I'm going to be honest and say that I wasn't able to decide between Clinton and Obama. Each of them, in their own right, present a worthwhile, qualified and hopeful alternative to the current administration and I would have voted for either of them as the Democratic nominee. Hopefully, Obama will offer Clinton the VP job and I'll be able to vote for both of them.
My prediction for November: Obama wipes the floor with McCain, especially if he's got Hillary on the ticket.
Ok, this has got to be the scariest post I've ever read on your website.
(I'm not banned from thisisgina because I'm a Republican am I? lol)
I welcome any and all political affiliations!
This can't be a surprise to you, can it? Or to anyone who reads this blog? I suppose I don't talk very much about politics here (or anywhere for that matter - by choice), but guess I sort of figured my disgust with the current administration and the dunderhead in charge would have come throug at some point! ;-)
For the record: I'm a registered Indpendent, because back when I registered many, many moons ago, I could actually see myself possibly choosing a moderate Republican; however, the past 8 years have sent me RUNNING to the left. I've always been pretty liberal and Bush and his cronies just reinforced who I alway was, lol.
Which reminds me, I need change my party affiliation to Democrat.
BTW, Beth, I hope you don't let this scare you away!
Is there somwhere where they keep track? I just vote for whoever I damn please.. and the registration police suprisingly don't come after me..
'course I live in a foreign land where Unicorns and Snuffalupaguses run free..
Or is that Snuffalupagi?
I've always voted for Democrats while registered as an Independent. But you have to be a registered Democrat to vote in a primary, something I learned this year when I was turned away from polls :(.
It's Snuffalupagi, I believe.
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