There was a lot to love on TV this year, and it wasn't easy narrowing my choices to 5 (so I didn't).
5 Reasons I Loved My TV This Year
1. The best new show on television, Pushing Daisies, had many memorable moments, but this sublime scene of a lovesick Olive Snook was by far my favorite:
2. The last 4 episodes of season 3 of Battlestar Galactica and the revelation of four of the Final Five:
3. Desmond. (and that show he's on)
4. Reruns of Futurama on Cartoon Network. Without them I would never have known that Nibblonians poop little balls of rocket fuel, or that Al Gore becomes Emperor of the Moon, or even that robots run on beer.
4.5. Nathan Petrelli is still my favorite character on Heroes, even if we didn't get to see very much of him during this shortened season (or maybe because we didn't, considering how the show's been struggling). I love it when he flies, but not when he dies. He had better NOT DIE.
5. Bad Girls on Logo. A British drama about a women's prison that airs on the "gay" channel and which features a lesbian love story as one of its main storylines does not sound like it's something for everyone, I know. And that's too bad, because it's good. A bit soapy and occasionally campy, but mostly it's just good (at least the first three seasons are). Here's a sampling:
The quality of the video isn't that great, but it gives you a good idea of what the show is about.
So, that's it. May 2008 bring you and me more to love than hate on our TVs!
Bill Maher's D*ckheads of the Year

From what I've heard, Maher's no prince himself, but he sure is funny. And I agree with him almost 100% of the time.
Anyone you would like to add to the list?
I love and hate my TV.
You know what you never see enough of at this time of the year? Lists!
Inspired by this blog post at, I have decided to list my "5 reasons I loved and/or hated my TV" this year.
We're going to start with the bad stuff because I hate to end things on a sour note.
5 Reasons I Hated My TV This Year
1. The cancellation of Veronica Mars was bad enough. Did they have to replace it with that Pussycat Dolls show?
2. The WGA Strike and what it's doing to my favorite shows. May it end soon.
3. The View, Sherri Shepherd specifically. And I don't even watch the show! She made me hate my TV because she's allowed to sit there at that table and say ignorant things like this:
4. The unending coverage of the death of Anna Nicole Smith and the paternity of her baby. Twenty-four hour channels are probably the worst thing that ever happened to television news. The need to fill those 24 hours and the ratings battle between the different news networks have seriously, and I think irretrievably damaged television news. The lines between opinion and fact and entertainment and news have been crossed so many times, they barely exist anymore. And don't even get me started on the likes of Nancy Grace and Bill O'Reilly...
5. Bionic Woman, quite possibly the biggest disappointment of my entire TV life. I don't think there was anything done right on this show - not the acting, not the writing, not the effects. It's a spectacular failure because it had so much potential, and hopefully its future is in doubt. This show is so dumb it deserves to be cancelled. So dumb, in fact, that I'm going to post a bloopers clip from the original show instead.
Alright, that's enough negativity. Coming up in another post, 5 things that made me love my TV.
I hope I can limit it to 5.
Inspired by this blog post at, I have decided to list my "5 reasons I loved and/or hated my TV" this year.
We're going to start with the bad stuff because I hate to end things on a sour note.
5 Reasons I Hated My TV This Year
1. The cancellation of Veronica Mars was bad enough. Did they have to replace it with that Pussycat Dolls show?
2. The WGA Strike and what it's doing to my favorite shows. May it end soon.
3. The View, Sherri Shepherd specifically. And I don't even watch the show! She made me hate my TV because she's allowed to sit there at that table and say ignorant things like this:
4. The unending coverage of the death of Anna Nicole Smith and the paternity of her baby. Twenty-four hour channels are probably the worst thing that ever happened to television news. The need to fill those 24 hours and the ratings battle between the different news networks have seriously, and I think irretrievably damaged television news. The lines between opinion and fact and entertainment and news have been crossed so many times, they barely exist anymore. And don't even get me started on the likes of Nancy Grace and Bill O'Reilly...
