
Another Nail in the Nerd Coffin

10-21-2007 018, originally uploaded by gina64.

A couple of weeks ago I went to the Connecticut Renaissance Faire with some friends. I had never been to one and to be honest, that was sort of intentional. But you know what? I really had a good time. I got to shoot an arrow, I failed miserably at knife-throwing, I saw a sword-swallower, I tried Turkish coffee (EW) and Scotch Eggs (yummy), and I got a henna tattoo. I would highly recommend a trip to a Ren Faire, especially to people who have kids. The people who "work" the faire are enjoying themselves so much, it's impossible not to have a good time yourself.

Here are a few of the photos I took that day. If you'd like to see more, check out my Flickr set.

10-21-2007 103

10-21-2007 016

10-21-2007 042

10-21-2007 0531


J said...

OK - I was worried about you the other day and now I am really worried...

gina said...

I should post a disclaimer: That dude in the first picture was scary, not fun, lol.

Don't worry too much, I won't be running out and buying my pub wench costume any time soon.

gina said...

I should post a disclaimer: That dude in the first picture was scary, not fun, lol.

Don't worry too much, I won't be running out and buying my pub wench costume any time soon.

Anonymous said...

wow! The guy in the first photo has some funky eyes. He looks scary to me, too.

My sister likes going to King Richard's Faire, but I always thought that kind of thing was a little geeky. (This from a girl who was at Star Wars Celebration III in Indy, lol)