
DHARMA Wants You

So have you started playing the new ARG (alternate reality game) from the makers of LOST?

The game actually began back in May, when ABC aired a commercial during the LOST season finale for a Dharma company called Octagon Global Recruiting, which said that Dharma was looking for volunteer recruits and directed you to their website, where you could register your e-mail. Things really went into motion at the San Diego Comic Con, I guess, where "Dharma" was supposedly 'recruiting' new volunteers. You can read all about the progress of the game so far, including all of the drama at Comic Con, by going to the Dharma Initiative Recruiting Project at Lostpedia.

Once you've gotten caught up on what's going on, head over to Dharmawantsyou.com and register as a new recruit and let the fun begin.


Anonymous said...

I've been playing - need something to tide me over until next year - and I am enjoying the challenges. I especially enjoyed the last question on test 2. At least it is easier to keep up with than last year's webgame.

gina said...

I agree, it's definitely easier to play this time around.

I really miss the show. Are you going to watch Fringe, JJ Abrahams' new show?

Anonymous said...

I will probably check it out, although I have not been watching much over the summer so I hope I don't miss it. I guess I should program the ol' DVR... (I heart my DVR!)

gina said...

I do, too. (my DVR, not yours, although I'm sure yours is perfectly fine!)

I've got a list of shows I need to program that I meant to set up last night. I'd better make sure I do it tonight.

pencorco said...

The ARG is great. You can make your own "Evaluation Test" on the site. Here is the one I made.


Post yours and I will do it so you get the points too.