
I'm on vacation!

We arrived at about 1:30 AM yesterday. Lily was a dream, sleeping the entire 8 hour drive. She only needed to be fed once.

Passing thunderstorms have been forecast for nearly every day this week, and we've been lucky so far, with the storms staying west of us. Zachary and I were outside in the evening yesterday, looking at a beautiful sunset while listening to thunder in the distance. I hope our luck holds up.

We're staying close to home today. A nice long walk to the dock and back, and then lunch.

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Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous, I have not had a vacation since Feb. Have a great time, and I hope the rain misses you all week.

Anonymous said...

It sounds just lovely.
I can't believe how good of a baby Lily is! Lucky you guys.
It's great thatyou can keep in touch a little bit - keep it up. :)