The American Promise
Click here for video and the full manuscript of Barack Obama's inspiring acceptance speech:
"The times are too serious, the stakes are too high for this same partisan playbook. So let us agree that patriotism has no party. I love this country, and so do you, and so does John McCain. The men and women who serve in our battlefields may be Democrats and Republicans and Independents, but they have fought together and bled together and some died together under the same proud flag. They have not served a Red America or a Blue America – they have served the United States of America.
So I’ve got news for you, John McCain. We all put our country first.
America, our work will not be easy. The challenges we face require tough choices, and Democrats as well as Republicans will need to cast off the worn-out ideas and politics of the past. For part of what has been lost these past eight years can’t just be measured by lost wages or bigger trade deficits. What has also been lost is our sense of common purpose – our sense of higher purpose. And that’s what we have to restore."
I am not a very political person, and I won't be filling this blog with political opinion. Last night's speech, however, was not only an inspiring speech, but it was also an historical one. It was a momentous night, one that made me proud to be an American, as hokey as that sounds. And I wanted to direct people who may have missed it to where they could find it.
"The times are too serious, the stakes are too high for this same partisan playbook. So let us agree that patriotism has no party. I love this country, and so do you, and so does John McCain. The men and women who serve in our battlefields may be Democrats and Republicans and Independents, but they have fought together and bled together and some died together under the same proud flag. They have not served a Red America or a Blue America – they have served the United States of America.
So I’ve got news for you, John McCain. We all put our country first.
America, our work will not be easy. The challenges we face require tough choices, and Democrats as well as Republicans will need to cast off the worn-out ideas and politics of the past. For part of what has been lost these past eight years can’t just be measured by lost wages or bigger trade deficits. What has also been lost is our sense of common purpose – our sense of higher purpose. And that’s what we have to restore."
I am not a very political person, and I won't be filling this blog with political opinion. Last night's speech, however, was not only an inspiring speech, but it was also an historical one. It was a momentous night, one that made me proud to be an American, as hokey as that sounds. And I wanted to direct people who may have missed it to where they could find it.
'Californication', indeed.
David Duchovny in sex addiction treatment.
I am shocked to hear it, but at the same time I am TOTALLY not surprised. Is that possible?
I hope his marriage survives. They seem like one of the few successful Hollywook couples. A friend of mine said she wished they wouldn't publicize that stuff and, really, I agree. It's not like he broke a law or anything. A sex addiction just seems so much more private and embarrassing than regular old drug addiction or alcoholism. You can't swing a dead cat in Hollywood with hitting someone who doesn't drink too much, snort too much, or eat too little.
I wish him well.
I am shocked to hear it, but at the same time I am TOTALLY not surprised. Is that possible?
I hope his marriage survives. They seem like one of the few successful Hollywook couples. A friend of mine said she wished they wouldn't publicize that stuff and, really, I agree. It's not like he broke a law or anything. A sex addiction just seems so much more private and embarrassing than regular old drug addiction or alcoholism. You can't swing a dead cat in Hollywood with hitting someone who doesn't drink too much, snort too much, or eat too little.
I wish him well.
The office went out for one of our dinners last night to Old Heidelberg and this was my beer. I think it's the biggest single drink I have ever drunk. I needed two hands to lift it to my mouth.
Everyone loved their dinners and we all had a great time. Below are some shots of the food. It was all delicious.
After all that beer, and all that cabbage and sausage, I was so filled with air that I swear I was up a pants size when I got in my car to leave!
Just $346,123.00 more and they break even!

The foreign box office totals are a month behind, and we still have DVD sales...could they actually make enough money for another movie?
I'd be willing to send in the $123.00, if they think that will help!
Some part of him must have known.
'100 Things' author dies at 47: "'This life is a short journey,' the book says. 'How can you make sure you fill it with the most fun and that you visit all the coolest places on earth before you pack those bags for the very last time?'"
Murder, He Wrote?