5. Bionic Woman, quite possibly the biggest disappointment of my entire TV life. I don't think there was anything done right on this show - not the acting, not the writing, not the effects. It's a spectacular failure because it had so much potential, and hopefully its future is in doubt. This show is so dumb it deserves to be cancelled. So dumb, in fact, that I'm going to post a bloopers clip from the original show instead.
Alright, that's enough negativity. Coming up in another post, 5 things that made me love my TV.
I hope I can limit it to 5.
Benazir Bhutto assassinated.
Benazir Bhutto assassinated: "While Bhutto appeared to have died from bullet wounds, it was not immediately clear if she was shot or if her wounds were caused by bomb shrapnel.
President Pervez Musharraf held an emergency meeting in the hours after the death, according to state media.
Mahmud Ali Durrani, Pakistan ambassador to the United States, said Musharraf will be 'announcing something' soon, likely to include a declaration of national mourning for Bhutto. He said that when he briefly spoke with Musharraf, the president 'condemned these attacks.'"
Not entirely unexpected, but horrible nonetheless.
Has anyone claimed responsibility yet? I know that Al Qaeda is the likely perpetrator, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Musharraf had something to do with it.
President Pervez Musharraf held an emergency meeting in the hours after the death, according to state media.
Mahmud Ali Durrani, Pakistan ambassador to the United States, said Musharraf will be 'announcing something' soon, likely to include a declaration of national mourning for Bhutto. He said that when he briefly spoke with Musharraf, the president 'condemned these attacks.'"
Not entirely unexpected, but horrible nonetheless.
Has anyone claimed responsibility yet? I know that Al Qaeda is the likely perpetrator, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Musharraf had something to do with it.
Merry Christmas, Everyone :-)
I wish you all, whether you celebrate Christmas or not, all the warmth and joy of the season as well as a happy and healthy new year.
Thisisgina will return after Christmas. Have a good one!
Another Christmas Movie Update
I'm still working on this list (so far this season I've seen the movies in red):
White Christmas
A Christmas Story
It's a Wonderful Life
Christmas in Connecticut
Christmas Vacation
The Ref
Love, Actually
Die Hard
Bad Santa
The Family Stone
There's not much time left...
White Christmas
A Christmas Story
It's a Wonderful Life
Christmas in Connecticut
Christmas Vacation
The Ref
Love, Actually
Die Hard
Bad Santa
The Family Stone
There's not much time left...
"I just beat up Santa Claus"
God that's such a great movie.
Things are really starting to get busy around here, so I'll probably be pretty scarce over the coming days. But I'll be peeking in, now and again!
TV Talk
There hasn't been much going on in the land of TV, at least not in my house. With the lack of new scripted content, we have been watching a lot of holiday programming - old movies and specials - and that's been kind of nice.
I've also been watching some reality TV.
A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila - I know, I know! To be fair (to myself), I didn't really watch this one religiously and what I missed I would catch up on at MTV's website. The entire thing - premise, participants, content - was really slutty, and outside of I Love New York and Flava of Love, this show has to be one of the least "real" reality competitions. So why did I watch? Dani. A self-proclaimed "futch" (femme/butch) lesbian who is an adorable firefighter from Florida, week after week Dani kept getting asked back by Tila, until it came down to Tila choosing between Dani and some generic boy named Bobby. This week Tila chose Bobby, of course, and all of Dani's fans across the Internets wept.
The Biggest Loser - The finale was this week, everyone looked amazing, and the twins went home with both prizes. Go Team Bill!!
I've also been watching some reality TV.
A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila - I know, I know! To be fair (to myself), I didn't really watch this one religiously and what I missed I would catch up on at MTV's website. The entire thing - premise, participants, content - was really slutty, and outside of I Love New York and Flava of Love, this show has to be one of the least "real" reality competitions. So why did I watch? Dani. A self-proclaimed "futch" (femme/butch) lesbian who is an adorable firefighter from Florida, week after week Dani kept getting asked back by Tila, until it came down to Tila choosing between Dani and some generic boy named Bobby. This week Tila chose Bobby, of course, and all of Dani's fans across the Internets wept.
