First, the new movie finally has a title! It is, appropriately enough, The X-Files: I Want To Believe.
Second, here's a good article written by someone who toured the set during filming. Some things might be considered spoilery by some, but I didn't think so. Here's a snippet:
So, what is Mulder and Scully up against this time...an alien menace, more government spooks, Scully's offspring back for revenge like the Davies baby? Try an X-file that has never been covered before. Hard to believe, I know. "I have to say it was challenging after 202 hours to find something that wasn't done," admits Spotnitz. "That isn't to say there are not elements - there will always be [familiar] elements - but the fundamental idea is different from anything we had done in the show. What we also wanted was an X-file, however fractured, that could serve as a mirror to Mulder and Scully - we were looking for a case that could expose things about them."
There are links to interviews with Duchovny and Anderson at the bottom of that article, too.
Last but not least, another still from the movie:

Tres Kewl!
Thanx Gina
Gina, you have to read the current issue of EW's - they have an article about the movie. Nothing spoilery, of course, but more tidbits that just made me feel good about it. And a new photo, as well.
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