It sounds like a heaping portion of cheese, but it's got Nathan Fillion, and I'll watch anything he does.
As long as he doesn't wear a cravat, it should be fine.
A defining moment.
Michelle Obama was inspiring in her speech at the DNC last night: "Speaking to the convention crowd, Michelle talked not just of the candidate who could be president but of the guy she married. 'And in the end,' she said, 'after all that's happened these past 19 months, the Barack Obama I know today is the same man I fell in love with 19 years ago. He's the same man who drove me and our new baby daughter home from the hospital 10 years ago this summer, inching along at a snail's pace, peering anxiously at us in the rearview mirror, feeling the whole weight of her future in his hands, determined to give her everything he'd struggled so hard for himself, determined to give her what he never had: the affirming embrace of a father's love.'"
If you are interested but weren't able to see her speak last night, here's the speech:
The pundit response to the speech has been almost universally positive, as well it should be. She really did do a wonderful job, not only giving America a personal glimpse into herself, her husband and her family, but also revealing herself to be the type of woman that every young American girl, black or white, should aspire to be.
If you are interested but weren't able to see her speak last night, here's the speech:
The pundit response to the speech has been almost universally positive, as well it should be. She really did do a wonderful job, not only giving America a personal glimpse into herself, her husband and her family, but also revealing herself to be the type of woman that every young American girl, black or white, should aspire to be.
Please don't f--- with the Daisies!

It's not a cartoon and it's not weird! Leave it alone!
The article claims that the new episodes don't seem to be all that different: "And happily, an early peek at the new season reveals Daisies has not been neutered. The season premiere, titled "Bzzzzzzz," has Chuck going undercover at Betty's Bees, a maker of honey-infused beauty products (think Burt's), where a star "bee girl" company spokeswoman has been stung to death. Morbidly funny special effects are still part of the picture. Future episodes revolve around a circus and taxidermy."
I'll believe it when I see it. Just because an episode is set in a circus doesn't mean it's charming by default.
TV Talk: Are you ready for some new TV?
Summer's almost over and a new television season is almost upon us. Time flies when you're not glued to the TV set, I guess.
Most of my favorite shows aren't starting up again until the new year (LOST, Battelstar Galactica and 24, to name a few), but there are some fall premieres that I'm excited about. It seems like forever since I saw Heroes and Pushing Daisies, whose seasons were cut short by the writers' strike last year. I can't wait to see them again!
How about you? Take a minute and vote in the poll below. If I haven't listed a show you like (because I only listed shows I like), choose "Other" and tell me about it in the comments.
(You can pick more than one show, if you like)
I'll post another poll soon about the new shows coming out this fall!
Most of my favorite shows aren't starting up again until the new year (LOST, Battelstar Galactica and 24, to name a few), but there are some fall premieres that I'm excited about. It seems like forever since I saw Heroes and Pushing Daisies, whose seasons were cut short by the writers' strike last year. I can't wait to see them again!
How about you? Take a minute and vote in the poll below. If I haven't listed a show you like (because I only listed shows I like), choose "Other" and tell me about it in the comments.
(You can pick more than one show, if you like)
I'll post another poll soon about the new shows coming out this fall!
I did not know that Victoria Jackson is an Evangelical.
Or that she is completely OFF HER NUT:
"I don't want a political label, but Obama bears traits that resemble the anti- Christ and I'm scared to death that un- educated people will ignorantly vote him into office. My mom likes him because his children are well dressed!
You see, what bothers me most, besides that he is a Communist, and a whitey- hater, (although he is half white), is that he is a LIAR. He pretends to be a Christian and he incriminates himself everytime he speaks about Christianity. To lie about being a believer in Christ is very dangerous. Lightning could strike him at any minute! But seriously, he doesn't have a clue what the Bible says and yet he pretends to be a church- going Christian to win votes. That is sooooo evil."
I am speechless.
(thank you, defamer)
"I don't want a political label, but Obama bears traits that resemble the anti- Christ and I'm scared to death that un- educated people will ignorantly vote him into office. My mom likes him because his children are well dressed!
You see, what bothers me most, besides that he is a Communist, and a whitey- hater, (although he is half white), is that he is a LIAR. He pretends to be a Christian and he incriminates himself everytime he speaks about Christianity. To lie about being a believer in Christ is very dangerous. Lightning could strike him at any minute! But seriously, he doesn't have a clue what the Bible says and yet he pretends to be a church- going Christian to win votes. That is sooooo evil."
I am speechless.
(thank you, defamer)
I want to believe there'll be another movie.