The Biggest Loser - The finale was this week, everyone looked amazing, and the twins went home with both prizes. Go Team Bill!!
KBR Rape Charge
KBR, Halliburton hit by ex-worker's rape charges
I saw the ABC News report on this last night and, assuming her allegations are true, I am appalled. (as is anyone else who hears about it, I'm sure)
Does anyone know where or if there is more information on this? The particulars seem sketchy and I'd like to more about the circumstances surrounding the attack and why the hell she was locked up afterward.
I saw the ABC News report on this last night and, assuming her allegations are true, I am appalled. (as is anyone else who hears about it, I'm sure)
Does anyone know where or if there is more information on this? The particulars seem sketchy and I'd like to more about the circumstances surrounding the attack and why the hell she was locked up afterward.
Kenya's sex trade has a new customer.
Older white women:
Emerging alongside this black market trade -- and obvious in the bars and on the sand once the sun goes down -- are thousands of elderly white women hoping for romantic, and legal, encounters with much younger Kenyan men.
They go dining at fine restaurants, then dancing, and back to expensive hotel rooms overlooking the coast.
"One type of sex tourist attracted the other," said one manager at a shorefront bar on Mombasa's Bamburi beach.
"Old white guys have always come for the younger girls and boys, preying on their poverty ... But these old women followed ... they never push the legal age limits, they seem happy just doing what is sneered at in their countries."
Emerging alongside this black market trade -- and obvious in the bars and on the sand once the sun goes down -- are thousands of elderly white women hoping for romantic, and legal, encounters with much younger Kenyan men.
They go dining at fine restaurants, then dancing, and back to expensive hotel rooms overlooking the coast.
"One type of sex tourist attracted the other," said one manager at a shorefront bar on Mombasa's Bamburi beach.
"Old white guys have always come for the younger girls and boys, preying on their poverty ... But these old women followed ... they never push the legal age limits, they seem happy just doing what is sneered at in their countries."
The Slurm Queen
Substitute Diet Coke for Slurm and me for Fry. I'd like to think that I would stop drinking it if I found out that the secret ingredient of Diet Coke came from a giant worm queen's butt...but who's to say?
What will he rub now?
Whether through hard work and exercise, or the knife of a skilled cosmetic surgeon, Simon Cowell has shed his moobs and, dare I say, he is rockin' the new bod!
That's just not right.
(BTW, nice waxing line, Simon)
That's just not right.
(BTW, nice waxing line, Simon)
"Rescuing people — can't really say it's our primary objective."

You have GOT to go watch it. NOW.
Blast from the Past, Holiday Style
Man, Sting (bucking the mullet trend, I see), Bono and Simon all standing together around one microphone...that much hotness in such a small space, I'm surprised they didn't spontaneously combust. Or should I say I'm surprised I don't!
I would spend hours in the TV room at the Campus Center, watching MTV, just waiting for them to play this video. Hours.
"The Dark Knight" Trailer!
And my first good peek at Heath Ledger as The Joker:
That is one effin' scary Joker. I can't wait!
That is one effin' scary Joker. I can't wait!

The response to last week's poll was amazing! To all of you that voted, I thank you!
It appears that Alistair Sim is, by far, your most favorite Scrooge. I agree, he got my vote, too. He's just able to pull off Scrooge's miserly meanness as well as his boundless joy later on better than any of the other candidates. My second place vote would go to Michael Caine in A Muppet Christmas Carol. He brings a melancholy sadness to the role that I like. Besides, everyone looks good surrounded by Muppets.
Here's a clip of Alistair Sim as Scrooge:
A new poll will be posted soon.
Mary You Did Know
OK, first of all a warning: I am in a bit of a foul mood today, so this particular rant should be received in the spirit in which it was given.
The Christmas song "Mary Did You Know" is stupid. Here are the lyrics:
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will one day walk on water?
