There be MAJOR spoilers ahead!
I cannot believe it's taken me this long to post about the movie! I blame it on the drugs! (BTW, my back is still bothering me, although not as bad. Physical therapy is helping, but I wish it would heal faster, dammit)
I keep blaming the drugs, but seriously, I can't think well enough to do a proper review (and I was drugged when I saw the movie), so I'm just going to post some random thoughts. Please leave a comment if you saw the movie - I'd love to hear what you thought of it.
I was happy to see the take charge Scully back in action, especially after the way they were writing her at the end of the series. DD and GA did a wonderful job of showing just how much Mulder and Scully have changed over the years, as individuals as well as a couple. They are both so world-weary, you can see it in their eyes; but they’re also very confident of who they are to each other and, will wonders never cease - they actually talk to each other now!
I liked that the movie was more about them and that the x-file was secondary. I think that’s the way they had to go, after so much time had passed since we last saw them. I loved how they were able to tie Scully’s medical case to the x-file through her faith issues. That’s always been such a big theme in the show.
Billy Connolly was fantastic as Father Joe, especially in the scene where Scully goes to ask him what he meant when he told her, “Don’t give up”. Actually, I think that was one of the best scenes in the movie.
I don’t understand why the bad guys needed to have an organ transport company as a front. Can someone explain that to me? "Leoben" (Callum Keith Rennie) would pick up a cooler, bring it back to the office and then just leave it there? I’m confused. There's an urban legend about Russian scientists who severed a dog’s head and kept it alive (I think I read something in a Fark forum a while back), and I bet they based IWTB on that. I was pretty grossed out by the story, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I know there’s been discussion about the fact that the bad guys were a gay couple and that some people think Chris Carter was trying to say that gay men wish they had a woman's body...I don’t agree with that at all. I just think that they were written as gay because that was part of the connection between the bald guy and Father Joe; and they used a woman’s body because that was the only one that was available with that rare blood type.
There were some fun Easter eggs for longtime fans (geeks!) of the show (myself included): the contacts on Mulder's cell were names of behind the scenes people, Chris Carter was sitting in a hallway holding someone's ashes in an urn, and other fun stuff that to be honest, I sort of completely missed.
Overall, I thought the movie was very enjoyable. I think it succeeded as a film because it stayed true to the characterizations and themes of the show, which is quite a siginificant achievement, considering that it's been what, 5 years since it went off the air? The flip side of that, of course, is that it wasn't a movie for everyone and reviews were lukewarm at best and its domestic box office was relatively low. I hope that the movie does well enough in foreign box office for it to merit another installment (at least make back its $30 mil cost).
Besides, colonization is supposed to begin on December 22, 2012. They can't just leave us hanging like that!
And because this is a pretty lame review, I'll end it with a cool video made by someone else so you'll leave feeling like you just read something AWESOME:
I liked the movie, always great to see Mulder and Scully. I wish they had more scenes together. My 13 yr old wanted to see it, but with the gruesome body part stuff I said no. I hope it does well enough for them to make more, too.
I'm glad you liked it, Beth! I agree that the gruesome stuff was too much for kids - it was almost too much for me.
And I agree that the more scenes they have together, the better. It's amazing that even after all these years they still have that same chemistry.
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