There be MAJOR spoilers ahead!
I cannot believe it's taken me this long to post about the movie! I blame it on the drugs! (BTW, my back is still bothering me, although not as bad. Physical therapy is helping, but I wish it would heal faster, dammit)
I keep blaming the drugs, but seriously, I can't think well enough to do a proper review (and I was drugged when I saw the movie), so I'm just going to post some random thoughts. Please leave a comment if you saw the movie - I'd love to hear what you thought of it.
I was happy to see the take charge Scully back in action, especially after the way they were writing her at the end of the series. DD and GA did a wonderful job of showing just how much Mulder and Scully have changed over the years, as individuals as well as a couple. They are both so world-weary, you can see it in their eyes; but they’re also very confident of who they are to each other and, will wonders never cease - they actually talk to each other now!
I liked that the movie was more about them and that the x-file was secondary. I think that’s the way they had to go, after so much time had passed since we last saw them. I loved how they were able to tie Scully’s medical case to the x-file through her faith issues. That’s always been such a big theme in the show.
Billy Connolly was fantastic as Father Joe, especially in the scene where Scully goes to ask him what he meant when he told her, “Don’t give up”. Actually, I think that was one of the best scenes in the movie.
I don’t understand why the bad guys needed to have an organ transport company as a front. Can someone explain that to me? "Leoben" (Callum Keith Rennie) would pick up a cooler, bring it back to the office and then just leave it there? I’m confused. There's an urban legend about Russian scientists who severed a dog’s head and kept it alive (I think I read something in a Fark forum a while back), and I bet they based IWTB on that. I was pretty grossed out by the story, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I know there’s been discussion about the fact that the bad guys were a gay couple and that some people think Chris Carter was trying to say that gay men wish they had a woman's body...I don’t agree with that at all. I just think that they were written as gay because that was part of the connection between the bald guy and Father Joe; and they used a woman’s body because that was the only one that was available with that rare blood type.
There were some fun Easter eggs for longtime fans (geeks!) of the show (myself included): the contacts on Mulder's cell were names of behind the scenes people, Chris Carter was sitting in a hallway holding someone's ashes in an urn, and other fun stuff that to be honest, I sort of completely missed.
Overall, I thought the movie was very enjoyable. I think it succeeded as a film because it stayed true to the characterizations and themes of the show, which is quite a siginificant achievement, considering that it's been what, 5 years since it went off the air? The flip side of that, of course, is that it wasn't a movie for everyone and reviews were lukewarm at best and its domestic box office was relatively low. I hope that the movie does well enough in foreign box office for it to merit another installment (at least make back its $30 mil cost).
Besides, colonization is supposed to begin on December 22, 2012. They can't just leave us hanging like that!
And because this is a pretty lame review, I'll end it with a cool video made by someone else so you'll leave feeling like you just read something AWESOME:
** GAG **
Lawsuit says eatery to blame for 9-foot tapeworm: "In the lawsuit filed Monday, Anthony Franz said he ordered salmon salad for lunch from Shaw's Crab House in 2006 and fell violently ill. He later passed the giant parasite, which a pathologist determined came from undercooked fish, such as salmon."
Oh, I think I'm gonna faint.
Oh, I think I'm gonna faint.
A few more vacation shots.
Oh no.
MTV Awards once again to include Britney: "There's a possibility she'll get a chance to redeem last year's bad performance at this year's VMAs, to be held September 7 in Los Angeles; MTV has confirmed they are in talks to have Spears appear in some capacity, and she's appearing in two video ads to promote the show."
They've got some short memories over there at MTV.
The VMAs are pretty much irrelevant, so I guess they need something to draw viewers; but I wonder how the performers on the show with actual talent feel about being overshadowed by someone who is better at making headlines than she is at making music?
They've got some short memories over there at MTV.
The VMAs are pretty much irrelevant, so I guess they need something to draw viewers; but I wonder how the performers on the show with actual talent feel about being overshadowed by someone who is better at making headlines than she is at making music?
For sale on eBay...

