
TV Talk: Post-Emmy Edition

For someone who loves TV as much as I do, you'd think that Emmy night would be a big deal for me. It isn't.

I "watch" the Emmys (and other award shows) online, on the day after they aired. I just can't be bothered with sitting there for hours, watching the awards go to either the same old, boring people (Jon Cryer? Really?) or to shows and actors that I don't watch (Mad Men, Breaking Bad, 30 Rock...and nowadays, that accounts for most of the winners and nominees, I'm afraid to admit). And for some reason, the older I get, the more self-congratulatory these award shows feel to me.

Instead, I read recaps by my favorite TV bloggers, look at the red carpet pictures, and watch the highlights on YouTube and the like. Isn't the Internet a wonderful thing?

From what I hear, Neil Patrick Harris did a fabulous job hosting, and Michael Emerson won! YES! YES! And I read that Ricky Gervais was very funny, and there was even a Dr. Horrible clip! Cool.

Let's see if I can find some good videos to share...

NPH's opening song:

Ricky Gervais presents award to Jon Stewart (if only Simon Pegg was there they would have completed my Funny Geek Crush Trifecta):

And finally, Dr. Horrible and Captain Hammer highjack the show:

1 comment:

Dr Zibbs said...

Love Ricky G.