
It's a great time to be a TV watcher.

You Are What You Watch:

"Before the Internet, iPhones and flash drives, people jousted over who was into the Pixies when they were still a garage band or who could most lengthily argue the merits of Oasis versus Blur. Now, for all but hardcore rock aficionados, one-upmanship is more likely to center around a television series — like metaphysical clues buried in “Lost,” whether the current “Battlestar Galactica” is an affront to the 1978 original (some bloggers sneeringly refer to the current incarnation as Gino, short for “Galactica in name only” ) or who discovered “Flight of the Conchords” when it was a comedy team performing in concerts, not an HBO series."

This is a great article, and it really captures what it's like to be a TV watcher in this day and age.

I will freely admit to being a TV snob at times, but that's only because the shows I watch are so much better than everything else. ;-)

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