Things picked up right where they left off, with Pegasus and Galactica facing off, and quickly progressed from there. Within ten minutes a secret surveillance mission was completed, the face-off was ended and a temporary truce was called. The teasers for this show sometimes cram as much in as other shows do in an hour.
My favorite characters have always been Adama and Roslin, so I enjoyed their scenes in Resurrection Ship the most. They are the heart and soul of the show, I think, or Galactica's Mom and Dad, as some have called them. I can't imagine these characters in the hands of anyone other actors; Mary McDonnell and Edward James Olmos act the shit out of their scenes.
Besides the astounding acting and writing on this show, the most remarkable thing about it is the way it acts as a window on our humanity (or lack of) during a time of war, and how it filters current events through storytelling and reflects them back on us. Please, please, please, watch this show.
Gina think I might go searching for seas. one on DVD or seas 2 of Deadwood, if it's out yet.
Having watched the original series with Lorne Green, might be hard to wrap my head around Starbuck as a woman. But, then there's Home Town Girl (almost) Trica Helfer to take the edge off. Canadian Made show, I don't recieve it.
You definitely need to give the new BSG a chance, JC. There's a miniseries that you should start with, and then the season 1 DVDs. The show is light years away from the original BSG, different enough that I think you can enjoy as a completely separate entity. Also, Tricia Helfer is much more than a pretty face - she is really an excellent actress.
I checked and season 2 of Deadwood isn't on DVD yet, probably because it's still airing on HBO in reruns. Season 3 will air some time this year (probably in March), at which point they will likely release season 2 on DVD.
gina, I totally missed out on BSG, and since you and I totally have the same taste I need to get on board.
So here's the thing. What's the best way? Do I do the movie first? Or Season 1? Or can I jump in? What do you suggest is the best newbie way?
I trust you completely
Wow. Completely, huh?
I jumped on board at the beginning of Season 1, renting the DVD of the miniseries after that season and before S2 started. I floundered a bit at the beginning, having not seen the miniseries, but I didn't do too badly.
I'm pretty sure everything is on DVD and I know it's all available for download at iTunes - including a free "insider" doc that gets you up to speed. I'm a bit anal about these things, so if it were me, I would start with the miniseries and work my way through the seasons. The miniseries is 4 episodes, Season 1 is 13 episodes and so far, Season 2 is 13 episodes, too.
That amounts to just a little more than the length of a regular season for a broadcast network show. You can knock those off in a weekend, I bet. ;)
Most important thing - this show packs a much more powerful punch the less spoiled you are, so try to stay away from those!
I am a master spoiler avoider... I am still on Angel 2!... so I will wait until I have time to digest it in proper order. I am like you, it has to be just right. I will wait until I can do it with a clear conscience, when work isn't breathing down my neck. So that means summer at the earliest. Don't say anything! ;-)
That sounds like a plan to me. You are going to love it. You'll have to keep me aprised once you start watching it.
I'll be posting things here and there about the current episodes, and when I do I'll make sure to mark it with a spoiler warning!
JC, let me know if you start watching it, too.
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