
TV Talk: Last Night

FlashForward - I really, really like the idea of this show, but I'm finding that the execution is a little off. I'm in it for the season, definitely - I have way too much experience with complex and mysterious TV arcs and way-out concepts to give up so early! - I just wished I liked it a little bit more. I have identified one issue I have with the show: Joseph Fiennes. He manages to suck the life out of every scene he is in, I swear. And that's not so good, considering he's the lead. Also not so good: the focus on his wife's vision and the "other man". Don't they have WAY more important things to deal with - like a hospital full of trauma patients and a world-wide catastrophe - more important than whether or not she's going to end up cheating on him? She's an ER doctor and he's an FBI agent heading the investigation into the cause of the worldwide blackout and it's only been 3 days since it happened. In reality, they probably wouldn't even have seen each other yet, let alone gone home every night or visited each other's offices DURING THE DAY. Shouldn't these 2 be working?

Fringe - I thought Fringe had another strong outing last night. The bomber story was suspenseful, and there were some great character moments (especially the quieter lab scenes between Walter and Astrid). The only weak part was the trip to Baghdad. Peter is a tough sell as a badass, for me, and that guy forgave him awfully quickly, don't you think?

So I hear David Letterman's been in the news? (You can read about it here - sorry, CBS removed the video from YouTube so I can't embed Dave's, um, announcement here). My opinion: It's pretty crummy of him to cheat on his girlfriend, but he gets high marks from me for standing up to the extortionist and coming clean on national TV. He'd never make it as a politician, that's for damn sure!

1 comment:

krys said...

I just saw the first 2 eps of Flash Forward today, and I'm really enjoying it. Very exciting!

I also saw Fringe today (can you tell what I did all day? lol), and I thought that was great, as well. Watching another show with the XF creepy storylines makes me realize how much I've missed some of that, you know?

I think you're right about buying Peter as a tough guy. Not so much.

Did you love the Ovaltine Cafe at the end? :)