
Drive Thru Review

300 - I'm not sure whether I liked this or not. The violence was almost pornographic in nature, not to mention the preponderance of bare-chested, panty-wearing men. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I'm just saying...I wonder if I wouldn't have enjoyed this movie more if I was a gay man?

Bender's Big Score - He's back, baby! I had so much fun watching this. And it's not just because I've been starving for new Futurama content, either. It really is good. I think you could enjoy it even if you haven't seen any of the TV show, but I would recommend that you watch the show on DVD first. A lot of the jokes will work better if you do. I wanted to see more of Zap Branigan, Kiff and Nibbler, and maybe a little less of the nude scammer aliens, but that's alright. There are 3 more movies coming!

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