks. I love her! Check out this clip from her old show (The Chelsea Handler Show), where she makes a visit to the old folks' home:
"Chelsea Lately" airs weeknights at 11:30, on E!.
Chelsea Handler is smart, funny and obsessed with pop culture, tabloid news and celebutards trainwrecks. I love her! Check out this clip from her old show (The Chelsea Handler Show), where she makes a visit to the old folks' home:
"Chelsea Lately" airs weeknights at 11:30, on E!.
Oh Bruthah, Where Art Thou?
Hopefully filming the scene where you arrive just in time to tell Jack and friends not to go near the bad boat!
All the pretty horses.
It's hard to tell from this photo, but these two magnificent beasts were HUGE. They were draft horses of some kind and were speckled with different shades of gray. I loved their sleepy eyes.
Goshen Fair, CT
Great Horned Owl
Seen at the Goshen Fair last weekend. He was sitting on the arm of a handler/trainer, who was speaking to a small crowd. Unfortunately, I was too busy trying to get a good picture to hear anything the guys said.
I'm shocked, SHOCKED I tell you!
The Frivolous Studies and OBVIOUS News Departments have been working overtime:
Men want hot women, study confirms
This is how our world is applying its scientific resources, its brilliant young minds. All in pursuit of the obvious.
That rock stars die young and guys don't want to go out with fat, ugly chicks.
What a colossal waste of time!
Men want hot women, study confirms
This is how our world is applying its scientific resources, its brilliant young minds. All in pursuit of the obvious.
That rock stars die young and guys don't want to go out with fat, ugly chicks.
What a colossal waste of time!
I wonder if Osama Bin Laden reads blogs?
Success: "A little over seven months ago, a blog began with the express purpose of getting one Kevin Costner to send us a photo of himself looking at a blog about himself...our blog, 'If I Blog It They Will Come'. The time and effort expended on this endeavor has been greatly rewarding. We've been very lucky to have so many people checking out the site, sending us emails and sharing their enthusiasm for our goofy venture."
As a fellow blogger, I must offer my congratulations. Congratulations!
As a fellow blogger, I must offer my congratulations. Congratulations!
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