Another great episode, I thought. The guy who plays Eko is a wonderful actor. The priest thing wasn't a surprise, but the way he got to be one was. He made me cry when he found his brother in the plane and when he said he was a priest and when he recited the 23rd Psalm.
Charlie made me laugh out loud when he said, "What are you going to do? Beat me with your Jesus stick?" Claire pissed me off when she kicked him "out". OK, you never lied, Claire? Yeah, he can be annoying, but has Charlie ever hurt the baby? Has Charlie done any drugs since you've known him? Has Charlie ever done anything but help you? Where are you going to get your peanut butter now, huh?
I totally thought he was going to throw the statue in the fire that Eko had set. I was very disappointed about his stash, too. Based on what Claire knew, I think she was a bit premature in kicking him out, but in the end she may have done the right thing. For herself. It's not the right thing for Charlie, though.
Anyway, I really liked the Eko stuff. (the rest of the ep was throwaway, except for the setup for Michael's freakout next week). When I thought he had been on the drug plane, I figured he must have been on the island for a while - was he by himself? Was he an "Other"? Then when we found out he was not on the drug plane, I wondered what brought him to the island? It can't be just a coincidence that he was on the flight that crashed on the same island as his brother. Also, what was it about Eko that made the black smoke thing back away? Who has the smoke monster actually killed? The pilot and who else? When the camera went inside the monster and we got its POV of Eko, it looked like it was scanning him. Like x-rays or something. Or maybe they were images from his past? Locke also got looked at by the same thing, and passed what seems like the same test.
I was annoyed by the fact that Michael and Locke were using a jar of FOOD for target practice. Um, guys, why don't you just plug up all your water sources while you're at it? It looked like tartar sauce, but still, lol. They couldn't shoot at a log or something? (apparently it was ranch dressing - making this even more of a crime) Also, is it wise to waste bullets to teach Michael how to shoot, especially when he's clearly not in his right mind and has already resorted to desperate measures to find Walt? Speaking of Walt, Michael using the computer to chat with him (or with who or what he thinks is Walt) doesn't seem to have brought about the end of the world yet.
It was nice of Sun and Jin to bring Ana some food. Did you guys check out her teeth??? Someone got some new ones. She looks like a completely different person. And I think Kate can leave her life of crime behind and open a little beauty salon on the island, if Sawyer's new do is any indication of her work.
Next week: Michael hunts him some Others.
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