"Arion"? Really?

I wonder if I'm the only person to notice the similarity?
Nominee for the Worst Advertising Idea EVER:

Spanish basketball team poses for offensive picture: "It's baffling that nobody involved in the picture -- from the photographers to the players -- even seemed to consider that this ad would be looked at negatively. Did it not occur to somebody that it might not be a good idea to mock an entire continent before the world's largest athletic competition that, by the way, happens to take place on that continent. (emphasis theirs) Were they not aware of an invention called 'the Internet' that allows pictures taken in Spain to be transmitted all over the world for the eyes of everyone?"
Out on the rocks.
Zachary spotted this sailboat out on Dyer Bay and called me out to see it. I brought my camera along and popped on my new zoom lens.
I love my new zoom lens.
Oh, my aching back!

At the very minimum, my lower lumbar muscles are strained. I have physical therapy twice a week, where I get a massage and do some stretching exercises (like the one pictured above). I feel awesome when I leave; unfortunately, by the time I get to work everything is tight again from the half hour drive in, and sitting at my desk is VERY uncomfortable. I stop a few times a day to do my stretches and that helps a lot. I'm also still on the drugs: Flexeril once in the morning and once at night, 4 Advil at least twice a day and depending on the pain, a Vicodin at night with the Flexeril. I tried to skip the Flexeril this morning, but by lunchtime I had to give in and take one.
So, yeah, I'm still hobbling around. I hope it's still warm out when I get home so I can go and float in the pool.
Oh! I almost forgot - I uploaded vacation photos to Flickr. I'll post a few when I get a chance.
Are you watching the Olympics?
I'm not. And I feel kind of bad about that. Sort of un-American.
When I was a kid, we were glued to the TV whenever the Olympics were on. Absolutely rapt. I was never really interested in sports all that much, but I wouldn't dream of missing the Olympics when I was growing up. I think it was the ideal of world harmony that was appealing (remember, when I was a kid we were in the middle of the Cold War), as well as the foreign locale. You got to visit other countries through the human interest stories and learn a lot about the host country, too.
Nowadays, those things aren't enough I guess. That whole "world harmony" thing doesn't really have the same impact for me now that I'm grownup know how the world really works, and they've gone overboard with the human interest stories. They may have toned it down a bit this year, but the last time I watched the Summer Games, I couldn't BELIEVE the time given to stories about the athletes. Just show the race, for crying out loud! And stop talking!
Bob Sassone over at TV Squad lays it all out better than me.
Of his reasons, I think the one that is the biggest hinderance for me is the schedule. There's just way too much stuff, too many events on too many channels, to keep track of; I prefer the Winter Games - I think they're much more exciting - but even for those, my viewing has gone down drastically because keeping track of my favorite events is overwhelming.
I didn't even bother to watch the Opening Ceremony this year. It's hard to watch a celebration of Chinese culture, knowing their history of human rights abuse. Which is a shame, because it is an amazing culture.
I did see one small part of the Opening Ceremony, though - I landed on it while surfing the channels - and it was incredible. Apparently China does not want video of the opening ceremony distributed on the web (surprise, surprise), so this bad copy (blurry picture and the sound is off) will have to do:
via videosift.com
It must have been amazing to see that in person.
So, are you watching?
When I was a kid, we were glued to the TV whenever the Olympics were on. Absolutely rapt. I was never really interested in sports all that much, but I wouldn't dream of missing the Olympics when I was growing up. I think it was the ideal of world harmony that was appealing (remember, when I was a kid we were in the middle of the Cold War), as well as the foreign locale. You got to visit other countries through the human interest stories and learn a lot about the host country, too.
Nowadays, those things aren't enough I guess. That whole "world harmony" thing doesn't really have the same impact for me now that I'm grownup know how the world really works, and they've gone overboard with the human interest stories. They may have toned it down a bit this year, but the last time I watched the Summer Games, I couldn't BELIEVE the time given to stories about the athletes. Just show the race, for crying out loud! And stop talking!
Bob Sassone over at TV Squad lays it all out better than me.
Of his reasons, I think the one that is the biggest hinderance for me is the schedule. There's just way too much stuff, too many events on too many channels, to keep track of; I prefer the Winter Games - I think they're much more exciting - but even for those, my viewing has gone down drastically because keeping track of my favorite events is overwhelming.
I didn't even bother to watch the Opening Ceremony this year. It's hard to watch a celebration of Chinese culture, knowing their history of human rights abuse. Which is a shame, because it is an amazing culture.
I did see one small part of the Opening Ceremony, though - I landed on it while surfing the channels - and it was incredible. Apparently China does not want video of the opening ceremony distributed on the web (surprise, surprise), so this bad copy (blurry picture and the sound is off) will have to do:
via videosift.com
It must have been amazing to see that in person.
So, are you watching?
If I were Samuel L. Jackson, I'd go in for a m*therf*ckin' checkup, ASAP.
He, Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes are all in the new movie Soul Men. He should also look both ways before he crosses the road. And no airplane rides for a while, either.
On the subject, here's an interesting article about the late Mr. Hayes and how the fact that he was a Scientologist may have been connected to his death. Tenuous, but still sort of creepy.
Oo, and I just realized something else weird - SLJ played Shaft in the remake, right?
I was really sad to hear about Bernie Mac. I liked him. When you get the chance, watch this while the kids aren't around:
He had impeccable timing.
On the subject, here's an interesting article about the late Mr. Hayes and how the fact that he was a Scientologist may have been connected to his death. Tenuous, but still sort of creepy.
Oo, and I just realized something else weird - SLJ played Shaft in the remake, right?
I was really sad to hear about Bernie Mac. I liked him. When you get the chance, watch this while the kids aren't around:
He had impeccable timing.
Alright, I admit it, that's funny.
The Claby Cometh!
Sidenote: As if this story couldn't be anymore reproductively confusing, the mother of the Clayby is named Jaymes! Excellent!
Sidenote: As if this story couldn't be anymore reproductively confusing, the mother of the Clayby is named Jaymes! Excellent!
In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups...
Barback admits luring victim to Times Square club roof and killing her: "A Times Square club worker confessed to bludgeoning a drunken Queens woman and stuffing her body in a rooftop shed during a star-studded birthday party for rapper Lil' Kim, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said Thursday."
That has Law & Order written ALL over it.
That has Law & Order written ALL over it.
Has the mystery of Clark Rockefeller been solved?

