True Blood just keeps getting better each week! Friends and I have been talking about Sunday's episode via e-mail, and here's some of the stuff I had to say.
1) I was reading the episode thread at TWoP and this comment made me LOL:
Could you imagine if you worked on True Blood and it was your job to hang out with ASkars all day while he's wearing that tank top? I'd be getting written up by HR everyday because I'd be sexually harassing that shit like he was a secretary on Mad Men.
2) Jason coming to Sookie’s rescue was amazing – inspiring and hilarious all at the same time. I nearly died when he called Rev. Newlin a "white-suit-wearing motherf*cker" and shot him in the forehead with the paintball gun. I find it hard to believe that this is the last we’ll see of the Fellowship. There’s too much unresolved there. And I don’t want that to be the last we see of the Newlins. They are way too entertaining.
3) I’m not sure we got the whole story behind Godric’s “kidnapping” by the Fellowship. In fact, I wonder if he was kidnapped at all, or if he went willingly. If he could get out of his “cell” to save Sookie from Gabe, then there was no way he was being kept securely enough to prevent a vampire as powerful as he is from escaping altogether. And what's with the not eating? Maybe he's just given up and wants to die already. I'm liking Eric even more now that his devotion to and apparent love for Godric has been added to his character and he's more than just bored and brooding.
4) I do hope that was the last we see of Lorena. I felt sorry for her but she was BO-RING. And pathetic.
5) I’m having a really hard time getting a handle on what is going on with Maryann, despite being shown basically the same scene a million times over: Maryann makes people lustful/violent/slaves to their worst impulses...yes, we got that. But WHY? Just because she can? I guess that’s fine, but the story seems to have stalled. I’m hoping someone catches on real quick because this story needs a serious kick in the butt.
You may have already read about this, or know about it, but I thought I’d share a couple of paragraphs from Wikipedia’s description of a Maenad:
In Greek mythology, maenads were the female followers of Dionysus, the most significant members of theThiasus, the retinue of Dionysus. Their name literally translates as "raving ones". Often the maenads were portrayed as inspired by him into a state of ecstatic frenzy, through a combination of dancing and drunken intoxication.[1] In this state, they would lose all self control, begin shouting excitedly, engage in uncontrolled sexual behavior, and ritualistically hunt down and tear animals (and sometimes men and children) to pieces, devouring the raw flesh.
Cultic rites associated with worship of the Greek god of wine, Bacchus (or Dionysus), allegedly characterized by maniacal dancing to the sound of loud music and crashing cymbals, in which the revellers, called Bacchantes, whirled, screamed, became drunk and incited one another to greater and greater ecstasy. The goal was to achieve a state of enthusiasm in which the celebrants’ souls were temporarily freed from their earthly bodies and were able to commune with Bacchus/Dionysus and gain a glimpse of and a preparation for what they would someday experience in eternity after their resurrection. The rite climaxed in a performance of frenzied feats of strength and madness, such as uprooting trees, tearing a bull (the symbol of Dionysus) apart with their bare hands, an act called sparagmos, and eating its flesh raw, an act called omophagia. This latter rite was a sacrament akin to communion in which the participants assumed the strength and character of the god by symbolically eating the raw flesh and drinking the blood of his symbolic incarnation. Having symbolically eaten his body and drunk his blood, the celebrants became possessed by Dionysus.
Sounds about right. Too bad they don't include instructions on how to kill her.
6) That heart pot pie scene was the nastiest thing I have seen on this show. From the moment Maryann put it on the cutting board all the way to Tara and Eggs beating the sh*t out of each other. Wake up, Tara! PLEASE!
7) Why didn’t Sam tell the Sheriff that Andy wasn’t crazy and was telling the truth? I mean, the sheriff’s got half the town locked up for indecent behavior, he might be able to put two and two together and think there might be something to what Sam and Andy are saying. Sam has some bad sh*t happen to him, but sometimes he’s his own worse enemy.
8) I love it when Lafayette wears his makeup and doo rag.
9) Poor Jessica.
10) And one more thing: Bill's man-bangs have got to GO! Whoever does his hair, makeup and wardrobe should be fired.
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