We now have confirmation that a case of anthrax has been confirmed in New York City. There is so much information swirling around out there that I don't know what to believe or even what I should be feeling. Should I be terrified? Should I be non-chalant? Or should I walk around in a fog of vaguely-defined anxiety, which is what I've been doing? I think the best way to confront issues like these is to learn as much as I can about them. Here are some pertinent articles regarding the cases of anthrax in Florida and New York:
What is anthrax?
Commentary: Anthrax in Perspective.
CDC - Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response. [.pdf files]
In related news:
The FBI has issued an advisory regarding suspicious letters or packages. It is a .pdf file, so you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed in order to view it. If you can, I would recommend printing it out and posting it in your workplace.
During his speech and press conference last night, President Bush made reference to a warning from the FBI regarding possible imminent terrorist attacks. Here is the press release from the FBI website:
"Certain information, while not specific as to target, gives the government reason to believe that there may be additional terrorist attacks within the United States and against U.S. interests overseas over the next several days. The FBI has again alerted all local law enforcement to be on the highest alert and we call on all people to immediately notify the FBI and local law enforcement of any unusual or suspicious activity. "
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