Did you know
That your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?
Did you know
That your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that youve delivered
Will soon deliver you
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Did you know
That your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand?
Did you know
That your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
And when you kiss your little boy
Youve kissed the face of god
Mary, did you know?
The blind will see
The deaf will hear
And the dead will live again
The lame will leap
The dumb will speak
The praises of the lamb
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy is lord of all creation?
Did you know
That your baby boy will one day rules the nations?
Did you know
That your baby boy is heavens perfect lamb?
This sleeping child youre holding
Is the great I am
Did she know the specifics? Probably not. But the implication here is that she didn't know that she gave birth to the son of God.
She was told by the angel Gabriel that she was pregnant through an immaculate conception. OK, that was probably the first sign that something was up. Then on the night she gives birth, shepherds arrive and tell her a story: (excerpt from Wikipedia)
An angel of the Lord brought them the "good news of great joy" that "to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is the Messiah, the Lord". The angel told them they would find, "a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger." A "heavenly host" joined the angel and said, "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors!". The King James Version (1611) reads, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." The shepherds hurried to the manger in Bethlehem where they found Mary, Joseph and Jesus. They repeated what they were told by the angel, and then returned to their flocks.
So, yeah, I think she probably had an inkling. Besides, wasn't Mary at the crucifixion? Wouldn't she have known about all of his acts, particularly the ones he was being crucified for?
I'm wasting too much energy on this, aren't I? I think I need to just walk away.
If I could just scream in Kenny Rogers' face, "Yes, I think she did know!"
The Christmas song "Mary Did You Know" is stupid. Here are the lyrics:
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will one day walk on water?
Did you know
That your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?
Did you know
That your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that youve delivered
Will soon deliver you
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Did you know
That your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand?
Did you know
That your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
And when you kiss your little boy
Youve kissed the face of god
Mary, did you know?
The blind will see
The deaf will hear
And the dead will live again
The lame will leap
The dumb will speak
The praises of the lamb
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy is lord of all creation?
Did you know
That your baby boy will one day rules the nations?
Did you know
That your baby boy is heavens perfect lamb?
This sleeping child youre holding
Is the great I am
Did she know the specifics? Probably not. But the implication here is that she didn't know that she gave birth to the son of God.
She was told by the angel Gabriel that she was pregnant through an immaculate conception. OK, that was probably the first sign that something was up. Then on the night she gives birth, shepherds arrive and tell her a story: (excerpt from Wikipedia)
An angel of the Lord brought them the "good news of great joy" that "to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is the Messiah, the Lord". The angel told them they would find, "a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger." A "heavenly host" joined the angel and said, "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors!". The King James Version (1611) reads, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." The shepherds hurried to the manger in Bethlehem where they found Mary, Joseph and Jesus. They repeated what they were told by the angel, and then returned to their flocks.
So, yeah, I think she probably had an inkling. Besides, wasn't Mary at the crucifixion? Wouldn't she have known about all of his acts, particularly the ones he was being crucified for?
I'm wasting too much energy on this, aren't I? I think I need to just walk away.
If I could just scream in Kenny Rogers' face, "Yes, I think she did know!"
Look for LOST on Thursdays

ABC will start airing the 8 episodes of LOST that they have in the can on Thursdays at 9:00 PM, beginning Januray 31.
I'm relieved. Even though the return of Heroes and 24 this season is anything but sure, I didn't want to have to deal with another show at 9:00 on Mondays.
In observance of the major dumpage we're supposed to be getting today, I post this video from White Christmas:
It started snowing over an hour and a half ago - hours earlier than they had predicted - but now it's stopped. I wonder if it's just a break, and it's supposed to kick up again, or if this is it?
It started snowing over an hour and a half ago - hours earlier than they had predicted - but now it's stopped. I wonder if it's just a break, and it's supposed to kick up again, or if this is it?
According to the Ausiello Report at, ABC will be announcing its plans soon for upcoming LOST episodes: "...the lineup has not yet been finalized, but according to this early draft, the network has decided to air the eight completed episodes beginning in February. However, they won't be airing on Wednesday nights. I haven't been able to find out which night the show is moving to..."
