Ah, the joys of remaining spoiler-free and the benefits of having no memory to speak of.
I thought the episode was really good.
~ I was so glad that Sayid saw Walt. That at least takes the possibility that Shannon was crazy out of the mix. I think Walt has certain telepathic abilities and he’s using them to try to warn people. So I think he’s alive. One of the things they studied on the island was “remote viewing” (“remote viewing is the alleged psychic ability to perceive places, persons and actions that are not within the range of the senses.") and I wonder if that plays into things, too.
~ I guess some people thought that the “telegraphing” of Shannon’s death was really heavy handed – finally getting it on with Sayid, the sympathetic backstory, the “I love you and believe in you” from Sayid – but I swear I did NOT seeing it coming. I had even forgotten that they said something about one of the castaways dying in the previews a few weeks ago. My jaw was just hanging open in that scene. The look on Michael and Jin’s faces was so sad, and that was some awesome acting from Naveen Andrews. I really want Sayid to go all Iraqi Republican Guard on Ana Lucia’s butt. At the very least, if AL did kill Shannon, it sets up an interesting dynamic when the two groups merge. I say "if" because there is some (supportable) speculation out there that Shannon's wound was clearly not from a bullet but is a long slash mark (possibly from a machete?) and that she was killed by one of the Udders and AL shot that person.
~ Speaking of losing a castaway – what the hell happened to Cindy?! That was scary.
~ I liked Locke and the baby. He’s totally right about the swaddling (although how he knows that is beyond me), too. They love to be wrapped up like little burritos, don't they? Anyhoo, I’m glad Claire told Lock about Charlie’s Virgin Mary stash. I’m not sure where they’re taking Charlie’s character, though. Sometimes I like him, sometimes he’s a bit irritating.
~ Maggie Grace (Shannon) really had a very good swan song, acting wise. Her face when the doctor was telling her and her stepmother that her father had died just killed me. I was never a big Shannon (or Boone) fan, so while it was a shock to see her killed, I’m shocked in a good way, if that makes any sense, lol.
~ So now we know why one of the Udders was dragging a teddy bear – they took children from the tail section group. Creepy. Maybe that’s the reason for taking Walt – nothing to do with his special powers or anything – they just want children for some reason?
~ No Kate or Jack (except for that quick pass-by in the hospital hallway), and that was fine.
~ I liked the little scene between Sawyer and Michael, just before Sawyer slipped into unconsciousness.
~ Mistereko is a very cool character. They had better not kill him off any time soon.
~ Boone’s wig was horrifying.
~ I wonder why, when Shannon had Vincent smell the shirt and go find Walt, Vincent led her to Boone’s grave? Or did she just stop there?
~ And finally, I went to the TWoP board to find out what it was Walt was saying backward: it was “They’re close, and they’re coming.” Or something like that. Oh, and there are some bitter people there. There’s a reason I stay away from that board.
Tonight's episode looks to be a good one, much better than I was anticipating when I heard it was going to be about the Tailaways first 48 days. I’m looking forward to seeing what happened to them. Oh, and don't forget - this episode is 65 minutes long, so set your VCR and/or Tivo (if you can) accordingly.
1 comment:
I agree on everything. And I love Lost -- perhaps too much -- but I can't go to any of the fan sites or boards because of all the bitterness and ESPECIALLY because of all the spoilers. Why do people enjoy doing that? Anyway, you are lucky to have forgotten all the "someone's going to die" hoopla.
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