This wasn't nearly as painful as I thought it was going to be - I was afraid that Rachel's first solo outing as a field agent would stretch the bounds of believability to the breaking point, but they did a good job of making her look like what she is, and amateur.
There isn't really much else about this episode that stands out for me, except for a few small things:
~ the scene between Rachel and Grace in the gym was well done. I like Grace, but if he looked and talked less like Charlie Sheen, I'd like him even more.
~ Dixon's love-crazy African/Indian with a speech impediment was a riot - just where was that acccent supposed to be from? Any Dixon is good Dixon.
~ Shout-out to the spork!
~ Looks like we have the answer to whether Rachel is gay or not - she talked about the slut who stole her male prom date
~ That was a terrible scene between her and Peyton, including the fight. Poorly shot and poorly acted.
Fait Accompli
This episode was just jam-packed!
~ I liked being brought back to the early days of Alias when Sydney ran into her old college professor, Mr. Wu.
~ The Sloane/Dean storyline moved along nicely, with Sloane confessing to APO that he was being forced to cooperate with Dean, Dean's capture, his torture and ultimately his death at the hands of Sloane. I liked that Rachel could play a part in his capture in her own small way, by clobbering him with a shovel. Twice. Anyone have the exact words that Dean said to Sydney near the end of their little talk? If I remember correctly, it was ominous.
~ So, Nadia is still a zombie. It was a nice scene for the few minutes she was normal.
~ Pregnant or not, Sydney's still got it when it comes to the undercover work. Great stuff at the track.
~ Does the new bad guy look familiar to anyone else? Was he in this show before? I just looked him up on imdb and his name is Angus MacFadyen and he's Scottish (you think?). His character's name is Joseph Ehrmann and he's not listed as having appeared in Alias before.
~ I'm guessing that all of that computer/network chasing was to find out that Prophet Five has infiltrated the government, just like the Alliance did. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
~ And finally, the best part of the episode, Crib-building with SpyDaddy.
Alias is on Wednesday night at 10:00 this week, after LOST. This isn't a permanent move, though. It's just for a couple of weeks. Those network people really know how to kill a show, huh? I'll give a heads-up here when I hear more.
ETA: How could I forget Sark in the previews?! Sark!
E(again)TA: Oops, my bad - Alias is not returning until Wednesday, December 7, when it will be on at 10:00, after LOST. Sorry about that!
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