I'm not sure how I feel about that. I am starving for some new LOST as it is, and I know that by February I will be desperate for any new content, what with the strike laying waste to the television landscape; but these shows were written to be aired as 16 uninterrupted episodes, not two separate chunks of 8. Is that a big deal? Probably not. Besides, if seeing all 16 episodes together and uninterrupted means waiting until the 2008-2009 season, I'll take the 8 in February.
Now, as far as what night the show will be moving to, I'm betting it will be Mondays at 9:00 PM. Heroes and 24 both air in that timeslot, but they will probably not be back by February. And they won't be in competition with American Idol, which will destroy everything in its path on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
What do you all think? Which night would you like to see the show move to?
I'm not sure how I feel about that. I am starving for some new LOST as it is, and I know that by February I will be desperate for any new content, what with the strike laying waste to the television landscape; but these shows were written to be aired as 16 uninterrupted episodes, not two separate chunks of 8. Is that a big deal? Probably not. Besides, if seeing all 16 episodes together and uninterrupted means waiting until the 2008-2009 season, I'll take the 8 in February.
Now, as far as what night the show will be moving to, I'm betting it will be Mondays at 9:00 PM. Heroes and 24 both air in that timeslot, but they will probably not be back by February. And they won't be in competition with American Idol, which will destroy everything in its path on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
What do you all think? Which night would you like to see the show move to?
Jesus, he's got some big ones, huh?
Suspect in wife's disappearance seeks $$$: "A former police officer suspected in his wife's disappearance has set up a Web site to ask for financial help with his legal defense. Former Illinois police officer Drew Peterson is considered a suspect in the disappearance of his fourth wife, Stacy. Drew Peterson's site says he wants to collect money from people who believe he deserves a defense without going broke. 'For the cost of a few cups of your morning coffee, you can help to ensure that Drew can afford to support his ongoing legal defense, find his missing wife, and divert any remaining funds into a trust for his children,' the site says."
Black men must reclaim our children: "We can spend all day talking about the ills afflicting urban America -- and there are plenty that are institutional -- but the decaying value of life in inner cities clearly can be traced to the exodus of fathers from the lives of so many young men. Excuses often are tossed about as to why black men leave their children (and their children's moms) to fend for themselves. But a lot of them are just sorry and refuse to accept the responsibility that comes with raising a child."
Being a single, professional, unmarried and childless white female I probably don't have a leg to stand on, but I totally agree with this guy. And I wish that more strong, responsible and loving black fathers would speak up in the same way.
Being a single, professional, unmarried and childless white female I probably don't have a leg to stand on, but I totally agree with this guy. And I wish that more strong, responsible and loving black fathers would speak up in the same way.
Bought and Paid For
I made my last payment about a week ago. Yay! Unfortunately, that doesn't mean they're ready to come off yet. Probably a few more months. And then some bonding and more dental work...but it feels so good to be done with that $130 monthly payment!
And I can't believe it's been two and a half years already!
It's not Christmas without some Bing. And I don't mean Chandler.
This clip is from the movie Holiday Inn, which in fact should be on my holiday movie list. Not only is it a great movie, it also marks the first time audiences heard "White Christmas".
Look how young Bing is in this. He's one of those people who seem as though they've always been old, don't you think?
I had a feeling.
I told my sister yesterday that there was something not quite right about this story.
Pregnant attorney admits kidnap tale was a lie: "Police would not discuss a motive, but Hancock's husband Lawrence Hancock said his wife has been having psychological problems for several years. 'She experienced a meltdown and attempted to handle those matters without the assistance of professional help or others. Karyn elected to leave everything because she felt that she was unable to continue,' he said."
Pregnant attorney admits kidnap tale was a lie: "Police would not discuss a motive, but Hancock's husband Lawrence Hancock said his wife has been having psychological problems for several years. 'She experienced a meltdown and attempted to handle those matters without the assistance of professional help or others. Karyn elected to leave everything because she felt that she was unable to continue,' he said."
