Last night's episode - "Brown Betty", a pot-fueled, noir fantasy sprinkled with song - might not have been everyone's cup of tea, but I thought it was fantastic. Being the geek that I am, the sci-fi aspects of the show are what drew me in, but it's the characters and emotional storytelling the keep me watching. And "Brown Betty" was filled with both, allowing us to see the characters through Walter's eyes. Both Peter and Olivia seemed more alive, somehow (and didn't she look gorgeous?), and had more chemistry together in one episode than they have had in all the others combined. Interesting that Walter sees them that way. I liked the metaphor of the glass heart, how Peter had stolen Walter's heart when he left. Walter's own view of himself - as the villain of the story, the stealer of children's dreams, someone unworthy of a happy ending - was so sad.
As far as the musical portions (mandated by FOX as part of their musical-themed week of programming), they weren't nearly as intrusive as I thought they would be, and I especially loved Broyles' song and Olivia singing "For Once In My Life" to Peter.
"Brown Betty" allowed us to pause and spend time with the characters, to understand where they are emotionally before the inevitable shit starts hitting the fan on the way to the season finale. I just hope that ultimately, when all is said and done and the show finishes its run, that Walter, Peter and Olivia get the happy ending that they deserve.
I'm looking forward to watching it again.
I had been so disappointed to lose power 24 minutes into Fringe the other night, but it was Holly to the rescue- I got to see it at her house last night (thank you!!!!). I just LOVED it.
It helps that I love the show to begin with, but oh, my- dress my favorite characters up in those clothes, and I didn't even care that there was singing, lol. It was so interesting to see things from Walter's viewpoint that way (even though it was, as you said, heartbreaking). I liked the relationship commentary by Ella, too.
I am a big fan of Olivia/Peter, but you could have sold me on an Olivia/"Esther" pairing during this ep, lol.
I can't wait to see what they do next. Oh, and I just ordered season 1 DVDs, too- I really want to watch it from the beginning again. :)
Thanks for the great review. We are a week or so behind (have them on DVR) and I hope to catch up this weekend! My husband groaned when he heard musical episode, but I am looking forward to it.
Krys, there was definitely a sexiness to the Olivia/'Esther' scene. Walter's imagination at work, I suppose, lol.
Beth, it's barely a musical, the songs being very brief. When Olivia was singing to Peter, I actually got teary. You'll understand when you see it.
Gina, I'm glad you said that- I was thinking it was all in my head. Dress Olivia up like Kate Hepburn and my brain just gets friend, lol. I actually missed the fact that she was sarcastic when she told "Esther" that it felt good, keep going.
I got a little teary, too, when Olivia sang to Peter (yes, ME, who dislikes musicals!). Holly and I were both thinking that people with accents usually sound less like they have an accent when they're singing, but we could both hear hers more.
Oh, another scene that was really touching to me was when we were first introduced to "Esther". Even though Walter might not always remember her name, he certainly thinks of her as a special person in his life.
(oops, my brain gets FRIED, not friend. hmmm)
I thought it was hilarious that Esther was applying for a job as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital, lol.
Have not watched it yet... we are all caught up except this episode but I hope to watch it soon so I know what the heck you guys are talking about! lol
You need to watch it before tomorrow's episode!
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