Has anyone besides us been watching Harper's Island? The fifth episode was on Saturday night, and it was one of their best. That's good news for them, since we were becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the show, for many reasons. Among them: The cast is way too large and indistinguishable; the pace can be sluggish; characters die and no one misses them; and a criminal over-use of the "fake scare" horror cliche. However, Saturday's episode seemed to be a course correction, and from what I've read, things really begin to pick up from here on out. I hope so.
I just found out the other day that PBS' latest installment of Masterpiece Mystery is a series called Wallander, that stars Kenneth Branagh. The first episode was on last night and I recorded it. It looks intriguing. I'll let you know what I think. (If you want to check it out, you can watch the first episode online at the link above)
As this post's title points out, this is finale week for a big chunk of television, so I thought I'd re-post the finale schedule I gave you last week.
24 - Two hour finale, Monday, May 18
30 Rock - Thursday, May 14
The Amazing Race - Sunday, May 10
Big Bang Theory - Monday, May 11
The Biggest Loser - Two hour finale, Tuesday, May 12
Bones - Thursday, May 14
Castle - Monday, May 11
Criminal Minds - Two hour finale, Wednesday, May 20
CSI Orginal Recipe - Thursday, May 14
Fringe - Tuesday, May 12
Law & Order: SVU - Tuesday, June 2
LOST - Two hour finale, Wednesday, May 13
The Castle finale is tonight, and I wonder if they'll do anything special for it. I haven't heard yet if ABC renewed the show, but I hope they do, if only so that Nathan Fillion doesn't have to add another show that lasted only one season to his resume!
Wow, that was a very rambly post.
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