I still watch cartoons.
A post by Matt Zoller Seitz at The House Next Door left me jonesing for some Looney Tunes.
I count myself lucky to have grown up with these cartoons, and I wish more kids could see them today.
Here's one of my favorites, "Feed the Kitty":
How perfect is that?
I count myself lucky to have grown up with these cartoons, and I wish more kids could see them today.
Here's one of my favorites, "Feed the Kitty":
How perfect is that?
Holiday Movie Update
I knocked a couple more off the list this weekend:
White Christmas
A Christmas Story
It's a Wonderful Life
Christmas in Connecticut
Christmas Vacation
The Ref
Love, Actually
Die Hard
Bad Santa
The Family Stone
We got our tree this weekend, too. I'll post some photos of our decorations a little later. I know you're dying to see them!
White Christmas
A Christmas Story
It's a Wonderful Life
Christmas in Connecticut
Christmas Vacation
The Ref
Love, Actually
Die Hard
Bad Santa
The Family Stone
We got our tree this weekend, too. I'll post some photos of our decorations a little later. I know you're dying to see them!
Let's watch Bing Crosby tap-dancing with Danny F***in' Kaye!
It's time for my annual Christmas movie/special post. My favorites haven't changed from last year, except for the addition of one more: I saw The Family Stone a couple of months ago and I was surprised that I liked it.
So, here's my list again, with the movies I've seen so far this year in red:
White Christmas
A Christmas Story
It's a Wonderful Life
Christmas in Connecticut
Christmas Vacation
The Ref
Love, Actually
Die Hard
Bad Santa
The Family Stone
Wow, I have some watching to do. I'll let you know how well I fare.
So, here's my list again, with the movies I've seen so far this year in red:
White Christmas
A Christmas Story
It's a Wonderful Life
Christmas in Connecticut
Christmas Vacation
The Ref
Love, Actually
Die Hard
Bad Santa
The Family Stone
Wow, I have some watching to do. I'll let you know how well I fare.
Has the WGA strike left you with way too much down time?

Here's a tip: Now might be a great time to get that pesky prison time out of the way.
Good luck to you, Kiefer. See you in 47 days!
(mugshot courtesy of the smoking gun)
There was a terrorist in that tree, I swear!
It's that time of year again. Time to re-visit some of the heartwarming moments of Christmases past. Like this one.
Kiefer vs. Christmas Tree
Posted May 13, 2006Free Rice

Go to and play their vocabulary game. For every word you get right, 20 grains of rice will be donated to feed the hungry around the world. The highest I've gotten so far is 1520, with my vocab level at 43.
Come on, help feed the hungry and add a few new words to you vocabulary while you're at it.
I think I spotted Hermie and Yukon Cornelius at Target!

How TV's 'Rudolph' was saved: "Two years ago, the figures were acquired by current owner Kevin Kriess. Santa's face was stained, there was mold under his beard and half his mustache was gone. Rudolph was missing the red light bulb from his nose, said Kriess, a longtime fan of the special whose Harmony, Pennslyvania-based business sells action figures and other collectibles based on movies and TV shows. Kriess, 44, said he bought his two treasures from a person whose family had received them years ago from a relative who worked for Rankin/Bass. For many years, the delicate wood, wire and fabric puppets had been treated casually: first as toys and later as holiday decorations."
Wasn't this a Law & Order: SVU episode?
Young man's suicide blamed on mother's cult: "Former sect members tell CNN Berg encouraged adult-child sex. More often than not, they say, the chosen child was Rodriguez, the son of Karen Zerby, who Berg called his queen. Zerby became the leader of the sect when Berg died in 1994."
Well, whether it was or not, it's still horrifying. That poor guy.
Well, whether it was or not, it's still horrifying. That poor guy.
Oh no they di'n't!!
I can't get a recap up fast enough, and I'm busy at work, and I know you guys will want to talk about last night's episode of Heroes, so...discuss!!