Who will get their hands on this first: Bill Curtis or Dominick Dunne?
Quotable Movie Clips
My sisters and I quote these movies all the time. Can you guess which lines we love?
Anderson Cooper, will you marry me?
Listen to him tear the Lohans APART:
Later that day, Dina Lohan takes things to the next level, calling OK! Magazine, and we might have a celebrity feud on our hands!:
Oh, I hope she keeps this up.
Later that day, Dina Lohan takes things to the next level, calling OK! Magazine, and we might have a celebrity feud on our hands!:
Oh, I hope she keeps this up.
When's the last time someone checked on Michael Caine?
Heath Ledger ODs, Christian Bale is brought up on assault charges by his supposedly greedy mother and sister, and now this:
Morgan Freeman In Serious Car Wreck
The Curse of the Dark Knight, perhaps?
I'm just sayin'.
And I was serious about Micheal Caine. Has anyone checked on him?
Morgan Freeman In Serious Car Wreck
The Curse of the Dark Knight, perhaps?
I'm just sayin'.
And I was serious about Micheal Caine. Has anyone checked on him?
The fog is lifting, a bit.

I'm back at work today, so I only took the Flexeril and 4 Advil with breakfast. After the half hour drive into work, however, the pain was such that I had to take a Vicodin. And now I'm useless!
I'm going for an MRI tonight, and I begin physical therapy on Wednesday morning. Hopefully, the MRI will shed some light on the problem and the physical therapy will help me to feel better. We have a wedding in DC on Friday night and I want to be able to do the drive down on Thursday. I'll just have to take it one day at a time.
In the meantime, I'll try to get back into blogging, including getting my vacation pictures uploaded to Flickr. Don't give up on me!
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