Now, we've all been watching a lot of the news lately, and I for one know that I am in need of some serious massage therapy to repair the crick in my neck resulting from attempts to read that damn scrolling text at the bottom of the screen while simultaneously trying to listen to the latest anthrax/terrorism/military expert talking head who happens to be expounding at the time. What I find most annoying, though, is the need that news organizations feel to give a name to the current crisis. We've all seen them - "America Under Attack"; "America Fights Back"; "America On Guard". Alright already! We know what's going on. This is not a movie or television show - we don't need a title. By titling their coverage of the crisis they reduce it to yet another form of entertainment, a current events soap opera. Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong. (nod to Mr. Miller).
Never fear, news-weary citizens - those crazy kids over at Comedy Central's The Daily Show have come up with the perfect title/graphic:

image courtesy
I'm still smiling.
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