Adrian Pasdar Q&A has an interview with Adrian Pasdar in which he talks about his life outside of Heroes, including his Civil War musical, his children's show for Nick, Jr. and his YouTube videos of behind-the-scenes antics of his co-stars (which are awesome!).
Here's what he has to say about the show:
We all have great faith in the writing team that puts together Heroes. Season 3 is going to be very interesting to see what happens and how they're able to take the lessons that we've learned, and really tell the story that they want to tell without losing an audience. Because the goal at the end of the day is to have as many people watch the show as you can. What's challenging is: It's not stupid TV, it's not a reality program. It actually is complex. There's many layers to Heroes. Tim's not averse to risk-taking, as he has proven in the episodes of season 2. I think it turns a corner; the last three or four episodes have really gotten back to the core of what the show is about.
Well, I hope tonight's (possibly season) finale peels back some of those layers and makes me eat my stupid words.
Here's a sampling of his YouTube videos:
Zachary Quinto and Kristin Bell at the Emmys:
And David Anders doing Peter O'Toole:
Here's what he has to say about the show:
We all have great faith in the writing team that puts together Heroes. Season 3 is going to be very interesting to see what happens and how they're able to take the lessons that we've learned, and really tell the story that they want to tell without losing an audience. Because the goal at the end of the day is to have as many people watch the show as you can. What's challenging is: It's not stupid TV, it's not a reality program. It actually is complex. There's many layers to Heroes. Tim's not averse to risk-taking, as he has proven in the episodes of season 2. I think it turns a corner; the last three or four episodes have really gotten back to the core of what the show is about.
Well, I hope tonight's (possibly season) finale peels back some of those layers and makes me eat my stupid words.
Here's a sampling of his YouTube videos:
Zachary Quinto and Kristin Bell at the Emmys:
And David Anders doing Peter O'Toole:
Drive Thru Review
300 - I'm not sure whether I liked this or not. The violence was almost pornographic in nature, not to mention the preponderance of bare-chested, panty-wearing men. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I'm just saying...I wonder if I wouldn't have enjoyed this movie more if I was a gay man?
Bender's Big Score - He's back, baby! I had so much fun watching this. And it's not just because I've been starving for new Futurama content, either. It really is good. I think you could enjoy it even if you haven't seen any of the TV show, but I would recommend that you watch the show on DVD first. A lot of the jokes will work better if you do. I wanted to see more of Zap Branigan, Kiff and Nibbler, and maybe a little less of the nude scammer aliens, but that's alright. There are 3 more movies coming!
Bender's Big Score - He's back, baby! I had so much fun watching this. And it's not just because I've been starving for new Futurama content, either. It really is good. I think you could enjoy it even if you haven't seen any of the TV show, but I would recommend that you watch the show on DVD first. A lot of the jokes will work better if you do. I wanted to see more of Zap Branigan, Kiff and Nibbler, and maybe a little less of the nude scammer aliens, but that's alright. There are 3 more movies coming!
Why bad kissers don't get to second base.
Um, perhaps because they are bad kissers?
Another in a long line of frivolous studies has determined that a budding relationship can be nipped in the uh, bud, with a horrendous first kiss. Well, duh.
Like most people, I've kissed my share of real winners. One guy literally tried to swallow my toungue. I swear, I thought he was going to rip it right out of my mouth. Then there was the suction cup/plunger guy who managed to consume the entire lower portion of my face. Definitely a deal-breaker.
Do you have any horrible kiss stories you'd like to share?
Another in a long line of frivolous studies has determined that a budding relationship can be nipped in the uh, bud, with a horrendous first kiss. Well, duh.
Like most people, I've kissed my share of real winners. One guy literally tried to swallow my toungue. I swear, I thought he was going to rip it right out of my mouth. Then there was the suction cup/plunger guy who managed to consume the entire lower portion of my face. Definitely a deal-breaker.
Do you have any horrible kiss stories you'd like to share?
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